
Concussion foginess?

May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Hey all,

Been awhile since I've posted here but thought you guys might be able to help.

I took a bit of a hit while skiing last Saturday. Basically my knee met my face at high speed and caused a good hematoma on my face as well as a mild concussion.

I didn't loose conciousness nor did I loose any memory but I am left with a foggy feeling. I feel dizzy, lightheadedness, "lacking mental clarity", out of it...you get the idea.

I did get a CT scan right after, came back fine.

Anything I should be worried about? Clearly I'm taking it easy until I feel normal. The anxiety of this is killing me!!

Anybody else experience this?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
I've had 2 concussions, one pretty major that had me out of school for 2 weeks and basically eating from a straw when I was younger, and another this past season from a really hard fall.

Concussions in general suck. I really couldn't drive during the night for a while and things wouldn't register in the ol'meat bucket but give it some time and heal up.

Good luck


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2006
mill creek, WA (now in Surrey UK)
yea, take it easy for 2-3 weeks. Ive had 3 concussions, well 3 confirmed, possibly 5. The doctor said, at 5 its really getting dangerous, one more could cause mental damage. I have one minor one from riding, a mild one from soccer, and aother mild-ish one from soccer.

the other 2 were pretty minimal from soccer again.

3 soccer times were getting kicke in the head and the other being elbowed/headbutted. Playing goalie sucks, haha


Jun 13, 2005
You have checked it as much as you can...you need to just let yourself rest for now. As far as I know you are in a fairly fragile state right now and you dont want to risk anymore trauma "taking it easy" on the slopes.

My last concussion was snowboarding...back of head straight to the ice. Had a bad headache but was ok other than than that. The next day when I was back at work I started having kind of blurry vision, ears ringing in my left side, super tired, etc. It sucked.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Should you be worried? Well, yes. Heck, I'm even worried for ya!

But at the same time, being super nervous will only make you think your symptoms are worse than they really are. It's a fine line you hafta walk.

If you want to get back to normal as fast as possible, I'd suggest exercising a lot (think spinning on the trainer or swimming), sleeping a lot, eating really well, not drinking or smoking, not stressing out, and definitely listening to mellow music more often. Playing an instrument helps me a bit, too, as does trying to artistic stuff. I'm up to 8 concussions now, and don't plan on getting any more. Hope ya start to feel better soon.
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Should you be worried? Well, yes. Heck, I'm even worried for ya!

But at the same time, being super nervous will only make you think your symptoms are worse than they really are. It's a fine line you hafta walk.

If you want to get back to normal as fast as possible, I'd suggest exercising a lot (think spinning on the trainer or swimming), sleeping a lot, eating really well, not drinking or smoking, not stressing out, and definitely listening to mellow music more often. Playing an instrument helps me a bit, too, as does trying to artistic stuff. I'm up to 8 concussions now, and don't plan on getting any more. Hope

ya start to feel better soon.

Thanks! Really I'll start relaxing when people say "this is normal" and that "people feel this way for awhile after a concussion".

It's really the unknown that is scaring me.
Best advise is give it time. You did the right thing by getting a CT scan.

I've had three good ones in the last couple of years. When you fall asleep at the keyboard mid-sentence and end up with a bunch of random characters, you know you've had a good one.

Take it easy for at least a week or two and get LOTS of rest and sleep.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I had one bad enough to lose vision for two days. A CT scan revealed a bunch of torn meninges, the soft tissue that holds your brain in place in your skull. If I moved my head quickly, I would pass out for about two weeks. "foggy" during that period would be putting it lightly. Even at that extreme, the only thing to do was take it easy for a while, don't do anything stupid and work your way back slowly to daily life.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Thanks! Really I'll start relaxing when people say "this is normal" and that "people feel this way for awhile after a concussion".

It's really the unknown that is scaring me.
Concussions suck. I've had three. After my third I was a complete irritable dick for the week after, and burst out crying for no apparent reason at times. I think I damaged my hippocampus at some point, the little part of your brain that processes memory, 'cause my short-term is awful (though my long-term is still pretty good). Concussions suck donkey balls, and I hope I never have another.


Oct 17, 2002
Do NOT do anything that could put you into a position to get another concussion within the next few weeks.

A concussion itself isn't typically that big of a deal, but another concussion soon after isn't just worse, it's exponentially worse.

Follow doctor's orders, but do NOT get another one soon... even if you have to sit around doing nothing. sorry.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
I thought it was elephants that processed memory, not hippopotomuses.

I have concussion too, so sorry if my post was in bad taste ;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
This summer and last late winter i recieved 3 concusions. 1 that was bad and 1 probably in the middle, and 1 that was minor. Minor, I didn't loose memory, everything looked like they were multiplied, was fine in 3 minutes.

Medium concusion: I saw white with a crawling effect, like my vision was white with negative based magets... I almost passed out, but was ok.

Bad concusion: I was knocked out, driven off the mountain (I think it was a truck, not sure) and I woke up sitting on the edge of an ambulence. I broke my nose that time too.

They are very serious, if you had some sort of visual affect, you probably had a minor concusion. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as memory or headache, visit your local doctor for help.

Make sure you get a new helmet. The foam compresses in the area you hit your head. I need a new helmet, I always fall on my right side, and I am buying a troy lee designs d2 chito in the spring. That helmet has a ASTM rating, which is the best for mountain biking I believe because it is compliant under lower speeds and is able to take multiple hits.

