
Collegiate Nats. . .

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Oh yeah...he's applying to be pro and everybody in the South is super proud of him. Just like Codding, he's from a pan flat state and holding his own in gravity sports.

You're trying to make up an argument bro...not biting.

Good luck everybody. And if stay sober the night before you race...you're doing us all a great injustice!!!!
Alright, I'll give you that on my first point about your boy turning pro - that sh!t was weak sauce at best. Good on ya for calling my crap stinky. :D

However, I stand behind my second point, which is that Collegiate Cycling is not governed by the NCAA, where having a pro card makes one ineligible for collegiate events. Collegiate Cycling is governed by the NCCA and USAC, which is sanctioned by the USOC. Different rules, period. Is it fair? Some say yes, some say no. I say in the sport of cycling, ESPECIALLY gravity, having a "pro" card pretty much just means that you have worked your @ss off four times as hard as anyone else, and if a rider can get their "pro" card while attending college, then mo'power to 'em - that just tells me they are eleventeen times as motivated, focused, and hard working as anyone else. So I say...

Why NOT give them the Collegiate National trophy?

BIG props to your boy who's getting the damn thing done, that rips!

Also cool, it seems that every year, some kid shows up from an unheard of school, that didn't even HAVE a cycling team before the kid started it and became the only member, and turns heads. Sorta like the Colorado School of Mines... never had a team before this year, right? How motivated are THOSE kids to get one going?

Jeremy R said:
You are arguing with Butch who honestly believes that field goal kickers at tiny division 2 schools kick 70 yard field goals while pop-locking. A simple google search provides the truth yet he argues on....
Your kung fu is strong, sir. But not as strong as my breakdancing skills. Oh yeah.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Sorry Butch, your argument sucks. I'm much more impressed with someone who can hang it out in the classroom and on a bike, rather than just on a bike.

Getting a BA takes a huge commitment of time and effort, if he can do that and still remain a top pro, what exactly is the problem? It isnt fair because the other guys under the exact same conditions aren't as fast as him?

Funny, that sounds like a race.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Alright, working on getting a copy of the DH start list... I'm just really curious to see who all is racing! Whoever is, it should be a STACKED field with all the rippers mentioned in this thread.

Too bad Litter only runs that OTB thingy on WC events... cuz Collegiate Nats is just as interesting, really. Dang.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Also cool, it seems that every year, some kid shows up from an unheard of school, that didn't even HAVE a cycling team before the kid started it and became the only member, and turns heads. Sorta like the Colorado School of Mines... never had a team before this year, right? How motivated are THOSE kids to get one going?
school of mines had a team at nationals in Reno, NV in 1998.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
Are ou telling me that the other full time college students out there are all cool with showing up at Nats know they're going to have to race Pros...broke or not?

I mean..if you're pro and doing it for the love, not the money, I absolutely 100% respect that. But I don't respect you going to a collegiate race and cherry picking the true "academic" athletes.

I don't have sympathy for you because you don't make any money as a pro. That's your own personal choice right there. If you want to make money, you have 3 very distinct choices.
1. Get a contract
2. Keep trying to earn one and don't complain (you already know the market for your skillset)

3. Go do something else to get paid for.

Terrell Owens lost his contract last season and wasn't getting paid . By everyone's logic here, since he isn't getting paid, it should be OK for him to line up in the USC -vs- Texas National Championship game.

Everyone is using our sports low money making potential as a cop-out to let pros steal the prize from the kids. Life's not a pity party for unpaid pro mountain bikers and you shouldn't be any different than any other pro athlete.

If you're pro, you're NOT collegiate.

