
Check Out Roanoke VA DH and FR This Saturday!!!


May 24, 2007
Roanoke Virginia
Roanoke VA. is in the process of establishing itself as a legit DH/FR destination. This Saturday, the City of Roanoke will be providing a shuttle that will service part of the Carvin's Cove trail system. There are a couple AWESOME DH trails...some AM stuff, and a KILLER jump / berm line known as The Trough.

If you're not familiar with the trails, there will be guys to show you the way.

You can pre-register for the shuttle at: http://activenet8.active.com/roanokeparksrec/servlet/registrationMain.sdi?source=activityframes.sdi&breadcrumbs=<bcSet><bc><tp>root</tp><na>Activities</na><lh>http

I know it's short notice...but the last shuttle was so popular there was a waiting list...this time, however, there are still several openings.

These trails are just plain fun. Nothing too gnarly or extremely tech. so advanced skills are not a must. All the jumps have ride arounds. It's a great way to get introduced to gravity riding, and a chance to watch some advanced riders getting air born.

The price is $15

If you need more info. or directions, please PM me.