
Chisum on the Jews


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....

More Warren Chisum!!!

On Tuesday, the Pampa Republican distributed a memo written by Georgia GOP Rep. Ben Bridges to Texas House members' mailboxes. The memo advocated that schools stop teaching evolution and contained links to a Web site that warns of international Jewish conspiracies. It also directed readers to the group that created the Web site – the Atlanta-area Fair Education Foundation.

The memo points to "indisputable evidence" that "evolution science has a very specific religious agenda" and refers readers to a Web site that asserts the universe revolves around the earth. It also suggests that Jewish physicists are part of the force behind a "centuries-old conspiracy" to destroy the Christian teachings of Earth's origins.

"I don't agree with bashing Jews, that's for sure. I don't agree with bashing any ethnic or religious group," said Rep. Charlie Howard, a Sugar Land Republican and one of the House's staunchest religious conservatives.

Rep. Scott Hochberg, a Jewish Democrat from Houston, said he was disturbed by the memo and the "nonsensical, anti-Semitic rant" in the Web site – but that he believed Mr. Chisum's statement that he was "blindsided."

"I take him at his word," Mr. Hochberg said.

Mr. Chisum said all he thought he was doing was "a Good Samaritan" deed for a fellow legislator.

"If that's a sin, well, shoot me."


Dec 20, 2001
that's supposed to be wafers. but do not mock my spelling, woman, or i shall smite you with my schnoz!

and if manischewitz is any indication of the blood of christ, boy are we in a for a surprise.


Oct 16, 2006
P-town, MN
It's better to appear to be a fool and not say anything, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.....these guys (the anti-evolution people) seem to have done that pretty well....