Not trying to make anybody mad here, honestly. But it's pretty black and white. It's just one more reason why we aren't taken seriously by other sports.....
If Terrell Owens went back to college for whatever reason and was somehow elegible to play ball, i'd be cool with that becuase he would be a student. He if the kids are in college let em play, they just set a higher bar!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
If Terrell Owens went back to college for whatever reason and was somehow elegible to play ball, i'd be cool with that becuase he would be a student. He if the kids are in college let em play, they just set a higher bar!
Yeah...but if he goes by the NCCA rules, he can go play for the Cowboys on Sunday and as long as his paycheck that day is crap compared to the rest of the team, he's still allowed to play the following Saturday for USC?

So are you guys cool if Eric Carter, Brian Lopes and Duncan Riffle all race this weekend at collegiates? Assuming they're all full time college students but they're pro, it will then be OK? Or is it only if they're poor pros?


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
I believe there are PRO collegiate riders out there that arn't just poor, and if Riffle since he is my age were attending classes full time and wanted to race, well, then i would just have to try and beat him. They just have to be students in my eyes.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
funny butch, but no one who i've ever met at collegiate nationals (6 of them) seems to care.

really, let it go. there is nothing unfair about following the rules created by usa cycling. in fact it's completely fair, those are the rules.

and if you think no one cares about dh racing, they care even les about collegiate racing. . . so hell, lets tell all the "pros" they can't race and the event will really be first class.

sorry man, i raced collegiate nats. as a semi-pro (and won) and pro as an undergrad and later as a full time graduate student and teacher. anyone who is able to go to college full time and still ride a bike is welcome at collegiate nationals as far as i'm concerned. and let's be honest, when we refer to ourselves as "pro" athletes we're not fooling anyone. for most of the guys with a pro license they consider themselves to be students or professionals in another field first. all due respect, but lets not give "pro" dh racers more credit than they deserve.


Feb 5, 2003
Santa Clara
I was at that race in plattekill. I think our team got 3rd overall in division 1. that was a cool race. the dual was epic. high speed and big jumps.
Are ou telling me that the other full time college students out there are all cool with showing up at Nats know they're going to have to race Pros...broke or not?

I mean..if you're pro and doing it for the love, not the money, I absolutely 100% respect that. But I don't respect you going to a collegiate race and cherry picking the true "academic" athletes.
Dude, your argument makes my brain hurt, just shut up.
There is no cherry picking of any kind going on at any of these races. 20% of the class is either semi pro or pro.
I just got my pro upgrade a few weeks ago and the best i've done in the conference colligate races this year is 5th. Its just a strait up high quality tallent pool, no easy victories for anyone.
And honestly I checked into the ameture status rules for colligate racing a few years back befor I aplied for my simi pro upgrade, had there been an issue there I probably would of stayed expert for a while longer. Now how is that fair at the same time, to me that sounds like sand bagging more then anything.
For most of us we move up the ranks because we have a true passion for the sport. There is no better way to push yourself then by racing against a more talented group of people.
Why should anyone have to hold themseves back so they can race at the college level, when racing colligates isn't a path to anywhere, Its a fun set of races that extends the season for us and allows us to be more involved with our schools.
Plus isn't colligate competition supposed to be the best and most tallented group of individuals in the sport who are elligable by attending college. Its a place where athletes tune in their skills and develope so they can move on to the big time. So why the hell should Joe Blow decent rider, never trains, but has big balls be able to win a colligate national championship. To me it should go to the one who works for it by training for years.
Now I think you should go poop out whatever is making you so agro.

Also don't bother grading my reply for grammer, thats not what I go to school for. I'm hear so I can domminate on "real college student racers", I love beating people that have no chance, I also have a fake birth certificate so I can play middle school girls volleyball.


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
"I also have a fake birth certificate so I can play middle school girls volleyball."

He does, i've seen it! Also a good point was brought up that I like during this post, don't grade my spelling either, i don't care! Agree 100% THE END!!!

