
Check out the new "True" ad-


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
Another on-line chat service...you know, kinda like those telephone ones you always see advertised at 2:00am on the E! channel when The Howard Stern Show and Wild On are over and your last kleenex expended. ;)
dude... why would I tease myself with blured out boobies on Howard Stern when I got the real thing?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
dude... why would I tease myself with blurRed out boobies on Howard Stern when I got the real thing?
"Maintenance"? Variety? Beats me.

When did you get your boob-job, BTW, and did you follow my suggestion to stick with the full "C" or did you just go nuts?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
"Maintenance"? Variety? Beats me.

When did you get your boob-job, BTW, and did you follow my suggestion to stick with the full "C" or did you just go nuts?
man when you read my post that way... it does sound the way you responded to it... = dooh!!!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
man when you read my post that way... it does sound the way you responded to it... = dooh!!!
I knew what you meant; I was just being silly. My wife's got a nice rack, too, but I never tire of seeing different ones.

Non sequitor alert- remember that armless boobies emoticon? Someone should have posted it in the "Smilie of the Year" thread. :)


Turbo Monkey
llkoolkeg said:
"Maintenance"? Variety? Beats me.

When did you get your boob-job, BTW, and did you follow my suggestion to stick with the full "C" or did you just go nuts?
I have to go w/ you on this one. Plastic ti++ies, when done right could be sooo kewl. But a lot of chic are on the "bigger is better" idea and end up with some monstrosities of meat balloons on their chests. And, it looks really bent when a waif of a girl is sporting a pair of Hindenburgs on her chest. The only thing that comes to mind is floatation device in case of a shipping accident w/ an iceberg. Rant over, back to drooling :drool:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
I knew what you meant; I was just being silly. My wife's got a nice rack, too, but I never tire of seeing different ones.

Non sequitor alert- remember that armless boobies emoticon? Someone should have posted it in the "Smilie of the Year" thread. :)
Have you seen any of the blue collar comedy tour?

Oh and I never said my GF has a big rack just a nice one. i don't really prefer big boobs for anything other than to look at.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
stosh said:
(1)Have you seen any of the blue collar comedy tour?

(2)Oh and I never said my GF has a big rack just a nice one. i don't really prefer big boobs for anything other than to look at.

(1) nope
(2) I never said you did, as I also used the word 'nice'. Personally, I like the big C - small D range and I can assure you they have many fine uses other than "to look at". :thumb: