
Check out this bird that won on Pet Star


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My brother used to a cool guy. Then he got married. Last time I went to visit him he and his wife watched about 10 hours of pet star episodes that they had already watched but TiVo'd. They were too busy rewinding and rewatching scenes to notice me rooting through their house looking for a gun to shoot myself with. To this day they don't understand why I won't go visit them.

dh girlie

Westy said:
My brother used to a cool guy. Then he got married. Last time I went to visit him he and his wife watched about 10 hours of pet star episodes that they had already watched but TiVo'd. They were too busy rewinding and rewatching scenes to notice me rooting through their house looking for a gun to shoot myself with. To this day they don't understand why I won't go visit them.
They actually TiVO'd Pet Star? I mean, it's a funny show and all...but it's the kinda show you just happen to catch when you're flipping through the channels...it's a cute show...the animals are cool...once I saw a mini horse on Pet Star...he could count, multiply, subtract and divide...he was so cute.


Nam I am
Yeah But one of those Birds can drive you crazy !!

I have this one sitting behind me right now

and it jabbers away !
"Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas "
"Go Red Sox " <-- OK that one is cool
"Peter !"
etc etc .

My wife is still teaching it words it is only 3 years old ( and the dam thing will live to 60 )


Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Westy said:
My brother used to a cool guy. Then he got married. Last time I went to visit him he and his wife watched about 10 hours of pet star episodes that they had already watched but TiVo'd. They were too busy rewinding and rewatching scenes to notice me rooting through their house looking for a gun to shoot myself with. To this day they don't understand why I won't go visit them.
Does your dad know about this, and if so has he disowned your brother yet.


Turbo Monkey
splat said:
Yeah But one of those Birds can drive you crazy !!

I have this one sitting behind me right now

and it jabbers away !
"Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas "
"Go Red Sox " <-- OK that one is cool
"Peter !"
etc etc .

My wife is still teaching it words it is only 3 years old ( and the dam thing will live to 60 )

This thing looks potentially like a meal to me :drool:


Jan 24, 2005
that had to be the best thing i've seen in a long time i watched it 3 times. so funny SUPERSTAR

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
splat said:
I keep threatening it it ( and the other birds my Wife has ) with the deep fryer.

I think Breaded and deep fried with a nice hollendaise Sauce, with a Side of Steamed Asparaguss ( sp ?) and Carrots . :drool: Yummy!
Mmmm.....post-Vietnam grilled bird..... :drool:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Curb Hucker said:
Does your dad know about this, and if so has he disowned your brother yet.
My brother doesn't display his whippedness quite as bad in front of my father, but he has no shame around me. I knew his life was over when he first started seeing his wife. He shipped me all his backpacking gear/playstation/etc saying he wouldn't get to used it again so I could have it.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Drummer for my old band had one of those... had it for years, like 10 at least. The thing would do the phone so well it would have you looking for the phone until either you realized that it was the bird or it stopped ringing to say "Hello, yeah, yeah, okay" or some other phrase in various different human sounding voices, both male and female. It would also ask you if you wanted a peanut, dance, and say random things in random voices, including the full gammut of 4 letter words.

She was a cool bird. Looked a lot like grey one in the vid except she had some green and blue around her neck.


Turbo Monkey
splat said:
I keep threatening it it ( and the other birds my Wife has ) with the deep fryer.

I think Breaded and deep fried with a nice hollendaise Sauce, with a Side of Steamed Asparaguss ( sp ?) and Carrots . :drool: Yummy!
Deep fryer is good. But it might fry into nothing. I was thinking of a dutch oven w/ potatoes and carrots. Ass-parot-goose makes your pee smell funny tho so I was thinking of just a field green salad w/ feta cheese and fresh ground pepper corn and some Italian dressing...

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
Deep fryer is good. But it might fry into nothing. I was thinking of a dutch oven w/ potatoes and carrots. Ass-parot-goose makes your pee smell funny tho so I was thinking of just a field green salad w/ feta cheese and fresh ground pepper corn and some Italian dressing...
I wonder why aspargus makes your pee reek? So rank...but the sparagus is sooo good.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
or how about a crock pot style roast. You know some cream of mushroom, carrots, potatoes, onions.............


Awesome bird. Awesome thread now that someone here admitted to watching Saved by the Bell. hahahahaha