
Colonnade Map Poster Sale -- Update


Dec 4, 2007
** Buy a Colonnade Map Poster **

Hey Everybody,

We haven't sold nearly enough posters to pay for the print. We had about 20 peeps say they'd buy one, but we've only received orders for 10 so far. (Some folks were awesome enough to throw in some extra cash to help pay for the print -- thanks very much!). We need to sell 32 of 'em at $25/ea to pay for the print.

So, hit the Evergreen website and place your order (instructions below). Spread the word... tell your friends... talk to people riding Colonnade... tell 'em to buy a poster.

Josh, Jerry, Dave & I will beef up our "marketing" efforts as well...
  • Put up some ads at the Nade
  • Put up small versions of the poster at bike shops
  • Post on other forums
  • Anything else we can do to get the word out?

There are 2 ways to buy one:
  1. Hit the "donate" button on our website (http://evergreenmtb.org/donate/), enter the $ amount ($25 for each poster) and then enter "Qty X Colonnade map" in the comments field.
  2. Mail a check to Evergreen at 418 NE 72nd St., Seattle, WA 98115. Make the check payable to "Evergreen Mt Bike Alliance" and put "Qty X Colonnade Map" in the memo field.

It's going to cost >$800 to print the posters. So we need to raise the cash up front. When we have enough $$ from initial poster sales and engraved rock sales to make the poster purchase, we'll do it! Any additional $$ we raise will fund Colonnade maintenance and improvements.

Thanks for your awesome support!!