
Computer Virus masquerades as Obama Acceptance Speech Video

Subject: email ----Alert----- Computer Virus masquerades as Obama Acceptance Speech Video

Computer Virus masquerades as Obama Acceptance Speech Video
Less than twelve hours after President-Elect Obama's historic acceptance speech, computer criminals have already crafted a malware attack based on the speech. The UAB Spam Data Mine has observed more than 300 spam messages which invite email readers to view the speech with a spam message that looks like this:
Barack Obama Elected 44th President of United States

Barack Obama, unknown to most Americans just four years ago, will become the 44th president and the first African-American president of the United States.
Watch His amazing speech at November 5!

Proceed to the election results news page>>

2008 American Government Official Website
This site delivers information about current U.S. Foreign policy and about American life and culture.

The spam subject lines include:

A new president, a new congress ...
Barack Obama wins
Can Obama win popular vote but lose election?
Did Obama Win Yet?
Election 2008: Time lapse of U.S. counties
Election Center 2008 - Election Results
Election Night Results
Fear of a Black President
New president's
Obama win an Electoral College majority
Obama win Defined by Race
Obama win preferred in world poll
Obama win sets stage for showdown
Obama Wouldnt Be First Black President
Obama's Win Reshapes the Race
Priorities for the New President
Priorities for the New President - TIME
The new President's cabinet?
USA Election 2008 Results
Will American Voters Elect a Black President
World Welcomes Obama's Win

The Sender of the email pretends to be one of:


using sender names such as:
2008 president center
Election results
Elections center
Election Results center
President election results

There are five different websites which are used to host the fake website