
Chula/Bonita trails meeting

The Bonita Valley Horsemen have been working to ensure multiuse access on a number of trails in the Chula Vista/Bonita area. You may have seen an article in the Union a few weeks ago. Well, now they're putting out the word that there's a potential problem, and asking for folks to show up to advocate for trails:

"The mtg is the CAC mtg held in Chula Vista on Jan 19th at 7:00 at the new Chula Vista Police Department Community Center at 315 Fourth Avenue (4th & F). This one hits close to home for all us Bonita trail users. It seems Cal Trans is reneging on some of the trails they agreed to provide for freeway mitigation. We need to show that there are more than a few people that care about the trails throughout our Valley. Please, please, please come & do your part to help us hold these people to their word so that we have the trail access we love so much.
> Thank you!
> Kathy Ziegler
> Bonita Valley Horsemen
> http://BonitaTrails.org

This is easy, if you're in the area. Go to the meeting, ask to speak in the Open Forum section and also ask where you can sign in (so staff know you were there). When your chance to speak comes up, here's what you do:
--Say your name, and where you live
--Tell the CAC members you're there tonight because you were thrilled to read about increased trail access in the paper, because you, your family and friends value trails, but that you've heard that CalTrans might be changing their story about which trails will be built.
--Tell them you want them to know you support any effort to increase trail access for mountainbike riders and that you enjoy sharing trails with the nice folks from the Bonita Valley Horsemen.
--Smile and sit down.

Super easy. So if you live down that way, please drop by and spend 30 minutes to support the trails network in the Southbay.


Mar 5, 2002
dang, we practically live behind the po-po station.

I think bec I'm a land use planner and works with Caltrans, I have a conflict of interests here. :p