
Combine for a bigger buzz


Feb 19, 2004
In Squalor
In amongst all the rubbish going here about how top atheletes are popping No-Doze or a sudafed before competition to give them a competitive edge, I came across a study by the Australian Defence Force related to both.

The atheletes are claiming the Australian Institute of Sport has evidence that dropping a No-Doze just before kick-off, starting whatever gives a 7% increase in performance. About the same for the Sudafed too.

But back to the ADF study about combining the two. It appears that taken alone you get a small kick but when combined you almost double performance in certain areas.

From the ADF study they found that a soldier would be able to stay awake continuously for only five days on only water, this increased to to 6 days when taking the equivalent dosage of ephedrine found in a sudafed at regular intervals. When doing caffiene at a concnetration found in something like No-Doze then it went out to seven days. Cool performance is up but 20-40% but when combined in the same concentrations the soldiers were able to remain awake for periods up to TWELVE days, or a 140%.

So maybe we should be combining a Sudafed and No-Doze just before riding. :sneaky:

I just cant get over the being awake for 12 days bit. :eek: :help:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
dude, I played football in college, the guys on my team, used to pop ephedrine like they were candy. Towards my senior year, I knew of guys that would take up to 6 ripped fuel before a game, and another 2-4 @ half time.
I never took that many, nor would I suggest it, but a friend of mine told me he could tell a difference in his own performance. he'd take 2 ripped fuel for the ephedrine, and a sudafed to help "open his lungs" It did the trick for sure. Now that my friend is out of college, and rides bikes to stay in shape he really sees no reason what so ever to continue this behavior.

Its like gym rats that take steroids, and have nothing to gain, except a fat neck, a limp dick, and possibly a frustrating date on saturday night, If you don't have the oppertunity to make lots of money for you and the ones you care about, this kind of risky behavior is just flat out stupid.

will taking an epherdrine pill, and a sudafed before a long ride kill you? Probably not, but why risk it?

Even if you race professionally, theres no money in cycling, so its still stupid, and besides, all the trainers, and doctors out there that could safely monitor your intake aren't going to waste their time with people in MTB'ing, when they have MLB, and NFL players to work with. ($$$$$)


May 6, 2003
loco said:
This combine killed homeboy's buzz -

I hear you can get that out easy if you feed yer tractor some no-doze and Sudafed.

Seriously tho: I combined ephedrine, caffeine, and nicotine as a matter of course throughout college. It was a means to an end, but I wouldn't bother now.

Riding gets me excited, and takes my heart rate to insane levels w/out chemicals. Why mess w/perfection?


Feb 19, 2004
In Squalor
johnbryanpeters said:
:think: Maybe "we" should quit fvcking ourselves up with noxious chemicals and get a life.
Totally, in no way do I recommend this practice or do it myself.

Man, I can't even drink coffee/coke/red bull/anything stonger than tea, its called a mild allergy which sends me very buzzy even on the caffiene available on one cup.

Me drinking red cordial before a ride is about as far as I go into performance enhancement.

I guess my biggest surprise was the affects that occurred at such low and readliy available dose levels.

That and people with guns running round on very, very little sleep.

I think the other point to be made here is that just by taking this alone will by no means bring you to an elite level. Most of the high end athletes taking this kind stuff do train extensively to be an elite performer, like all at that level they are just looking for an edge. If they are studpid enough to do it then its their health.

For us mere mortals we should just go and ride a bit more often.