
Commuting on a Yuckky day!


Nam I am
Yesterday we got Dumped with rain! 4 Inches of if !!

And it is till raining today . My base ment floodded and I spent some time this morning pumping it out :( I had planned to drive but The battery in my car is Dead :dead: So I grabbed my Fixie and Off to work I go.! As I left my Son was waiting for the bus. a little down the road My sons Bus Passed me. and he was by the windwos with an Ear to ear Smile waving like crazy at me ! He was thrilled to see me . and I'm sure he was bragging about me to all the kids on the bus. That really made me feel good . when a ride starts out like that how can it not be a good ride!

Well it was awesome !

Here is My Steed for the Day ! my Fixied Gear

shortly after my Son's Bus passed me , came along this RT 16 under about 5 inches of water . ( no that is not my sons Bus)

Off the main road onto the back roads -- ut oh!!! DETOUR!!!
It was really deep . and teh hiway dept was setting up barracades , telling me the integrity of teh road is in question .

Hay Burners !!!!

now this is one of those things that Just makes riding to work Kick ass! AS I go Over the Mass Pike /I-90 , look at thos poor bastards!!!

Next Riding home ! hopefully my stuff will be dry by then!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
HAHAH - that's a lot of rain! I don't get to see traffic like that anymore now that I'm in Bend. Good luck with your stuff drying out.