No I have gotten away from the cross frame thing for now I still want one but I found some road bikes I can afford. Funny you say that about Giant because my Store mangier wants to split a TCR comp 2 with me. He needs parts and I need a frame.Originally posted by SuspectDevice
Is this sizing conundrum still related to 'cross frames?
If so just walk away from the Giant cross bike.
Compact Geometry is 1000000000000% WRONG for cyclocross bikes. It can be great for roadbikes, but for cross you pretty much want the largest frame you can get, with the tallest headtube and most open front triangle possible. The primary function of all that is to (tah dah!) acheive an appropriate fit.
CX bike fit is similar to road fit in that you keep saddle height and setback essentially the same, but ideally the drops on the cross bike are about 1/2 way between the height of the hoods and the drops on your road bike. Reach is usually about 1-1.5 cm's shorter. To get an appropriate cross fit on the Giant it is necessary to run a positive rise stem, and bunches of spacers, the head tube area is very cramped, so the bike is slow on and off the shoulder as well. Hssssssssssssss
Giant's sizing philosophy doesn't AT ALL adress the needs of the 'cross racer or rider. That bike is an abomination and was designed in freaking so-cal where they know absolutely nothing about 'cross.
Their road bikes however can be made to fit about 80% of the cycling public very well without doing un-sightly or stupid things. I sell the other 20% Treks.