
Computor..possible worm virus..need help


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Well, my dads computor has this crazy virus. He uses Eudora Pro for email, and this virus is randomly sending messages that get bounced back because delivery failed. It's a real problem because he's getting like 500+ messages a day. Nortan Anti Virus was totally useless. So we got eanthology's stop sign which I use on my computor. It found a one virus which looked like it might be it and it got rid of it but the problem is still here. His computor is brand new we had it built up like 2 weeks ago. I have no idea of what to do next but re format the computor and I'd really rather not do that... any ideas please help :help:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Two things:

A) make sure your virus definitions are updated in Norton - the program is useless if they're not

B) once you've been infected with a lot of these email worms, you're pretty well f**ked. Clean the worm, and just wait it out.. they'll stop coming eventually.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
binary visions said:
Two things:

A) make sure your virus definitions are updated in Norton - the program is useless if they're not

B) once you've been infected with a lot of these email worms, you're pretty well f**ked. Clean the worm, and just wait it out.. they'll stop coming eventually.
So you're saying they might stop eventually? Also yes I update all virus programs almost daily.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
JMAC said:
So you're saying they might stop eventually? Also yes I update all virus programs almost daily.
The problem is that the worm generated however many hundred or thousand emails it wanted to before you cleaned it.

What you're getting back now is all the invalid or rejected emails it generated - those servers are either recognizing the email addresses as bad, and returning them, or are recognizing the content of the email as a virus (which is more likely) and bouncing them back.

If the worm is no longer generating emails, it may take days for all of those reject emails to come back to you, but the worm shouldn't be generating new ones, so...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Well I hope thats the case, I geuss we'll just have to wait it out for a few days and see what happens...


Aug 14, 2001
Install a firewall like ZoneAlarm and set it so it prompts you if it's trying to send stuff out.

Then go here and figure out what virus you have and follow the instructions just to make sure you are rid of it.


If you're going to delete my post making fun of him, at least edit his spelling. :rolleyes:
