i had thought things were quieting in the congo, til i read this:
With focus on the Middle East, brutal fighting in Congo is worsening
of note:
bloody awful mess. don't think even we could **** this up any further. and our $500M has already "bought" our way in, eh?
With focus on the Middle East, brutal fighting in Congo is worsening
of note:
and just like iraq after the fall of the 'pub guard, how do you distinguish good guy from bad guy, even after you've arbitrarily chosen sides?For years, all the armed groups have raped women and girls. But the blood-curdling violence goes further. With their genital organs mutilated after or during rape, the women often suffer fistulas, or holes, that lead to incontinence and obstructed childbirth.
Yakin Ertürk, UN special rapporteur on violence against women, visited Congo in July and reported the horrors. "Women are brutally gang raped, often in front of their families and communities," she said. "In numerous cases, male relatives are forced at gunpoint to rape their own daughters, mothers, or sisters. Frequently women are shot or stabbed in their genital organs after they are raped. Women who survived months of enslavement told me that their tormentors had forced them to eat [excrement] or the human flesh of murdered relatives."
Other monitoring groups, namely Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Doctors Without Borders, are finding similar stories. In an October report on North Kivu, HRW chronicled the story of one rape counselor. She was carrying a woman, a rape victim who had a piece of wood inserted in her vagina, on her back. When the woman died, rebel forces forced the counselor to bury the body.
"When I finished, they said that they would rape me," she told HRW. "I told them, if you want to rape me, let me first pray. There were eight of them. I prayed. When I stopped praying, four refused to rape me, but the other four said that they would not leave without raping me. They raped me, they hit me, for six hours, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m."
With the risk of more such atrocities growing, the United Statesat $500 million in aid one of Congo's largest donorscannot afford to ignore a brewing conflict in the heart of Africa. During Kabila's White House visit, President Bush urged him to forgo a planned offensive against Nkunda. In North Kivu, Lavand'hommewho sees emergency needs 24/7doubts the nudge from Washington is enough.
bloody awful mess. don't think even we could **** this up any further. and our $500M has already "bought" our way in, eh?