
changes in society


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Sometimes there is a time and a place for people to loose their minds.

More and more, due to the breeding group, those places are getting more and more limited.

I'd rather watch folk loose it in a semi-controlled place like a ball park.

The other option came out of the narrator's mouth one day:
"And this button-down, Oxford-cloth psycho might just snap, and then stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers. This might be someone you've known for years. Someone very, very close to you."

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Yeah those places are called bars and other drinking establishments. Go bezerk. But sports events have always included all segments of society and I reckon it's fair enough that you pull your head in at these times.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Well I don't take my kids to every event possible but the few times I do I don't think it unreasonable for them to be able to avoid drunken morons screaming obscenities and generally making life uncomfortable for people there to enjoy the game. Have a drink, scream for your team but don't be an arsehole about it. It is possible to do.
You don't get it. The drunker, louder and more obnoxious you are, the better chance your team has of winning on the field. Why can't you understand that?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
You don't get it. The drunker, louder and more obnoxious you are, the better chance your team has of winning on the field. Why can't you understand that?
Yeah I love the subtext- my right to be an arsehole whenever I want to be usurps your right to have a nice day at the footy/baseball/cricket/hockey whatever.


Oct 17, 2002
Before you get labeled...

How about you clarify your position. What level of 'rudeness' are you talking about at a sporting event?

Yelling at the top of your lungs to the pitcher to put the damn ball over the plate or pack his bags and go back to the minor leagues cuz he's a worthless bum?


Telling him his mother is a whore and should be gang raped after the game and that his dead father commited suicide cuz of how much he sucks as a pitcher and a human being?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Sometimes there is a time and a place for people to loose their minds.

More and more, due to the breeding group, those places are getting more and more limited.

I'd rather watch folk loose it in a semi-controlled place like a ball park.
The time and place to "lose" your mind is the same place it has always been:


Go lose your mind in your back yard. Or in your basement. Or in front of your TV. Or in the middle of a National Forest. Or on a deserted beach.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Did I ask you to have kids?
Did I suggest taking them to every event possible?

The reality is that this whole nation, due to some reasoning I can't understand, has reverted to thinking that kids are the end all be all of what's most important.

Guess what: For those of us without kids, we for the most part couldn't give a **** less about your offspring. It offends me on principal that you think due to a choice you made that I should have to curb or restrain myself.
You win the prize of stupidest post of the week. Congratulations.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'd say sporting events aren't family events anymore because they are so damn expensive. It prevents families from going and those that do go probably feel it is more of a special occasion for them to go nuts.


Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
Did I ask you to have kids?
Did I suggest taking them to every event possible?

The reality is that this whole nation, due to some reasoning I can't understand, has reverted to thinking that kids are the end all be all of what's most important.

Guess what: For those of us without kids, we for the most part couldn't give a **** less about your offspring. It offends me on principal that you think due to a choice you made that I should have to curb or restrain myself.

Children are the future, unless we stop them now.
Wait wait wait. You're insulted on principle that you have to restrain yourself in public?

I think the operative word here is PUBLIC. We all have to live together. I believe that means that yes, my kids are going to hear things I don't want them to, and hell, I'm going to hear things that I don't want to. But it also means that you (in this instance, the unrestrained one?) needs to have some restraint.

Meeting in the middle I guess? It is your right to be an asshole, but do you want to be an asshole? It's called living together as a community.

I don't like insulting other people and making them feel uncomfortable. Doesn't mean I never do, but living in Public, peacefully, means being respectful of others around me.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Is this "adoration of children" really a new concept? Haven't humans nurtured children for hundreds (possibly thousands) of years?
Hell, I don't even like kids that much.

You have to be a pretty dysfunctional human being to be unable or unwilling to show small amounts of restraint in public, though. It's not like someone asked you to sit quietly in the corner - just try to avoid screaming multiple obscenities at the top of your lungs. I know it's a novel concept, but showing a modicum of class or decency in an extremely public setting should be par for the course.


Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
Hell, I don't even like kids that much.

