In the Midwest, located in East-Central Illinois, just outside of Danville, is a trail system that has been getting quite a bit of recognition in recent years. The Kickapoo State Recreation Area has seen a large increase in the number of riders coming to visit. This is due to the quality of the trails and expansion of the system; both done by the local biking club. Because the popularity is growing and new riders are coming to the area, a complete guide to the trails has been created. This guide has everything a visitor might want to know before arriving. Everyone who is considering a ride at Kickapoo and even local, regulars riders should review the information available. Detailed trail narratives, plenty of photos, elevation data and even local restaurants are provided.
Kickapoo MTB Guide
If you have ridden at Kickapoo, let them know by adding your dot to the visitor map on their Esri ArcGIS StoryMap. It'll really help them out.
Kickapoo MTB Guide
If you have ridden at Kickapoo, let them know by adding your dot to the visitor map on their Esri ArcGIS StoryMap. It'll really help them out.