
Compact discs?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Remember these? Do any Monkeys still purchase or maintain huge compact disc collections? Or have you all gone fully downloaded?

Extra points if anyone still have cassettes and a player that works...reel to reel? (Dont even get me started on vinyl...the daughter has started a collection, beginning with her mothers old Abba albums...)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Lots of vinyl and CDs, however the CDs have all been ripped. Got rid of all the cassettes a while back and replaced them with CDs or vinyl. Wish I wouldn't have done that though...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Two large plastic tubs of CDs - nearly all ripped and stored in/on multiple things. Slow rainy day project. Going to get rid of them all but the oddball few things from small/local bands gathered over the years that are not easily replaced if our digital copies somehow all get lost/die.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Still have an expanding collection of CD's and a small number of vinyl albums. Everything gets ripped to digital, but IMO, if I'm paying for it, I goddamned well better be getting a physical copy. Plus, I'm still a sucker for good album artwork/liner notes.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Still have my old CDs but the only thing I have to play them on is my old desktop computer. Tossed my old CD player when I compared it to various other sources and realized it sounded like crap.

I did recently hear some hipsters talking about how watching movies on VCR tapes was a more immersive and authentic way of watching movies. I LOL'd.


Sep 8, 2009
Still got a ton of CD's in a box in the attic but haven't touched them in years. We pay for a subscription to Amazon music which has pretty much any album available to listen to anytime you want. I listen to music all day long while working from home.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Kept all my CDs for a long time, but finally had to admit I'd never listen to them again and gave them to Goodwill, same with DVDs. Only CD players I even have anymore are in my truck (broken) and the external drive for my computer (lost somewhere in the closet). Spotify/Pandora/Amazon Music/Youtube streamed to my shitty bluetooth speaker are just too damn convenient.

As much as I'd like to get into vinyl, my hearing is so bad I can't tell the difference between a $10k tube amp system and my knock-off Airpods, so streaming and cheap speakers it is.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
What I don't have right now that I'd like is a music app for my Samsung S9 phone that'll randomly select albums from my collection and play the whole of each.
This would be the holy grail of music apps IMHO. I'm terrible at thinking of what I actually want to listen to, if I could just hit the "Play something good" button and hear the whole album, singles, B-sides etc, I'd be stoked.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i have cd....i have vinyl...

i need to buy a cdr to re rip my cd's...


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Vinyl - check - Thorens turntable.
Cassette tape - check - Nakamichi tape deck.
CD - check - Naim CD player.
Downloads - check - Topping DAC / QNAP NAS.

Lotsa fun stuff, too bad a constant headache makes enjoying it a bit difficult most of the time.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Got boxes of CDs and tapes. Most made it onto a digital format. But there are those few obscure recordings that are on tape and not available online. And of course I do not possess a tape deck or a record player for my dozen or so albums.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Used to have a massive CD collection in my 20s, wife did too. At one point had two massive racks of CDs. Moved houses a few times, ripped most to MP3, had that for a while. Then came Apple and Spotify. A few years ago we sold the CDs in bulk and I believe I still have the MP3s somewhere but basically Apple Music is the repo these days. It’s very good, even most of my obscure damce music is on there. I have two known albums on MP3 that I can’t find on digital; a Hooj Choonz compilation album and a possibly bootleg Beasties Japanese album.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I have maybe 300 CDs, since COVID is over I have enjoyed flicking through the CDs at the local music shoppe but the selection is shrinking.

Never understood vinyl, it's big to store and you have to have decent gear to make it sound okay.
A friend bought a record player from Aldi and gave me the vinly sounds better spiel, it sounded like a fart in a bucket, not because vinyl is bad but what he bought was, it was atrocious.

I like digital everything and Class D amplification.

EDIT, I did get offered some monster CD changer a few months back but it was way too big considering how little I listen to CDs, I do the naughty power hungry streaming option.
A mate was asking for help with a 100disc Jukebox a few weeks ago, I had a look at the schematic and deemed it too hard to diagnose via text messages and was too far away to go look at.
Last edited:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Crazy, I sit quietly in my office with headphones on 9 hours a day rocking out to something. Not sure I could make it with out it.

Same on the earplugs. I’d prefer to be able hear when I get older.
I transport dialysis patients all day. no music. I have to hear sirens, tires squeeling, horns , and my wheelchairclients telling me they are starting to bleed ( usually old with weak voices) or if they start to have other medical issues. Besides there are plenty of conversations and other shit going on in my head to keep me occupied LOL


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
that I did although by the time I was in my mid 20s I got tired of my ears ringing and started wearing foam earplugs to shows
You made the right call. After three plus decades of metalsmithing I now have to wear cans just to use a shop vac. And if I have any goddamn sense I’ll learn sigh language before all of my hearing is gone. #grumpyoldbastardproblems


Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I have maybe 100 CDs. All have been ripped to FLAC and stored on my NAS. If I can buy albums as a FLAC digital download, I do that. But if I can only buy MP3, then I buy the CD and rip it myself.

I mostly load the albums onto a USB stick for use in my car. I have a small NUC computer as part of my living room entertainment system so I use that to play back the digital albums if I want to listen at home. But I do have an old 5 disc CD changer and receiver in the garage, which is the only place I actually use the CD's.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Mine are in a box in my parents attic 4500 miles away.

I should probably do something about that...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You made the right call. After three plus decades of metalsmithing I now have to wear cans just to use a shop vac. And if I have any goddamn sense I’ll learn sigh language before all of my hearing is gone. #grumpyoldbastardproblems
In the same boat. I play it loud. My neighbor's hate me.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I have at least 100 CD's in a box somewhere that hasn't been unpacked in like 5 moves. I have a few in my holder that I listen to when when out of radio range.

The Corvette has a cassette player, the 10 disc changer died a few years after new, I'm sure.