Still didnt see where he admitted this happened. He said it would be a no brainer if it would save lives, but nowhere did he admit it as the title of this thread suggests.
This is the problem with you guys. You make things up. Im all for criticism when its warranted, but you're actually just making up things to be pissed at right now and its stupid.
Still didnt see where he admitted this happened. He said it would be a no brainer if it would save lives, but nowhere did he admit it as the title of this thread suggests.
This is the problem with you guys. You make things up. Im all for criticism when its warranted, but you're actually just making up things to be pissed at right now and its stupid.
Q I've heard from a lot of listeners -- that's what we do for a living, talk to good folks in the Heartland every day -- and I've talked to as many who want an increased military presence in Iraq as want us out, which seems to be the larger debate, at least coming from the left -- cut and run, get out of there. One fax said, when you talk to the Vice President, ask him when shock and awe is coming back to Iraq. Let's finish the job once and for all.
And terrorist interrogations and that debate is another example. And I've had people call and say, please, let the Vice President know that if it takes dunking a terrorist in water, we're all for it, if it saves American lives. Again, this debate seems a little silly given the threat we face, would you agree?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I do agree. And I think the terrorist threat, for example, with respect to our ability to interrogate high value detainees like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, that's been a very important tool that we've had to be able to secure the nation. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed provided us with enormously valuable information about how many there are, about how they plan, what their training processes are and so forth, we've learned a lot. We need to be able to continue that.
The Congress recently voted on this question of military commissions and our authority to continue the interrogation program. It passed both Houses, fortunately. The President signed it into law, but the fact is 177 Democrats in the House -- or excuse me, 162 Democrats in the House voted against it, and 32 out of 44 senators -- Democratic senators voted against it. We wouldn't have that authority today if they were in charge. That's a very important issue in this campaign.
Are we going to allow the executive branch to have the authority granted and authorized by the Congress to be able to continue to collect the intelligence we need to defend the nation.
Q Would you agree a dunk in water is a no-brainer if it can save lives?
THE VICE PRESIDENT: It's a no-brainer for me, but for a while there, I was criticized as being the Vice President "for torture." We don't torture. That's not what we're involved in. We live up to our obligations in international treaties that we're party to and so forth. But the fact is, you can have a fairly robust interrogation program without torture, and we need to be able to do that.
And thanks to the leadership of the President now, and the action of the Congress, we have that authority, and we are able to continue to program.
The question is he talking about interrogation being an important tool or the aforementioned waterboarding. Its far from definitive. The reality is that its already been admitted that waterboarding occurred, so I'm not sure how this is significant.
Still didnt see where he admitted this happened. He said it would be a no brainer if it would save lives, but nowhere did he admit it as the title of this thread suggests.
This is the problem with you guys. You make things up. Im all for criticism when its warranted, but you're actually just making up things to be pissed at right now and its stupid.
Now, in a fawning interview, conservative, North Dakota radio host Scott Hennen has spoken with Cheney about waterboarding. He asked: "Would you agree a dunk in water is a no-brainer if it can save lives?"
Cheney replied: "It's a no-brainer for me, but for a while there, I was criticized as being the vice-president 'for torture.' We don't torture....We live up to our obligations in international treaties that we're party to and so forth. But the fact is, you can have a fairly robust interrogation program without torture, and we need to be able to do that. And thanks to the leadership of the president now, and the action of the Congress, we have that authority, and we are able to continue to [sic] program." (White House transcript)
In the U.S., news reports have noted that, with Cheney's interview, the Bush administration effectively has confirmed for the first time that American interrogators "used waterboarding against important al Qaeda suspects." The question is, though, have such techniques been used on detainees who had nothing to do with actual or would-be terrorist activities - that is, on innocent individuals? How will the American public ever know?
Maybe the terrists should do the same thing and decide that suicide bombings and their other actions aren't terrorism. Then the US has nothing left to fight for and the boys can go home.
What is it about the English language that you people here simply cannot seem to master? You can keep posting the same quotes over and over but it still doesnt say what you're implying. DRB said it may have been admitted elsewhere, but it is NOT in these stories. WTF is wrong with you guys?
Still didnt see where he admitted this happened. He said it would be a no brainer if it would save lives, but nowhere did he admit it as the title of this thread suggests.
This is the problem with you guys. You make things up. Im all for criticism when its warranted, but you're actually just making up things to be pissed at right now and its stupid.
What is it about the English language that you people here simply cannot seem to master? You can keep posting the same quotes over and over but it still doesnt say what you're implying. DRB said it may have been admitted elsewhere, but it is NOT in these stories. WTF is wrong with you guys?
Ok, if you read VERY closely you are right. He does NOT say this happened. He does clearly say that he supports the idea of a "dunk in the water" to enhance interrogation.
Honestly, what do you think this means, BS?
Are they taking the terr'ists to the pool? Spending a day at the beach?
Sounds like a great way to get them to talk to me!
What is it about the English language that you people here simply cannot seem to master? You can keep posting the same quotes over and over but it still doesnt say what you're implying. DRB said it may have been admitted elsewhere, but it is NOT in these stories. WTF is wrong with you guys?
Reread both posts and he doesn't realy say that they've done it. Only that Cheeny does give you the the impression that they have and that he (and the congress) supports it.
Thanks for clearing that out for me, ther is a differance, in words.
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