We used my Bother In Laws tracker to build the old DS course there. We had to get a permit to have the dirt dumped and to run the tracker out there. You may want to look into this. You can rent a Bob Cat for $250 a day at Home Depot. You will have to find a way to get it out there.
Like I said we had to get a permit to run any equipment out there last time that course was worked on. I really don't think things have changed any. You may want to look into it. I would hate for you to lose your right to build out there just because you didn't ask. Just trying to help out here.
**Warning objects in the picture are larger than they appear.**
These pictures show roughly 10 percent of the trail. The course will be about 4+ min long at full speed and our goal is to be able to host an event early spring 07/ Keep checking for updates.
send me a pm with your email if you want to be on the clemson freeride mass email list.
Yea james, we worked saturday and sunday. On saturday a guy stopped by, Matt Griffin i think, he was on an SEI hardtail and he said that he was pretty excited about what we had done so far. The trail is really comming along, we are getting close to the section where we are gonna build a wall ride.
The pictures really dont do most of the trail justice.
Yea james, we worked saturday and sunday. On saturday a guy stopped by, Matt Griffin i think, he was on an SEI hardtail and he said that he was pretty excited about what we had done so far. The trail is really comming along, we are getting close to the section where we are gonna build a wall ride.
The pictures really dont do most of the trail justice.
yeah we need to get some pictures of the lower sections up. I dont want to give the impression that this is a bunny slope course. We also need a video off someone riding from top to bottom.
yeah we need to get some pictures of the lower sections up. I dont want to give the impression that this is a bunny slope course. We also need a video off someone riding from top to bottom.
the 2 doubles are finished, the scorpion chutes are almost done (9 huge berms!), the wall ride has been planned and wood has been procured. Lets try to get in 1 or 2 more work days before finals. The weather has been very nice to us lets take advantage.
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