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
short list of people who moved through the collegiate ranks while i was in school: Adam Craig, Tom Danielson, Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski, Joe Haley, Chris Van Dine, Steve Wentz, Chris Herndon, George Ryan, Jess Phillips and Catherine Curi (went on to win pro national titles on the road), Willow Koerber, Sanjay, . . . . and plenty i'm leaving out.

lazy, sandbaggin', cherry pickin' rat bastards each and every one of 'em:clapping:
Now that i'm done with that, my predictions:

I think Chris Heath is the guy to beat this year in D1. I shouldn't say this as I go to CU and he is one of our Fort Lewis rivals but I think he holds the card.
However Tim Sharp and Dave Camp are going to be right there and both have a great chance to take the win.
Jamie Ford has impressed me the few times i've seen him ride.
The rest of the Fort Lewis crew is also really fast and could make something happen on any day.
As for the rest of the CU crew, Phil Wheeler and Myself are also very hungry and I think if we have killer runs we have a shot. I'm sure I'm leaving out a handfull of other fast riders. Should be a great race.

For Division 2, I have to put my money on my Brother Brian, he has gotton rediculously fast in the last few months and seems to push himself harder then just about anyone. As long as he can finish without breaking something.

Also don't forget about Mountain cross. What are everyones thoughts on that? We'll be racing the World Cup 4X track.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering

Also don't forget about Mountain cross. What are everyones thoughts on that? We'll be racing the World Cup 4X track.

I'm throwing my hat in the ring for the Lindsey Wilson guys in 4(follow the leader)X. They are brutally fast every year.

As for me "letting it go"...I'm not stressing here. Just playing point and counterpoint on all this stuff. :clue: If I was as die hard serious about the subject, I'd have already put in my letter to USAC.

I'm just obsessive about debates...love 'em. Live for them.
And I just made the thread about 2 pages longer with all your rants....:banana:


Aug 15, 2002
eugene these days
Back in the day at UNR we had a couple "pros" (Jon Wilson and Danny Connelly) trust me they were students. I think Todd Snider road for someone that year too. He got beat by Jon a "pro" with no sponsors, barely a bike, and little money to his name.

Pro or not have fun in the snow, reminds me of the nearly snowed out 1998 nats in Reno. God I'm old.
Its comming down hard here in Boulder, probablly about an inch an hour at this time (except that its not acumulating, to warm I think), last month in anglefire there was 3-4inches on top of the course race morning. I think I might get a hold of a ski bike kit.

Just checked the weather for Angel Fire, last night it said it was supposed to be nice on sunday, now there saying possible snow.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I just talked to the crew, and they're saying the weather is pretty rockin' right now, and the reports they're getting are that it should hold out.


Mar 22, 2006
Its comming down hard here in Boulder, probablly about an inch an hour at this time (except that its not acumulating, to warm I think), last month in anglefire there was 3-4inches on top of the course race morning. I think I might get a hold of a ski bike kit.

Just checked the weather for Angel Fire, last night it said it was supposed to be nice on sunday, now there saying possible snow.
started accumulating....


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Lindsey Wilson for sure on the MTNX!
Dont be so sure hot stuff, last years slidefest crapshot was not exactly a reflection of real mountaincross. The weather report has deteriorated somewhat, hopefully it will hold off at least long enough for mountaincross. Cody Wilderman, TJ sharp, and Chris Heath are gonna be the guys to beat.

Last year only one rider from CU and the fort missed out on the top ten in downhill (that would be me). And that was in your house east coasters, so uhh... bring it.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Alright after seeing this video footage of Brian Buell at Final Descent, there is no doubt in my mind that he is taking t3h WIN.


Metal Dude

Turbo Monkey
Apr 7, 2006
Smackdonough, GA
I gotta say yeh if Codding shows up and wants it he'll fair well!
but I have to pull for The LWC kantucky boys - One of em
will come thru with a podium finish in DH or MTX
Charlie - Andrew - Cody gettem East Coast


Feb 5, 2003
Santa Clara
eric porter used to race division 2's and would win, herndon used to race division 1's and would win. tons of "pros" have gone to college. maybe it's because they want to make a life for themselves.