Wowzers, this thread delivers! There's even a Kidwoo-BV slappy fight!
All the Pataguccifarians that have fucked up 'Woo's part of the world have done some damage, but personally I think it's totally reasonable to include food and drink options on a long list of factors to consider when evaluating places to live. That's just a personal thing and it feels like a leap to go from that to calling someone an entitled elitist. I'm not hearing BV demanding more restaurants everywhere, he's just saying that if there are none, it would be part of the discussion. If it doesn't matter to someone, then it doesn't need to factor into their decision. Same way someone without kids probably doesn't care about schools even though that will be important to others. Same way someone who doesn't ride bikes (gasp) doesn't care about the local trail system (double gasp).
Anyways, I don't think any single place is the perfect blend, but it's cool to hear the different perspectives here.
All the Pataguccifarians that have fucked up 'Woo's part of the world have done some damage, but personally I think it's totally reasonable to include food and drink options on a long list of factors to consider when evaluating places to live. That's just a personal thing and it feels like a leap to go from that to calling someone an entitled elitist. I'm not hearing BV demanding more restaurants everywhere, he's just saying that if there are none, it would be part of the discussion. If it doesn't matter to someone, then it doesn't need to factor into their decision. Same way someone without kids probably doesn't care about schools even though that will be important to others. Same way someone who doesn't ride bikes (gasp) doesn't care about the local trail system (double gasp).
Anyways, I don't think any single place is the perfect blend, but it's cool to hear the different perspectives here.