Later broz
Congrats, your "party" won. I actually stuck around on RM to hopefully talk to some logical people to help take their asses out, maybe change some minds. Didn't work for VA or MT though, did it?
I think everything you liberals stand for is truly harmful to this country.
It's been fun, have a sweet time gloating. Hope you don't have any kids die overseas.
Your liberal presence here on RM really makes me sick, it's the same reason I don't hang out at gay rodeos or Chairman Mao rallies.
Goodbye, you assholez.
ylsuoires nekat eb ot ton ydorap
Congrats, your "party" won. I actually stuck around on RM to hopefully talk to some logical people to help take their asses out, maybe change some minds. Didn't work for VA or MT though, did it?
I think everything you liberals stand for is truly harmful to this country.
It's been fun, have a sweet time gloating. Hope you don't have any kids die overseas.
Your liberal presence here on RM really makes me sick, it's the same reason I don't hang out at gay rodeos or Chairman Mao rallies.
Goodbye, you assholez.
ylsuoires nekat eb ot ton ydorap