the most important aspects of a nominee stand out: neither sat on the bench, but did advise the president (i.e., cronyism). i don't have a beef w/ obama nominating whom he chooses, just so long as they have a background which can be scrutinized to determine their fitness. kagan's got nothing of the sort, but unfortunately, this partisan event can't stop her from being confirmed.You need to read more about Harriet Miers then.
"doesn't anybody knock anymore?"Or maybe Judge Rheinhold.
Whoa. Add in that they both have a snatch and they're looking like identical twins...the most important aspects of a nominee stand out: neither sat on the bench, but did advise the president (i.e., cronyism). i don't have a beef w/ obama nominating whom he chooses, just so long as they have a background which can be scrutinized to determine their fitness. kagan's got nothing of the sort, but unfortunately, this partisan event can't stop her from being confirmed.
"doesn't anybody knock anymore?"
FTWI vote for Judge Holden.
Or maybe Judge Rheinhold.
No, Mike Judge.
Judge Dredd?I vote for Judge Holden.
Or maybe Judge Rheinhold.
No, Mike Judge.
or that they don't comport well with the conservative baseWhoa. Add in that they both have a snatch and they're looking like identical twins...
Miers couldn't even fill out the Senate Judicial Committee questionnaire correctly. I think she lost Republican support right then.the most important aspects of a nominee stand out: neither sat on the bench, but did advise the president (i.e., cronyism). i don't have a beef w/ obama nominating whom he chooses, just so long as they have a background which can be scrutinized to determine their fitness. kagan's got nothing of the sort, but unfortunately, this partisan event can't stop her from being confirmed.
"doesn't anybody knock anymore?"
Since when have you had to be a "judge" to sit on the supreme court?the most important aspects of a nominee stand out: neither sat on the bench, but did advise the president (i.e., cronyism). i don't have a beef w/ obama nominating whom he chooses, just so long as they have a background which can be scrutinized to determine their fitness. kagan's got nothing of the sort, but unfortunately, this partisan event can't stop her from being confirmed.
"doesn't anybody knock anymore?"
Doodling is a way of passing the time when bored by a lecture or telephone call. Does it improve or hinder attention to the primary task? To answer this question, 40 participants monitored a monotonous mock telephone message for the names of people coming to a party. Half of the group was randomly assigned to a doodling condition where they shaded printed shapes while listening to the telephone call. The doodling group performed better on the monitoring task and recalled 29% more information on a surprise memory test. Unlike many dual task situations, doodling while working can be beneficial. Future research could test whether doodling aids cognitive performance by reducing daydreaming.
i bet stashed away there is a doodle of obama with buck teeth and dumbo ears...can't believe i'm about to do this, but i feel the need to defend al franken: Franken sketches during Kagan hearing
So both never served as a judge before this and both advised a president. Yeah, we've never had someone of such dubious qualities serve on the US Supreme Court before...William Rehnquist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:William_Rehnquist.jpg" class="image" title="William Rehnquist"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/3/31/William_Rehnquist.jpg/250px-William_Rehnquist.jpgor that they don't comport well with the conservative base
do you have any original & relevant thoughts on this thread?
got that?WASHINGTON — Elena Kagan deflected questions about her own views on gun rights and abortion during her Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday, instead describing Supreme Court precedents. She declined to say whether terrorism suspects must be warned of the right to remain silent, saying the issue was “quite likely to get to the courts.”
Former students of Elena Kagan listened Tuesday as she was questioned in her second day of Senate confirmation hearings.
And Ms. Kagan, the solicitor general and former dean of Harvard Law School, refused to say whether the Supreme Court was correct to take on the 2000 case of Bush v. Gore, telling senators that the issue of when the court should intervene in disputed elections is “an important and difficult question” but one that could come before her should she be confirmed.
Ms. Kagan’s responses, during a long and sometimes tense day of parrying with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, were similar to those of Supreme Court nominees past. But unlike her predecessors, Ms. Kagan wrote a 1995 article calling for judicial nominees to be more forthcoming. On Tuesday, minutes into her testimony, she backpedaled, saying she now believed it would be inappropriate even to answer questions that might “provide some kind of hints” about her views on matters of legal controversy.
“I think that that was wrong,” she said. “I think that — in particular, that it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to talk about what I think about past cases — you know, to grade cases — because those cases themselves might again come before the court.”
yep, it's become tragically hipAre you suddenly upset at the unending partisan bickering? Everyone's just trying to play "gotcha" and it's the interviewee's job not to get got. I recall reading that SC nominees have traditionally not had to undergo these types of interogations, and that confirmation used to be done almost automatically out of respect for the pres. Obviously there is no respect anymore for that position, from either side. So this is all about making life difficult and grandstanding... not "finding the best justice" or whatever.
So the only thing that's different about her from past nominees is that a) she doesn't have a discernible paper trail and b) that she wrote an essay 15 years ago about how nominees should be more forth coming. Still doesn't change the fact that she's giving the exact same bullsh!t answers that every other nominee has given (like Roberts claiming to respect precedence and then overturning previous rulings like on campaign finance reform), or the fact that your original issues with her (and Miers) consisted only of the fact that they'd never sat on the bench and had advised the president, which were the exact same qualifications Rehnquist had.yes. yes, that is a nice dodge
so in reading this, i have to think there's a more qualified nomineegot that?
it's not about her being too liberal. i have no idea what her opinions are b/c she deflects, and has no useful papertrail reflecting her own legal thoughts. can you imagine any other job interview being conducted w/ such evasiveness? they wouldn't even validate your parking.
and so you're glad there's nothing to be glad about?You're just pissed because she hasn't given you anything to be pissed about.
It's all a charade though.and so you're glad there's nothing to be glad about?
do you believe there exists no more qualified nominee to the high court, or do you just 'trust' she's the head of the class?
it's one of the spoils of victory that obama nominate who he wishes. this shouldn't undermine scrutiny by a publicly elected congress, however.
yes, theatrics *are* a waste of time. so instead, they should find out:It's all a charade though.
Everyone knows she's a jewish liberal lesbian elitist (Harvard). She's being put up to add another liberal voice to the SC. It's no secret. All the theatrics are just a waste of time.
I think your focused on the wrong aspects of this. Shes not competing against any one. Its not about determining if shes the most qualified for the job, its about determining if she is you believe there exists no more qualified nominee to the high court, or do you just 'trust' she's the head of the class?
it's this kind of attitude that gave us obama today, & will give us palin in 2012I think your focused on the wrong aspects of this. Shes not competing against any one. Its not about determining if shes the most qualified for the job, its about determining if she is qualified.
I've had a brain injury, so maybe I'm wrong, but I do seem to recall that there were some other people interested in the job when Obama became's this kind of attitude that gave us obama today, & will give us palin in 2012
what's to worry? it's only our gov't
yea, that thought alone is kind of like combining the funny republican thread and the screamer thread. *shudder* thanks a can't apply for teh scotus, you're tapped
yeah, there's an image i could do w/o
as you know, smoking is another form of dietary introduction. alternatively, he could be religiously oppressed if he made brownies & rethuglicans had their wayPUEBLO, COLO. -- A Colorado reverend was in court Monday, fighting a ticket for illegally possessing marijuana.
His argument to the judge -- cannabis is part of his religion.
Jason Wimler of Greeley is an ordained member of the THC Ministry.
One of the group's practices includes worshipping marijuana.
Last December, Wimler was pulled over by a state trooper while driving to Pueblo.
During a search of his car the trooper found around a quarter of pot.
Wimler was issued a ticket, but refused to pay saying his religious beliefs were violated.