
Chris King Headset Give Away

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Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
The prize: Chris King Headset of your choice*

Thanks to Webcyclery for contributing to this contest.

What you have to do: Post something interesting in this thread.

THE RULES :evil:

1. You must be a registered member of Ridemonkey with 10 or more posts on the date this contest was started. Members found to be padding post counts with nonsense may be excluded from future contests.

2. You may only post in this thread one time.

The Winner will be drawn randomly from all eligible members that have posted in this thread.

The contest will close on December 31. The winner will be announced the first week of January.

Thats it. Good luck!

*Note: some color/style combinations take until the end of time to get a hold of - so pick something easy to get or be prepared to wait.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
my interesting story:

back when i was five years old, a kid bearing a similar name to mine (also a toshi clark, altho my legal name is longer than just toshi) was kidnapped. one of our neighbors decided that it would be a fun thing to report to the fbi that i was this missing kid. as a result we got a visit from the local fbi agents at 11 pm or so, and i had my prints taken, after some persuasion to overcome innate stubborn tendencies. nothing resulted, of course, since i was NOT abducted and indeed resemble my parents and older sister.

more on this story in my ride pics thread, click here


Oct 26, 2004
A chicken survived 18 months without a head.... :blah:

And for all the Bush fans out there, here's a bumper sticker....

"The last time people listened to a bush, they ended up wandering around in the desert for 40 years" :thumb:


Aug 5, 2003
At 120 miles per hour, a Formula One car generates so much downforce that it can drive upside down on the roof of a tunnel.


Jun 10, 2002

...Wake up the next morning. I'm ready. The rest of TX4000 is heading to Lillooet, while I'm hanging back at Whistler. Pack up, get ready to roll out, hop on my Imperial, roll to a stop sign, and roll right through it. Confused....I tighten the cables, and the problem remains. What the crap? Long story short, the pads are shot. No riding for me unless I can find a set of disc pads. Nothing in Whistler. My bike is useless....not being able to ride Whistler because of brake pads is such a downer.

Dirt rider

Pro Rider
Nov 18, 2001
redneck wasteland
A dude I know has 2 Chris King disc hubs, a front in mango, and a rear in gold, now according to him he can't get a rear in mango or a front in gold to make a matching set.

Although.. Im sure Chris King makes all their hubs in all colors (I mean why wouldn’t they)


Turbo Monkey
As a trail-worker, I have come across some damned good riders and even better people.:cool:
But what's really interesting is that it is 14 years and 11 months to the day that I urinated on the Berlin Wall. I was drinking alot that night.
I have a picture to prove it, but it's an actual photo and not a file.


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
well, my last name is "Green", right? well, i thought i could come up with some cool names for my future kids. one will be leafy. leafy green. the second will be tree. so when you say his name last name first, he will be green tree.
and the coupe de gras... i am so proud of this one. my third child will be gang.
gang green. like the disease. my kids are gonna need some serious tharopy. and its late so i don't think i spelled that right. how do you spell tharopy?


Feb 4, 2004
Brooklyn, NY
I'm building a custom BigHit. The frame is an 03 Specialized BigHit DH.

It'll be painted flat bright red. Avalanche DHS shock, with a gold spring. Doublewides w/ Gold Chris King Hubs, laced w/ anodized Gold 13G spokes. Gold NYC FreeRide Pedals.

Fork is a 2004 Marzocchi Shiver DC. Stanchions will be anodized Gold, and the uppers will be anodized black w/ 2005 Stickers and Clear Stanchion Guards.

2004 Hopes Mono6 Ti, will have my Azonic Hotseat covered w/ Gold Gucci fabric.
Gold Sunrace cassette.

I'm looking for some parts that may be gold that I can use. I'll try to find some gold bolts, screws and spacers.

Maybe a GOLD Chris King Headset...

Who thinks this sounds cool. If you guys want, I can list the specs, because I have most of these parts already, besides the CK Headset and Hubs.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
This is my first attempt at a panorama picture with my new camera. I can't get the light to balance out quite right, but it still give you an idea of how beautiful the view is from where they just built the new Wonderland Trail on Galbraith Mtn. Lake Whatcom on your right, downtown B'ham on your left.

Disclaimer: I read pretty carefully, and couldn't come up with anything in the rules that indicated this post had to have anything to do whatsoever with WebCyclery, Chris King, Ridemonkey, or the aforementioned Headset and contest. But just to hedge my bets, they are all mentioned now.


Feb 29, 2004
Mother-In-Law is and anogram of Woman Hitler.

The Earth has 4 moons.

Albatrosses can glide for six days without flapping their wings and sleep at the same time.

Sugar is completely tasteless to cats.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
Make a list of facts you learned from the story:
• Joseph Stalin was born in Gori, Georgia on 21st December, 1879. He was his mother's fourth child to be born in less than four years. The first three died and as Stalin was prone to bad health; his mother feared on several occasions that he would also die. Stalin’s mother was very protective towards him as a child.
• Stalin first rose to power in 1922 as secretary general of the Communist Party. Stalin rid himself of all potential rivals in the party, first by having many of them condemned as "deviationists," and later by ordering them executed.
• In the 1930s, Stalin launched his Great Purge, ridding the Communist Party of all the people who had brought him to power. Soviet nuclear physicist and academician Andrei Sakharov estimated that more than 1.2 million party members ,more than half the party, were arrested between 1936 and 1939, of which 600,000 died by torture, execution or disappeared in the Gulag
• After Germany was defeated in world war two, the U.S.S.R.(united soviet states of Russia) occupied most of the countries in Eastern Europe and eventually ensured the installation of Stalinist governments
• His foreign policy and his habit of terrorizing his people (the "Stalinist system") had an impact on Russia well beyond the dictator's death at age 73 on March 5, 1953
List 5 new words learned from the book:
• Stalinism: The bureaucratic, authoritarian use of state power staying strictly with the Marxist-Leninist principles associated with Stalin.
• Marxism: The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel where class struggle plays a central role in society's inevitable development from oppression under capitalism to a socialist and classless society.
• Bolshevik: A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that used Lenin's ideas on party organization in 1903.
• Communism: A type of government where the state plans and controls the economy and a single, sometimes authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people
• Socialism: Any theory or system of social organization where the responsibility of producing and distributing goods is by a centralized government that plans and controls the economy
Who do you think the author intended to read this book? Why:
I think he meant this book for anyone who has an interest in Stalin or communism. I also think it’s meant for students doing research for Stalin because it was very informative and to the point. It also gives specific dates and opinions too. The book has some nice pictures that help get the point across as well

Is the title a good one or a poor one? Why:
I think it’s an okay title because it’s very precise and to the point. I believe he could have come up with something more creative than Stalin: a biography. But the book wasn’t meant to be catchy it was meant for information on Stalin so I think the title fits it perfectly.

Final thoughts:

I think Stalin was a ruthless dictator who didn’t care for anyone but himself and that was what made Russia have so many problems because he was trying to keep oppressed.

note: this is only part of my project and does not reflect my full views on stalin and he did infact do good in this world to.
part of my project on stalin/stalinism. only reason im up this late and its due tomorrow


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I'm looking for a new full suspension frame to replace my Balfa Belair and a Chris King Headset would be a great way to go with whatever I decide to buy-unless it's used and it already comes with a headset - then I'll just have to find a different used or new frame to put the CK on! ;) :)


Mar 4, 2004
New York
Back in grad school, I was a total lab rat - I was in the lab or in class or at my desk for 12+ hours a day, 6 days a week. Sometimes I'd go in on sunday as well. All of this bench work resulted in me having a piched nerve in my left shoulder/neck. Near constant pain.

Anyway, after much prompting and prodding by my friends & family, I took a week off to just chill out. So I was riding my bike from my place in Brooklyn to go into Manhattan to go see Bunny Wailer. I'm cooking down 3rd avenue - a fairly busy street, when I get hit by a car from behind. The back wheel tacos, I loose control. I slam into and over a parked car. The driver who hit me keeps going.

I lay on the sidewalk taking inventory - I'm bleeding at the knees, the elbows, om my shoulder and lower back. Helmet is crushed on the left side. Bike is a mess.

I walk up to the subway shaky & bleeding, feeling lucky that nothings broken.

A few days later I return back to the lab, all scabbed up and bruised and aching. I sit down at my desk and start to type - something that really agravated my pinched nerve - and realize that for the firt time in years - it doesn't hurt. In fact, it was about the only part of my body that didn't hurt.
I healed up over the next few weeks - but that pinched nerve never came back.

I told my buddy the story, and he said that the guy who hit me must have been a chiropractor!:)

That's it.
-Mackie, Cured by a Hit & Run Chiropractor


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
One time I got a call from a cop in Chicago all the way out here to me in California about keying and pushing somebody's car... :think:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I sat a few rows behind Micky Mantle on a flight from Pheonix to NYC when I was 12. The nightly news the next day reported he was in town to see doctors about liver problems.


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
Most major brands of lipsticks have cow brains.

osteoporosis is almost non existant in societys that don't drink milk.

The egg industry has produced advertising campaigns designed to deny the saturated fat and cholesterol problems arising from the consumption of their product. Of all foods eggs are the highest in cholesterol

Birds are not covered by the animal wellfare act (aprerently, chickens are not animals).

The oldest living dog in the world lives from a vegan diet (27 years old)

Fish (and shellfish) can accumulate extremely high levels of toxins (as much as 9 million times that of the water in which they live) such as PCBs, dioxins, mercury, lead, and arsenic, which can cause health problems ranging from kidney damage and impaired mental development to cancer and even death.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Last summer I wen't to BC with my girlfriend. We spent 1 week in Vancouver, then a couple of days in Whistler, then camping in Jasper, Lake Louise, Golden, Nelson, etc...

Our trip lasted 3 weeks and I didn't ride a single bike during all this time in mountainbike heaven...


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
So if I'm at work for exactly 6 hours a day, 4 days a week that makes it 24 hours of work. However, I'm looking at Ridemonkey almost 3 hours of my 6 each day. So in a given work week, I'm only doing 12 hours of actual work. Am I addicted to riding my bike even when I can't, or is there something severely wrong with me?

Behold the power of cheese....... wait.. I mean bicycles. :)

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