
Changing cell/home phone #'s and crank calls....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Hello All--

What a wonderful good-morning wake-up call I received today. First off, I had to change my cell number due to receiving quite a few "f-u" type of crank calls. No biggie, I didn't like my old number any way. Then today, I get a call from some bonehead saying he had a call traced to my number and didn't appreciate the message that was left. Now granted, yes, there are some folks I would like to leave those types of messages for, however, I'm too busy with Compassionate Friends and the up-coming road ride for thier fund-raiser to even consider making those calls.

My question is-- Have any of you had similar situations with changing your phone numbers and taking the heat for the "old" user, and if so, how did you handle it? Sure, I tried to explain to this person that I just had my number changed and asked if he could be making a mistake. He was rather adamant(sp?) that I had made the call and to stop or else. Guess I wouldn't normally be so heated, however, when the call came at 7 a.m., and I was still asleep when I answered and got the "ear treatment", well, you understand.

Thanks all for your input, and keep the rubber side down!!!!


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Unfortunately, cell phone numbers go back into rotation really quick after disconnecting service. Make sure you register the number with the do not call listing ASAP. As far as the early morning call....just turn the ringer to vibrate or silent. Would anyone who knows you call that early? Dont they have your home number?

I had this problem with a cell phone not to long ago, I just ignored the guy on the other end and it stopped after the second call. I gave him an earfull back on the second call though...that may be why it stopped.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I had the same problem with my home phone when I moved into my townhouse 3 years ago. It seemed the person who had the number before stopped paying their bills. It started out with a few calls in the evenings and on the weekends, but I didn’t know they were calling ALL DAY until I was on vacation. One day I was working around the house, and the phone never stopped ringing.

At first I was nice, telling them that they had the wrong number, I just moved into a new place, etc. However, they didn’t believe it and would continue to call, and call, and call (more than 20 times one day).

By the end of my vacation, I was so frustrated I would blow up every time they called. In the end, the calls slowly tapered off, but there wasn’t much I could do…


Dec 6, 2001
When my wife and I moved into our house we were getting these wierd calls with just a beeping noise (not a fax) at all hours of the day and night. The phone company couldn't do anything about it, so we had call block setup to avoid having to get a new number. Now any call coming in that doesn't display the phone number on our caller id is sent to a message saying that we don't accept any unsolicited calls and that they need to input their number before being put through. Any calls that still make it through can be blocked in the future by inserting that number into the block list. Hasn't been a problem since.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Lex said:
When my wife and I moved into our house we were getting these wierd calls with just a beeping noise (not a fax) at all hours of the day and night. The phone company couldn't do anything about it, so we had call block setup to avoid having to get a new number. Now any call coming in that doesn't display the phone number on our caller id is sent to a message saying that we don't accept any unsolicited calls and that they need to input their number before being put through. Any calls that still make it through can be blocked in the future by inserting that number into the block list. Hasn't been a problem since.
Thanks Lex (and everyone else). I didn't think to ask our cell service to put a block call on our phone. Since the number came up "blocked ID", I wasn't able to do a "home trace" for it, so I don't even know what city/state/country it came from. I'll give the service a call later today and see what happens.