
check out my map


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
so i started learning this GIS software for my new job. i've been working on a needs assets based maps for 3 target sip codes in the city and finally finished my first one. this one includes health clinics hospitals and churches in the neighborhoods. my next in the series is parks/recreation, churches (again, because it's for a faith based non profit) and poverty level by census tract. (because everybody loves poverty layers). i'm super excited, this stuff is so much fun. its much nicer looking in person, but you get the picture.
laura said:
so i started learning this GIS software for my new job. i've been working on a needs assets based maps for 3 target sip codes in the city and finally finished my first one. this one includes health clinics hospitals and churches in the neighborhoods. my next in the series is parks/recreation, churches (again, because it's for a faith based non profit) and poverty level by census tract. (because everybody loves poverty layers). i'm super excited, this stuff is so much fun. its much nicer looking in person, but you get the picture.
What software are you using? ArcMap?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
caboverpete said:
What software are you using? ArcMap?

yep, arc map. well actually its ArcGIS v 9.2 i think. i just started about a month ago and i'm super stoked about how easy it is to use.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
splat said:
Can you do trails ? And I am being serious, we are looking to do a High Res map of one of our trails using GIS for IMBA

i'm sure i could do a map of trails. right now all the shape files i am using are in a folder on my computer, i haven't gotten into scripting and all that. i can geocode adresses but as far as taking gps data and making maps with that, i don't know how to do it yet. i'm going to tell them that i am ready to take some more advanced tutorials after i get this first map series completed so ..... maybe some day soon i'll know a little more about the software.


I am going to sound like a prick, and don't mean to, but it just looks like any map. What am I missing???


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
loco said:
I am going to sound like a prick, and don't mean to, but it just looks like any map. What am I missing???

what you are missing is the fact that i made it from a blank template. and geocoded the adresses for the faith based clinics into a shape file and blah blah blah.

ps, you always sound like a prick, you can probably stop warning me, its expected.
I like to do quick little maps of the rides I do, getting the data all on the same datum is usually the only problem you run into. This was a quick one comparing where I digitized trails from quad maps to the gps track of a ride.



laura said:
what you are missing is the fact that i made it from a blank template. and geocoded the adresses for the faith based clinics into a shape file and blah blah blah.

ps, you always sound like a prick, you can probably stop warning me, its expected.
OK - that makes the map way more cool to me. I know you were concerned with what I thought, so you can rest easy now.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
laura said:
yep, arc map. well actually its ArcGIS v 9.2 i think. i just started about a month ago and i'm super stoked about how easy it is to use.
Easy? Not in my experience (though I have not used 9.x that much). Plus, it has more bugs than any program I've ever used. We still have a problem with crashing every time you open the help menu (oh the irony...)
JRogers said:
Easy? Not in my experience (though I have not used 9.x that much). Plus, it has more bugs than any program I've ever used. We still have a problem with crashing every time you open the help menu (oh the irony...)
I was going to mention something about it being a buggy turd.... but I do enough moaning and groaning about it here in the privacy of my office.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
JRogers said:
Easy? Not in my experience (though I have not used 9.x that much). Plus, it has more bugs than any program I've ever used. We still have a problem with crashing every time you open the help menu (oh the irony...)

it is super buggy. yesterday i had it make up its mind that it wasn't going to do something that it had been doing correctly all day. it took forever to fix. i meant easy for me to use. i'm excited with how easily i understand it. ( i don't do computers, i'm a social scientist.)

yeah mine crashes all the time too. and i can think of 3 million ways to make it more efficient.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Once you use it more you will find even more bugs. I love the way that you have to store all of your pathways in a folder right in the c drive otherwise some functions will not work...perhaps you haven't encountered the programs absolute disdain for spaces in filenames:rolleyes: That said it is pretty easy to use when it doesn't crash or freeze, at least I got my copy for free:)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
splat said:
Can you do trails ? And I am being serious, we are looking to do a High Res map of one of our trails using GIS for IMBA
if you are seriously looking for trail maps created, lemme know. i do GIS development work for the company that created the Tahoe Rim trail display boards.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Ahh Arcmap.... It rules my life. Good stuff Laura. Looks like you're having fun with it. Be careful in editing modes (editing databases), they are very prone to crashing and you can loose a lot of work that way.

Have you played with annotating the text on your maps? In the cartographic work I do, you have to do that quite a bit.


Nam I am
amydalayna said:
if you are seriously looking for trail maps created, lemme know. i do GIS development work for the company that created the Tahoe Rim trail display boards.
Cool, I'll have to keep this in Mind .

PonySoldier said:
Get TOPO USA as you can add your GPS data into it..
A Consumer level GPS is not percise enough for this, and the Military Type of GPS we will be using is not readable by TOPO USA.

I like expertGPS better anyway


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
splat said:
Can you do trails ? And I am being serious, we are looking to do a High Res map of one of our trails using GIS for IMBA
Blatant spam here.

I do contract trail mapping for cheap if you can get me the GPS tracks of your trails. Of course I'm always open to flying out to your trails and riding them myself if you're footing the bill. :D

Here is a tri-fold map and kiosk map for a local area. Small area, so not much topographic diversity, but you'll get the idea. (sam.littlefield@gmail.com)





Sep 2, 2003
I had no idea there were this many people that knew/used GIS/ArcGIS this is pretty cool since this is what I'm concentrating in right now. Anybody looking to hire an eager college student any time soon?

btw way very nice map Laura. It gets super fun once you know how to integrate GPS into it (it's not tough at all), and be able to use it for your own personal projects.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I make a lot of maps. Mostly of my local riding areas. But because of the climate here. They can't be published. I love making maps and I think I am good at it. I tried to get a job doing it last year. Nothing local available and it seems to not pay well enough to make it your occupation sadly. I may do a couple of field studies for a local university next summer which will pay well.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
I do GIS analytical work for the state wildlife agency; it's pretty fun but I'd rather be out in the field. Nice lookin' map, though!