chic fil a does this too, but i think you have to buy stuff in advance. like right now. 7-11 reallly needs a mobile truck.
I'm thinking you guys should use it as an opportunity to pass out lots of flyers on windshields and in race packets to racers for your group.Question? you guys need volunteers for anything to help do anything?
reason i ask, I'll bring it up at tonights Sorba meeting at the great Escape. Note: i can't guarantee anyone will come out other than myself to shoot photos, but we may get a couple folks willing to help out, it's worth asking.
let me know, and i'll see what we can get
Looking at it again I think Matt G. bike is the only one in that photo that is still in service.
There will not be any mud prissy pants.crap! i HATE racing in the mud. errr...oh well, i can't back out now, the cabin is non-refundable this close to the date. looks like mud it is
is there a possibility of switching back to the old course to avoid the fresh cut stuff that will be a bog fest?
eh...3.5 hour drive, listening to noah whine about it being cold/wet plus the fact that i have swat school on sunday where i've got to do a fitness test (2 mile run in under 16 min, push-ups/sit-ups AND the police agility test immediately following the run) crossed my mind but what the heck; i need to get better at slick riding anyway we'll be thereI dont think the new course will be that bad and were you really thinking about dropping out?...
That course is packed down harder than Sally Struther's path to her kitchen.
You have to be PC these days on RM.Yeah you're a beast of a dad, i'll give you that. Swat training and coming home to be a role model for Noah So far this works well in biking at least.
Yeah it will be lame if the weather does decide to be Noncompliant on us.. its so warm and pleasant right now so if i see one "flurry" i'm going to take my shotgun after that groundhog.