That seems to be the common thought with everyone I've talked to. 80% of rain. Did the CFR guys ever put any abrasive coating on any of the wood features?forecast is calling for a gulleywasher on saturday...don't think i'm gonna make it this year
That seems to be the common thought with everyone I've talked to. 80% of rain. Did the CFR guys ever put any abrasive coating on any of the wood features?forecast is calling for a gulleywasher on saturday...don't think i'm gonna make it this year
You and Noah always have a free place to stay in Greenville if you want!!!i just spoke with jimmy and he said the track is running fast right now. the rain knocked down the dust and tacked up the corners real nice. he said as long as the rain holds off for the race tomorrow it'll be stupid fast.
i wasn't able to get off of work tonight and i really don't want to start the 4 hour drive at 11pm so i don't think we're coming regardless. good luck to everyone that makes it out!!
There was some serious animosity for some reason. I wasn't aware that non-profiit's are forbidden from attending/advertising at mountain bike! really glad I stayed home. Whats up with the sorba hate?
Is Ethan rocking some Earnhardt tribute? If not, what does the 3 signify?
quehlman said:‎3 yr in, 3 times the charm, 3 is my power number, and usually good things come in 3's... more of an about me thing than anything... and if you think about it im from the south... nascar!! go fast turn left boys!! haha jk but has nothing to do with that
O.....K....I found this very eloquent excerpt on his facebook explaining it:
Yah, I will have to call Brad tonight and find out the low down!!!Dammit screw pictures and times, I want to know about this drama with Sorba! Let's get this rumor mill churning!