You have to be a pretty dysfunctional human being to be unable or unwilling to show small amounts of restraint in public, though. It's not like someone asked you to sit quietly in the corner - just try to avoid screaming multiple obscenities at the top of your lungs. I know it's a novel concept, but showing a modicum of class or decency in an extremely public setting should be par for the course.
I think you hit the nail on the head right there. Class


Oct 17, 2002
I'm gonna say that there's been a miscommunication between DirtMcGirk and everyone. Perhaps he's going to the extreme to make a point, but doesn't really believe it and is playing a devil's advocate role?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Hell, I don't even like kids that much.

You have to be a pretty dysfunctional human being to be unable or unwilling to show small amounts of restraint in public, though. It's not like someone asked you to sit quietly in the corner - just try to avoid screaming multiple obscenities at the top of your lungs. I know it's a novel concept, but showing a modicum of class or decency in an extremely public setting should be par for the course.
I'm thinking that might be tough for McGirk. :rolleyes:


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
In as much I just dislike the idea at places where I am paying the same to get in as your kid that I can't cut loose.

I'll give you an example of what I am taking issue with.

Last year I was at a race on the east coast at which we were all informed that either on the course or off the course if you're found to be using foul or offensive language, or behaving like the general jackasses we like to behave as during race weekends, that you'd be kicked out of the race and banned from the series.

One of the nicest racers I know was rolling down the course when disaster struck, wheel got sucked into oblivion, head tube came off, whole shooting match. He ends up eating a tree in a nonintentional manner, his bike is bits and pieces, and he ends up with a trip to the ER.

Now he is a big fellow, and his voice can carry some.

And rightfully, he lost his mind for a moment. He cursed a blue streak, was bleeding from new and interesting points, and it just wasn't his day.

Sure as the sun came up yesterday the promoter, a big fan of De Jeebus and nepotism, banned him on the spot. Mind you he wasn't drunk, or talking about someone's mother should be gang raped by the Packers, he just had a ****ty day and that came across in his words.

The reason the promoter gave was because kids were present.

This, to me, is one step over the line in this insane need some have to protect children from everything.

If we start banning language or enforcing "community standards" based on a predisposition for a certain group, we're running some risks I am unwilling to support. I'd rather advocate going as far out of your gourde as you can as opposed to advocating everyone being under a censor.

What can I say, I like dirty words, dirty women, dirty beer and foul behavior. If for nothing else people like me are a good representation to your kids of who not to be.


Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
In as much I just dislike the idea at places where I am paying the same to get in as your kid that I can't cut loose.

I'll give you an example of what I am taking issue with.

Last year I was at a race on the east coast at which we were all informed that either on the course or off the course if you're found to be using foul or offensive language, or behaving like the general jackasses we like to behave as during race weekends, that you'd be kicked out of the race and banned from the series.

One of the nicest racers I know was rolling down the course when disaster struck, wheel got sucked into oblivion, head tube came off, whole shooting match. He ends up eating a tree in a nonintentional manner, his bike is bits and pieces, and he ends up with a trip to the ER.

Now he is a big fellow, and his voice can carry some.

And rightfully, he lost his mind for a moment. He cursed a blue streak, was bleeding from new and interesting points, and it just wasn't his day.

Sure as the sun came up yesterday the promoter, a big fan of De Jeebus and nepotism, banned him on the spot. Mind you he wasn't drunk, or talking about someone's mother should be gang raped by the Packers, he just had a ****ty day and that came across in his words.

The reason the promoter gave was because kids were present.

This, to me, is one step over the line in this insane need some have to protect children from everything.

If we start banning language or enforcing "community standards" based on a predisposition for a certain group, we're running some risks I am unwilling to support. I'd rather advocate going as far out of your gourde as you can as opposed to advocating everyone being under a censor.

What can I say, I like dirty words, dirty women, dirty beer and foul behavior. If for nothing else people like me are a good representation to your kids of who not to be.

I think most people on here would agree that said person should not have been tossed. That's not the type of situation that is being discussed here.

And oh yeah, nobody said that our observation of being civil in public had anything to do with religious beliefs.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
So you're okay with rules governing behavior, you're just not okay with zero tolerance?
No, I am not ok with rules like that.

