
Classical track of the day (May 9, 2006)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
today's classical track of the day, following my absence due to being up at whistler (http://tinyurl.com/e74zf) for the weekend:

Igor Stravinsky - Serenade in A for piano

the soloist is Alexis Lubimov.

igor stravinsky was an interesting composer of the early 20th century. his early works were in a pseudo-romantic style, with hints of dissonance and rhythmic complexity visible if you squint. the prime example of this would be the Firebird overture, for which he is probably most famous.

the Rite of Spring marked his departure from the old style. first off, it was about a frenzied, pagan dance ritual wherein a virgin was sacrificed -- heady stuff. second, the music, written in every variety of time signature imaginable, is very dissonant and percussive.

Serenade in A, today's track, is neither, and doesn't really have anything to do with Firebird or Le Sacre du printemps. while it certainly sounds like stravinsky with weird chords and such, it's a very pleasant piece, and one sadly beyond my own piano ability to play fluently.

old cTotD (follow links backward from it if you missed earlier days):

may 3