



Ciaran said:
Yeah, but we are WAY more fun. How many star trek geeks drink way too much homebrew then start fighting? And they never play "Brit & Irishman". We tend to be in much better shape then them too. Well, at least the fighters are.
Wait - the thing I just read looked like there is no drinking. I am confused. :think:


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
stosh said:
So I bust my ass for my class this semester. I'm not late to a single class and I don't miss a single class. I get the highest and second highest grades on all the test and quizes in class and my final average is a god damn mother F'ing C.

Not to mention I took some excedrin to get rid of my god damn headache and apparently I'm allergic to it so I'm breaking out with hives all over my face and arms.

GREAT F'ing day!!

(thank GOD I'm going for a solo ride after work)
What fine Hudson Valley institution do you attend? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I had an SOB professor like that this semester. Advanced Excel class. His homeworks were damn near impossible and THERE WAS NO LAB. I went to his office and asked about it. His response was something like "People goofed off when I did have a lab, but then again, there were those who wanted to learn." No sh!+!!!!! His reponse to the situation was to srew over the people who wanted to learn!1 hw assignment per unit and they counted for 40% of our final grade. The thing that really pisses me off is that we were graded not on our ability to learn a subject, but our ability as learners. Learning Excel from a textbook and a lecture is a near-impossible way to learn it. His instruction was so poor that most people did not gain any sort of understanding until they got the assignments back and could learn from their mistakes.
My final in the class was yesterday. All of my exam grades were good, but my hw's all sucked.
The worst part of a management program are the professors who think that they are God's gift to education. I just want to ask, "If your so damn good, why aren't you running a Fortune 500 company???"


Jun 10, 2002
i had a prof tell me to talk to a TA during dead days because she wasn't holding office hours. why? because i "had all semester to go to her." fine, whatever. last i check 'you' were a professor here for students, not a stupid bitch. so i e-mailed the TA, and TA said i should search Google.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
Wait - the thing I just read looked like there is no drinking. I am confused. :think:
"Individuals are welcome to bring alcohol to events and serve it to whomever they please, as long as any and all rules imposed by the site regarding alcohol are followed. In all cases the real-world laws regarding alsohol must be adhered to."

Basically you can't run a pub and charge money, or serve it in an official capacity.


Mar 14, 2005
stosh.. if you think the professor is an alright guy I would approach him. I would explain to him how you feel and that you think you deserved a better grade. and that you would appreciate if he/she has the time that they review your work , paper etc. just talk with the person and always ask.... well what do you think I could have done to make it better ???? usually they will take care of you ..as long as you are nice to them.. good luck!


Aug 14, 2001
stosh said:
I get the highest and second highest grades on all the test and quizes in class and my final average is a god damn mother F'ing C.
Still waiting to hear what else contributed and how much of a % it was. What's the full story? Did you bomb the project that was worth like 60% of the grade? Inquiring minds want to know...