
Chicks dig the Tapeworm


Air Monkey
Mar 14, 2004
One of my favorites too. Thanks to Tape I am a better rider...I have learned sooooo much out there. :thumb:


Mar 9, 2004
Heather and I were down earlier this summer and she got worked on Parasite,never even made it to tape.She normally rips that place but was having "one of those days" so she just wanted to go watch me jump so we headed over to the dj's.After a few minutes of sitting and watching she started hitting the little "bumps" next to the doubles.After a few runs she was getting her flow going until,you guessed it SPLAT,down she went.I rode over to find her rolled up in a ball with her bike, half laughing half crying and all covered in dirt!! We ended up bagging the ride and went swimming in lake Washington and then BBQ time.........all better.I've been trying to get her to go with the BBTC chicks for years but just hasn't happened.........yet!!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
jeepmauler said:
I've been trying to get her to go with the BBTC chicks for years but just hasn't happened.........yet!!
Any particular reason it hasn't happened? Susan and those girls are the coolest, most supportive people I know. She and another girl lead weekly rides that are "girls only." Unlike some of the rides with more guys in them, on the girls' rides, they will stop and session anything someone wants to...very supportive and encouraging environment, Heather should check it out!


Mar 9, 2004
Timing.......she is just now finishing up her second masters degree(she's in China for another month:() ,and she has been working 1/2 doz.(literally) part time jobs etc.She will have ALOT more time and regular schedule,unless she does a Phd program,that will allow her to hopefully hook up with the club ladies and rip!!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
DBR X6 RIDER said:
Ya...that's were I got my 'education'.

Wait a minute...are you calling me a girl, Tim? :think:
You're too pretty to be "just" a girl. i'd say you've progressed to a full-fledged diva now...;)

i noticed this article when i bought the paper this morning. cool that B.B.T.C., tapeworm, and local mudhunnies are getting some local press. :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
trailhacker said:
Was the title "Chicks dig Tapeworm" a play on the fact that the girl that wrote the article was something Chickowski? Or something like that......
Thanks but you give me far too much credit for being that witty. i'm really far from being as smart as i may seem to be.


Air Monkey
Mar 14, 2004
The first time I rode at Tape I ended up getting lost...that's what happens when you are trying to keep up with a group of fast guys and one tells you to cut through right there!!! However...now that I have rode out there at least 50 times :sneaky: ...I can say I know the trail like that back of my hand. I was going out there about 3 times a week as the trail is right by my house. I never really rode with too many people out there...sometimes I could get a few of my girls to ride with me or my husband...whom I could never keep up with. That place has defenetly made me the rider I am today for sure! :D :heart: