
Cle Elum/RatPac Gate Status?


Mar 12, 2003
I'm almost positive the gate is open. Hey if your heading over my way i'm free for most of the weekend if you want to hook up. Tim might be able to go ride too.


May 21, 2003
It's definently a fun trail for sure! There's some spots that require a bit of xc pedaling but for the most part your cruising downhill! Some of the stunts are rickety and sketchy but the flowy in and out sections are tight, as well as the big booter!

Isn't there any stuff like this here on the west side??? The I-90 corridore is tight but what about 410 area?
Originally posted by ChainWhip
Thanks for the headsup... How were the stunts? Last time I was out there, some of that stuff was kinda sketchy/in-need-of-repair...
The tall bridge is still in tact, but a little beat up...still rideable.

Teeter totter is gone.

The waterfall has many missing peices in the steepest part, not rideable. It has a large stick stuck through it to keep people from riding it.

The upper bridge drop is fine. A high speed, evel kneivel style jump, was put in at the bottom of the high speed valley run just after the upper bridge drop. Way cool!!!

Nothing else sicks out in my mind.