
Clouds (pic heavy)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
One of the things I love about the front range is all the really cool cloud formations we get. My wife thinks I have a cloud fetish or something. Not true. I don't know jack sh*t about clouds, except that I like to photograph them. I don't know why. Maybe because back in St. Louis (where I grew up), it was either clear or overcast. Nothing really in between. Occationally the cool cloudy sunrise or sunset, but not much. Anyway, here are some cool clouds I've photographed. Just thought I'd share.

This was directly over my house. Yes, that's a helicopter in the pic. Yes, I thought we were doomed:

I thought I was going to get stormed on this afternoon ride, but it turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of virga:

Sunset leaving work:

Sunset leaving work #2:

Sunset over Denver:

All hell about to break loose:

Different view of hell breaking loose:

Sunset over Coors Field: