So here I am, having a few bourbons and I get the cleaning bug. Very rare for me, so I'm in the kitchen coming face to face with surfaces that need a bit of attention, getting into it in my semi-pissed state and I've got CNN on as background noise, stopping to have a look every now and then as a story takes my interest. A story comes on about the murdered ex-prez in Lebanon and how his son is taking up the mantle. Good story I think. Starts out nicely, background on him (the son- American educated, rich as hell family), cues to an interview with him, story coming along nicely, he's talking about the expectations on him and so on. And then......f*ck me rushed conclusion and then ad break. A story that was crying out for a decent 15 minute in-depth anylysis got the usual CNN 3-5 minute-my attention span is f*cked treatment. They do this all the time. This lowest common denominator bull sh*t sucks. Do the news properly for christ sake. Stupid.