Follows the "Conservative Dating Seminar" at CPAC yesterday.!/search/#ConservativeDatingTips!/search/#ConservativeDatingTips
And then every once in a while someone doesn't get the joke...ericschroeck Eric Schroeck
"Maybe we can go back to my place and read a little Atlas Shrugged together.
WeeZieInc Walid Zafar
#ConservativeDatingTips: show off by mentioning that your great-great-grandfather was an officer in the Confederate Army.
fvdlfvdl Frank Vdl
"When asking if he has any condoms, also make sure they weren't paid for by socialist medicine" #conservativedatingtips
SammyErickson9 Sam Erickson
#ConservativeDatingTips. Always order for the woman, because she shouldn't be given choice.
benshapiro benshapiro
Date for marriage. That will ensure you marry a conservative. #conservativedatingtips