
Chattering Juicy 7s - is Avid doing anything about this??


Aug 25, 2003
hey there,

picked up a used SC VP-Free a while back and am really having issues with the Avid Juicy 7s that are on the rig.

the freakin' things chatter like detroit crackwhore in the dead of winter.

but worse, the rear brake is grabby as aforementioned crackwhore trying to land a trick - i've already bit it a few times on some technical descents because the byatch (talking about the rear wheel here.. heheh) locked up on me with hardly any lever pull.

after reading the reviews on mtbr.com, it seems that the older gen Juicy rotors suck some serious ass and are the root of the chattering/grabbiness.

is Avid doing a goodwill replacement of these rotors? i know that most manufacturers require some sort of receipt before they will warranty something, but IMO, this crap should be taken care of no questions asked.

any comments? suggestions? thanks guys


Jun 6, 2002
you said the wheel locked up very easily with hardly any lever pressure, that sounds like what you are thinking being a bad rotor. as it not being perfectly flat, or it could also be dameged. that problem has not been through out like some other issues, mainly with the master cylinder and other quality control issues, but with everything i have seen (and it is alot) SRAM has alswys taken care of it. good luck and dont dispair SRAM it here!!!! :blah: