
CHDH Results are up

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Rye_Bread said:
they are still funky and loaded with 3 way ties, oh well
Yep real funky, I think next year they need a better timing system. I'm sure my time is fairly correct give or take an hour or two. It's just amazes me how all the top times in each class are seporated by 1 sec:think:


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Brian HCM#1 said:
Yep real funky, I think next year they need a better timing system. I'm sure my time is fairly correct give or take an hour or two. It's just amazes me how all the top times in each class are seporated by 1 sec:think:
I think they also messed up your time - there is no way you were THAT fast!!


goin' medium

Jul 31, 2003
Newark, CA
I already knew that, but I figured it was a timing screw up, it was my first win! I won the mens 19-34 beginner group. And I was only 1 second slower than Rich. In Riches defense, he got stuck behind some slow dude forever that wouldn't let him pass... oh, Hi Brian, didn't see you there... this is awkward.:)

Great course this year, had a blast out there. The timing/awards were a bit lame, but all in all a good effort for the first year. Can't wait to try again next year.



Mar 16, 2005
Brian, you looked hella fast in the Evil jersey, that's what matters to the beezys in the lot. I went before you and the the guy who passed you smoked the class...(and probably belongs in *cough expert *cough cough) Cya at the C-Otter?..midpack attack!
Backpack1 said:
Brian, you looked hella fast in the Evil jersey, that's what matters to the beezys in the lot. I went before you and the the guy who passed you smoked the class...(and probably belongs in *cough expert *cough cough) Cya at the C-Otter?..midpack attack!
Expert? Jeez, I'm not sure my head's going to fit out the door to go home today...thanks for the compliment! Check my times after Sea Otter and then we'll see if expert is really where I should be.

J_B, yeah, that's me. Thanks man! It was cool chatting with you guys in the lot. If you're ever down Santa Cruz way, shoot me a PM and let me know. We'll get together and ride for sure! We definately have some really fun trails happening right now.

You guys need to cut Brian some slack...he's still my hero! :love:

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
surfinguru said:
Pussy! hehe...j/k bro. See up at UC once it dries out a bit.
It might have to wait until sea otter. It’s supposed to be raining until next Wed.-Thurs. and then rain again after that.

I was riding like junk especially with my rear tire losing air and making me get all squirrelly all the way down the course. =] oh well. I will be prepared for the sea otter. I hope.


Mar 16, 2005
surfinguru said:
Expert? Jeez, I'm not sure my head's going to fit out the door to go home today...thanks for the compliment! Check my times after Sea Otter and then we'll see if expert is really where I should be.

J_B, yeah, that's me. Thanks man! It was cool chatting with you guys in the lot. If you're ever down Santa Cruz way, shoot me a PM and let me know. We'll get together and ride for sure! We definately have some really fun trails happening right now.

You guys need to cut Brian some slack...he's still my hero! :love:
I meant it as a compliment, too...hell you could've podiumed in Expert and that's worth 5 Sport wins...are you over 40?
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
goin' medium said:
I already knew that, but I figured it was a timing screw up, it was my first win! I won the mens 19-34 beginner group. And I was only 1 second slower than Rich. In Riches defense, he got stuck behind some slow dude forever that wouldn't let him pass... oh, Hi Brian, didn't see you there... this is awkward.:)

Great course this year, had a blast out there. The timing/awards were a bit lame, but all in all a good effort for the first year. Can't wait to try again next year.

Ohh man, I got second in that class. I probably should've let off of the brakes around the beginning of the course. In any case, I completely agree with you. That course was awesome.

Did you get a prize? I just realized my CHDH shirt is pure cotten and will shrink if I forget to wash it properly, so if I can weasel my way into a free shirt, then I'll be a happy boy.


morethanjake543 said:
Did you get a prize? I just realized my CHDH shirt is pure cotten and will shrink if I forget to wash it properly, so if I can weasel my way into a free shirt, then I'll be a happy boy.
Yeah, I traded someone for their registration so I didnt get a T-shirt, so all I got was a hat. Im going to ask Phil for a T-shirt too since they didnt have medals or a podium picture.

goin' medium

Jul 31, 2003
Newark, CA
morethanjake543 said:
Did you get a prize?
Phil handed me a big fat gift certificate for Sports Basement with my medal. I already spent it so that I wouldn't have to give it back if they screwed up my time:)

I'm just playing. You gonna be at SOC this week? I'm debating which bike to use, the big slow Demo 9:oink: or the small twitchy Preston:dead: .



goin' medium said:
Phil handed me a big fat gift certificate for Sports Basement with my medal. I already spent it so that I wouldn't have to give it back if they screwed up my time:)

I'm just playing. You gonna be at SOC this week? I'm debating which bike to use, the big slow Demo 9:oink: or the small twitchy Preston:dead: .

new designer this year it seems, so course might be a little more DH bike friendly. Fingers crossed.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey Rich I just noticed you are US National Category Champion and previously won the Sea Otter and GGG...yeah it's time to move up! ;^)
May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
7th place...I think?

Did tyler mccaul really race in jumior ex AND expert 19-34? Weird.

All I know is that freaking Eriksen beat me by 5 seconds. He's gonna talk so much sh!t next time I see him.


Jan 31, 2006
bay area, Cali
this year was a lotta fun. bad day saturday, but awesome sunday.
great job on the course, rideSFO. Now it's time to get ready for the sea otter!! am i the only one who is completely stoked on going??

I have a feelin that this is gonna be a great year of racin. see you all out there.
You guys are killing me. I did move up this year!!! I won all that stuff last year in beginner category. So I should've went straight to expert? Hmmm...not sure 'bout that one. Let's talk after Sea Otter. If I kill it there, then you guys can give me all the crap you want.

Sandbagger....sheesh. :rolleyes:
Don't know what to tell you guys. Half the time I'm broken and during practice I suck a**. (Just wait until Theo's video comes out. There's some great footage of me just eating absolute sh*t right before the 180 berm. Not once, but twice!) Somehow though, I just seem find the focus and put it together when it counts for my race runs.

So hear's the deal, I started riding again in fall of '02 after a 20 year absence. (I thought I'd try being a surf bum for a while.) Picked up the big bike in spring '03 and was busted up for over three months at the end of '03. (ie - no riding at all.) First race was GGG in '04. Two 7th's the first year ('04) and then swept the next three in year 2. So to anwer the question, I did 2 years as a beginner. Since I won Nats last year, I knew I had to move up this year and figured Sport was the place to be.

All I can say is Whistler, the Shore and alot of desire really improve your game in a VERY short period of time.


Mar 6, 2002
Nor. Ca. Santa Cruz ,Mang
Why does it even matter what class hes in when he is relativly new to the racing scene? I rode with Rich a few years back when he was just getting back into the sport and I can say first hand he has progressed quickly.


Mar 16, 2005
you know what, I was bustin your balls because I thought you had raced Sport for those wins....I only quickly glanced at your Sponsorhouse link...I now retract my statements entirely and slink away...congrats!!