I think the potential for abuse of any rule governing free expression is something you have to be very wary of. Like it went in Flynt v. United States "once you start putting up walls regulating behavior that was once protected speech, you will start waking up in a country you don't recognize."

The more limits you put on people, the more you force them to try to conform, is the more you're adding to an already overtaxed pressure cooker.

Maybe I just watched Pump Up the Volume one too many times.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
"Dumber then N8."
Glad to see I'm working for a living here.

And remember kids, the 9:00 show is totally different then the 7:30...


Oct 17, 2002
No, I am not ok with rules like that.

I think the potential for abuse of any rule governing free expression is something you have to be very wary of. Like it went in Flynt v. United States "once you start putting up walls regulating behavior that was once protected speech, you will start waking up in a country you don't recognize."

The more limits you put on people, the more you force them to try to conform, is the more you're adding to an already overtaxed pressure cooker.

Maybe I just watched Pump Up the Volume one too many times.
Without rules (aka guidelines), how are people supposed to know what's unacceptable? How will you enforce it? Shouldn't the 'penalties' for crossing the line be stated in advance?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Who devines the line?
Who makes the rules?

I think I am going to have to really prove my lack of IQ and quote Waiting

"You see I don't, I don't work with any exact boundaries of the law because I wasn't consulted when the god damn laws were made. No, instead nameless, faceless politicians, the so called protectors of the moral majority decide what is right and what is wrong. I mean come on. I govern my life around my own personal code of ethics, and I suggest that you do the same. That way if, within the constructs of my own morality, I were to do something that is considered illegal, so be it. I feel no guilt whatsoever and furthermore, if I were to buckle under the social weight of the system by adhering to laws that I do not truly believe in then I would be extinguishing the very fire of patriotism and individuality. So in sense, by having sex with Natasha, I'd be preserving the rights our four fathers fought and died for, right."


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I think that if there are really going to be rules, especially ones assuring "good clean family fun" in places where that's not an inherent right, that they need to be very, very closely monitored.

I'll sum it up like this.
I don't trust the whole moral majority, family first, everything needs to be clean and sanitary, douse yourself with purell movement that's growing in this nation. While you might have a right to these things, at the same time I have the right to be a tattooed, drunken, boldly out of control mutant so long as I am not hurting anyone. When I say "hurting" I am not talking about your feelings, but more like DUI's, nonconsentual sex, causing physical harm.

There's no promise in this world not to be offended. This whole underfoot thing where they're trying to make sure things are as benign and boring as possible, as so not to offend the lowest common denominator of IQ's, is really something that scares the poo out of me.

Everywhere you go these days it seems people are willing to trade in, barter away, or steal your personal liberties in this at best comical idea of a more unified community. This should scare you too. Your kids, morals, religion, particular take on creed or color are things that are not assured. You have the opinion that we should limit kids exposure to madness, dirty words and fun times. My opinion is that none of those are valid concerns for me to have to censor myself for.

The upside of the system as it is now; we both get to have opinions.


Oct 17, 2002
You have the opinion that we should limit kids exposure to madness, dirty words and fun times.
Correct, none of us want kids to have "fun times."

Seems like your problem is that you think only your definitions are the correct one

If you don't like the definitions as set by society as a whole, then you need to become a primary decision maker in that society or move to a society that already agrees with you.

Instead, you'd rather rebel, you'd rather offend for the sake of offense, you'd rather threaten people.

(please note that my opinion of you is based on what you've said in this thread, like other people's rights end at your fist. If my impression is wrong, fix it if you want.)


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
The saying "Your rights end where my fist begins" came from Sonny Barger, leader of the Hell's Angels. Its what I have above my desk here in the office, it represents to me the reality of all this "feel good law" that is currently killing this nation one day at a time.

Ok, let's work this out.

Do any of the following offend you:
1. Naked Women
2. The "F" word
3. The "N" word
4. Deviant sexuality
5. Free expression

I don't think my definitions are right or wrong, but I disagree with definitions that would strip away more liberties in the defense of someone else's choice. You have your beliefs, I have mine, the issue with that is which is going to be superior. I'd rather err on the side of allowing things then on the side of becoming more and more limited.