So, just don't ride for a little, like a few weeks, and be safe. Best of luck, hope I helped.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
i was riding at a quarry with this guy in NM digging hits and stuff.
he came raging into it and tried a db back not finishing and taking
a knee to the face. knocked himself out clean. by the time i got down to
him he just sat up and had broken his nose. blood rushing all down
the front of his new white jacket. i ripped down a snowy road into
albq super worried b/c he kept repeating himself for like 45 min.
kept asking for his GF and "did i come up short on a DB back?"

after something like that i ask myself is it worth it.

i think you will be fine jeff.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
I suffered the worst kind a severe brain injury, I fell 15 feet and, I spent 2 weeks in a coma ,and about 2 years going as an out patient in a rehab center for brain and spinal cord injuries ,I was very foggie ,I have vertigo so bad I could not sleep lying down ,I had to sleep in a chair :shocked::shocked:,so take care of your bean
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
^^^^ is some scary stuff.

Glad you are okay now (you are aren't you?)

The realative blow wasn't even bad enough to break any bones in my face so I'm guessing (and hoping) I'm back to normal within a week or ten days.

Will keep you updated.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
^^^^ is some scary stuff.

Glad you are okay now (you are aren't you?)

The realative blow wasn't even bad enough to break any bones in my face so I'm guessing (and hoping) I'm back to normal within a week or ten days.

Will keep you updated.

Damn dude........you just typed that same post like three different times. Look up on the page. You feeling all right?
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
I'm in a VERY fragile state right now. I'd appreciate the shinanagins to be kept to a minimum. :imstupid:

Seriously, I looked like 5 times to see if I was missing something. Kind of gives you an idea of my paranoia!

Good one...really, good one.
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Good to know B, any dizziness/vertigo?

I just FREAKED OUT after reading about post concussion syndrome. Full on panic attack.

If I feel like this the rest of my life I don't know what I'll do.

Please someone tell me they were dizzy/vertigo(y) and came back to their senses soon after!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
if that's a pic of you when you decided to knee yourself in the face, then i suggest wearing a full face when hucking from now on. i know a few people who have them for skiing and are already glad the chin piece was there.


May 26, 2004
Concussions suck. I've had three. After my third I was a complete irritable dick for the week after, and burst out crying for no apparent reason at times. I think I damaged my hippocampus at some point, the little part of your brain that processes memory, 'cause my short-term is awful (though my long-term is still pretty good). Concussions suck donkey balls, and I hope I never have another.
This explains it.:busted:
Stop stalking me with those stupid red reps!
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Still not better. Going home to Denver today. This sucks.

I did some reading on Post Concussion Syndrome yesterday and it literally sent me into a panic attack. Never been so scared in my life. The thought of dealing with this the rest of my life is unbearable!

Rover Nick

Oct 17, 2006
My suggestion, STOP READING THE INTERNET. If its freaking you out go get something to eat and go to sleep.


May 6, 2006
I remember hitting my head twice pretty bad. One time I hit my bonce whilst snowboarding and talked to my friends with wrong names etc and was generally messed. It took me some time ~10min to regain my thoughts, but I had a headache and felt a bit "soft" for a couple of days.

Another time I hit a rock and went OTB straight into a faceplant from high speed(!). I had a green blot in my "sight", a kind of green filter. It didn't cover the whole field of vision, but most of it. Odd color faded within minutes and the, ah so familiar, "crash headache" was in place.

Two years ago I was really worried that my racingbuddy had been damaged permanently. He wiped out from a big jump and was really messed up. He just kept askind in 5 minute intervals what had happened and that he cant remember it (crash) at all. This went on for a long time, at the pit, +30 min time to the hospital and on and on and on and on. He was like a broken record, I kept answering him politely and telling about the crash and that we are on the way to hospital. :shocked:
On the same trip to the hospital I was diagnosed with a torn gluteus maximus, minor pneumothorax and 2 broken ribs... Good race!:clapping:
Feb 23, 2005
Hit my head last winter so hard in the park I didn't know where I was. Worst part about it, it was mid week and there was nobody around. I came to lying in the snow all by myself. Felt sick so I went home, don't remember the drive. When I got to the house went to the bathroom and vommited, when I got cleaned up I looked at my eyes. The right one was blood red, hit my head so hard I had ruptured all the blood vessels in the eye. Suffered with headaches all winter, it sucked. Anytime I would jar my body skiing or whatever, I would feel nausious. I was wearing a helmet too...probably be a vegetable if not for that.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
8 years old to 15, 9 times to the hospital, 9 concussions. Including one mid-air collission going bout 35 off a jump, into a guy below me coming up, broke the frame on my Honda in three places, down tube from the left side gas tank, below the left foot peg, and cracked off the left fork stop, denting my metal gas tank, flipped three times in mid air like I was doing full spread eagle cart wheels sideways, according to friends that were watching... landed 50 feet down hill on nice long uncut grass, and slid ten feet like I was sliding into third according to one guy... five minutes of a circle of people looking down at me on the ground through my brothers brand new Bell full shell face helmut, stating, "Is he alive? Is he okay? You alright dude? MAN THAT WAS SOO FREAKING COOL DUDE YOU SHOULD A SEEN YOURSELF!" Yes I scrached it, yes he got pissed... pushed the bike home, came away with a dead spot on my left shin where I hit the handle bars going over 10 feet off the ground, I can still stick pins in it today without feeling, and a mild concussion.

TRUST me, nothing to worry about. Concussion, definition: banged y our head. Did that so many times as a baby... no biggy. I bang my knees all the time into my chin, biting the tongue and splitting my lip when I'm doing moguls skiing. Nothing like compressing so fast your quads can't hold you up any longer and you know you're definately on the verge of out of control but in control. You'll be fine.

Get up off the ground, and get right back on that bike!

That's what I get for trying to show off in front of the girls when I was a kid. Guess that's why I crash skiing now thirty years later. Never learn. Still never figureed out why mom wouldn't let me race motorcycles professionally though. :confused: