Say what you will, the law of averages is still on my side. Besides, if your on a street in a busy city, you SHOULD be watching your surroundings. Does the average person give a f*uck what goes on around him? No. He's more concerned with his stock portfolio or what bar he/she is going to tonight. And yes to think that changing your surroundings makes you completely safe is ludicrious at best. BUT it will do more for making you safer than to just walk around the rundown urban areas. To think that ANYONE in this day and age is completely safe is nothing more than wishful thinking.mhpoole said:If you think a guy trying to take your wallet is the same as someone trying to take your life you are sadly mistaken. However if that same guy takes your wallet and then after leaps and slits your wife or girlfriends throat while your shakin in your boots you're S.O.L. Obviously you dont understand the difference or don't think it can happen to you. While some of you may think CHL holders are looking for any excuse to pull our weapons and show how tough we are it is the oposite in reality. We simply have the tools and if properly trained may have a better outcome than a person with nothing. We choose not to be a victim and simply lay there and die. This is probably what you think most CHL holders wet dream situation.
Anyone who thinks changing your surroundings is going to keep you safe is also being naive. While staying alert of your surroundings you may have a better chance of identifying your attacker if it should happen without tools or the training you mine as well just stand there and close your eyes. And yes if we knew when and where an attacker would attack it would make it easy wouldn't it. The problem is you don't know when or where it could happen.
Statistics may say you have a better chance of being hit by a car most likely if you stand in the road. You might also think by never walking in the road your safe. And while you're in your little bubble you don't see the drunk guy avoiding cars and slamming onto the sidewalk right behind you. For those people who think CHL holders are paranoid, you might try thinking outside the box for once and you may have your eyes opened to reality.
Am I against the CCW? Most certainly not. I own a couple Kimber .45s and on occasion (long trips, late at night) I do carry one. But to carry one just because I can? Sorry, no thanks.