
Collegiate DH racing dead in CO?


May 15, 2005
I've been hearing some nasty rumors/truths lately (As far as DH goes):

1. UNM is no longer in our conference, so there goes 1 dh race

2. Final Descent will not have a collegiate category this year?

3. Fort Lewis is scrapping their DH race, but still having XC and such

4. Gunnison is not having anything?

5. Boulder is iffy...?

So that leaves us with 1 or 2 DH races this fall...maybe...can anyone shed some light here? This all affects my decision to join the CSU team again with the substantially increased dues...


Sep 28, 2001
If that's true, that would be a huge bummer. The best way to find out a bout final descent would be to email the cycle cyndicate crew. Seems to me they added the collegiate classes just a little before the event last year.......either way, it's worth going


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
I've been hearing some nasty rumors/truths lately (As far as DH goes):

1. UNM is no longer in our conference, so there goes 1 dh race

2. Final Descent will not have a collegiate category this year?

3. Fort Lewis is scrapping their DH race, but still having XC and such

4. Gunnison is not having anything?

5. Boulder is iffy...?

So that leaves us with 1 or 2 DH races this fall...maybe...can anyone shed some light here? This all affects my decision to join the CSU team again with the substantially increased dues...

1. Not 100% sure about the conference thing, but they are not on our schedule, so no dh from them

2 and 3. When the scheduling happened, Ft Lewis picked the final descent weekend for their race. They have begun talking with Cycle Cyndicate about making final descent the dh race that weekend and are scraping theirs. Good because we get some time in Angel Fire before nationals, lame because we're losing another dh event. I tried to explain the conflict during scheduling, nobody listened.

4. Gunnison - nope, nothing, nada, zero, ziltch

5. Boulder is required to host a dh - they chose to host conference finals, and therefore must have a dh. Where they will do it? Who knows.

In my opinion, only schools that can host races under both disciplines (xc/gravity) should be hosting races because the mountain season is so short for collegiates.

Here's what I have for the current schedule:
* 9-10: CSU - XC, ST, and DH
* 16-17: Mines - XC, ST, and MX
* 23-24: FLC - XC, ST, and TT
* 23-24: Final Descent - DH
* 30-1 Oct: Wyoming - XC and ST
* 7-8: Mesa - XC and ST
* 14-15: CU - Conference finals - XC, ST, and DH
* 21-22: NCCA Nationals - XC, ST, DH, and MX

Finally, get your team to our race, we'll at least have a killer mx course: http://www.mines.edu/stu_life/organ/bike/racing.html#oredigger_mtb


May 15, 2005
Well, at least Anglefire has a race again. So in 2004, we had 5 dh races, in 2005 we had 4, in 2006 we will have 3...I don't like this trend too much. From what I've been hearing at some other schools as well, several gravity racers are not planning on racing the collegiates this season for various reasons. Here at CSU, it is because of retardedly high membership dues this year for a total of 3 races.


Sep 28, 2001
does the CSU race have a set of NORBA classes aggain this year? I won't be at a school with a team....


May 9, 2003
East Tennessee
I hope you guys know the director position for NCCA has not been filled and the problem you are having is not a local problem. The SECCC and MACCC have the same and there is no one in charge doing anything about it. I wish the NCCA would get a director that would force the conference directors to actually do something for a change!