
Contact Lenses


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Who's got them?

I'm really confused on what products to use and how to properly clean them. What do you guys use and how do you clean them after you wear them for a while?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
Your eye doctor is the best one to ask about this...
Nah she sucks!
I'm just really curious what products people use and not take the reccomendations of my Eye DR who gets kick backs from the companies she tells me to use.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I just do what my doctor tells me to do to them. :p

I use that stuff in the funky shaped blue bottle, I think it's called Complete. The directions say to rinse the lenses before storing as it's one of those "no rub" solutions. I don't buy it and find that my eyes feel a lot better if I rub each lens in the palm of my hand using my finger and a couple of drops of the solution. Then rinse and store. I'm supposed to do this every night, but I guess I average every other night.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BikeGeek said:
I just do what my doctor tells me to do to them. :p

I use that stuff in the funky shaped blue bottle, I think it's called Complete. The directions say to rinse the lenses before storing as it's one of those "no rub" solutions. I don't buy it and find that my eyes feel a lot better if I rub each lens in the palm of my hand using my finger and a couple of drops of the solution. Then rinse and store. I'm supposed to do this every night, but I guess I average every other night.
See I never rub and I can tell that there is a huge difference in how a new pair fits and how a slightly older pair fits. I'll rub from now on before I store.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, since you won't take your doc's advice :D, my ex-girlfriend used Opti-Free or Opti-Free Express or somesuch. Green label. She said that worked better than any other brand she had used, and had tried several of the other brands. Cleaned them by putting the contact on her finger, and squirting (not just dripping) the solution on it. Flipped it, cleaned the other side. Then put it in. She did this every time she put her contacts in.

Stored in the little contact container full of the solution.


Cleaning drops followed by multi purpose solution. Then rinse like hell with saline.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
I wear rigid Gas Permeable lenses and I use Original Boston Cleaner and Storage solution. In my case they work much better than any other cleaners or storage solutions I have tried or had recommended to me by the Eye Doctor.


Jul 11, 2004
screw doctors...they just look for ways to charge you for stuff.
I've been wearing contacts for 10+ years. ONce you find out your prescription you can order your contacts online for a lot cheaper. I've been using Baush&Lomb Renu No Rub contact juice since they started making it and it works great. I've also used the knock off generic stuff and it works just as good. The thing with contact lenses is that you must take them out every night. I went for over a year without ever removing my lenses and ended up with 2 eye infections in a row (same eye). After I finished flushing all that money down the toilet, I decided to listen to the doctor when he said "Take them out every night." As long as you take them out and let your eyes breath (believe it or not your eyes do need fresh air, as odd as that sounds), you'll be fine. MOst contact juices are the same, so just pick one you like. Good luck and enjoy!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
binary visions said:
Well, since you won't take your doc's advice :D, my ex-girlfriend used Opti-Free or Opti-Free Express or somesuch. Green label. She said that worked better than any other brand she had used, and had tried several of the other brands. Cleaned them by putting the contact on her finger, and squirting (not just dripping) the solution on it. Flipped it, cleaned the other side. Then put it in. She did this every time she put her contacts in.

Stored in the little contact container full of the solution.
Pics of X-girlfriend?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i use accu-view 2 lenses. them all day then take them out at night. put in some multi purpose solution shake em up and leave them in the lens container. im supposed to wear minefor 2 weeks and toss them but i usually get about 3 weeks from them before they get uncomfortable.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
biggins said:
i use accu-view 2 lenses. them all day then take them out at night. put in some multi purpose solution shake em up and leave them in the lens container. im supposed to wear minefor 2 weeks and toss them but i usually get about 3 weeks from them before they get uncomfortable.
Yeah I have day and night contacts which I take out every night. I usually just toss them in solution and thats it.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I have Focus disposable toric lenses (for people with astigmatism.) I've been using Opti-Free for about 10 years, but a while ago I looked at the bottle of Target contact lens solution and noticed that it had all the same patent numbers on it for about 1/3 of the cost, so I switched to that, and it works great for me.

I'm currently on month 4 with my 1 month disposables...thank God I have an eye exam next week...

dh girlie

stosh said:
Nah she sucks!
I'm just really curious what products people use and not take the reccomendations of my Eye DR who gets kick backs from the companies she tells me to use.

Oh god you are NOT one of those...what a complete tool...shes only gonna get a kickback if you buy it in her office and chances are, they dont sell the stuff in their office...use what she tells you..dont f with your eyes...

I've worn contacts for 20 years...first rule of thumb...never ever unless you are abosolutely desperate, handle your lenses with unwashed hands. you pick up so much bacteria on your hands its disgusting to think of...

if you're wearing the disposables, change them every two weeks...

always use the SAME product to clean and rinse them...like those all in one solutions...you can even use the generic stuff, but just don't use different solutions with the same pair, cux they have different pH balances and stuff that can irritate your eyes if you use one one day and one the next...

Try not to sleep in em ie: all night

make sure your contact case is rinsed with clean, hot water and left to air dry away from the toilet (you don't want microscopic spray from the toilet in your eyes)

Don't use drops while they are in your eyes unless they are specifically for contacts. I like the blink and clean...they kinda rewet your lenses and clean em at the same time. (and I'm only endorsing blink and clean on my own, I am not getting any kickbacks from the pharmacuetical company that manufactures them)

follow these simple rules and you won't have problems with your lenses and you won't get eye infections...I just started wearing the daily disposables and although they are more $, they are so convenient and comfortable.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i went to daily wear (can't recall the brand) because i really only use 'em when i am biking or skiiing or playing hockey, stuff like that. no fuss, just toss when you are done. the only thing i don't like about them is taht for some reason i can't see too well at close range like i used to. reading a map or stuff like that sucks.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
make sure your contact case is rinsed with clean, hot water and left to air dry away from the toilet (you don't want microscopic spray from the toilet in your eyes)

Oh you're not one of thoes are you? Didn't you see myth busters where they proved that there is an equal amount of bacteria on the bathroom sink by the toilet as in the kitchen or anywhere else.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
BikeGeek said:
I just do what my doctor tells me to do to them. :p

I use that stuff in the funky shaped blue bottle, I think it's called Complete. The directions say to rinse the lenses before storing as it's one of those "no rub" solutions. I don't buy it and find that my eyes feel a lot better if I rub each lens in the palm of my hand using my finger and a couple of drops of the solution. Then rinse and store. I'm supposed to do this every night, but I guess I average every other night.
I bought a bottle of complete last night I'll let you know what I think.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
My brother and brother-in-law had it done and they said it was the best thing they've ever done.
Yeah I've been debating getting it done. I'm scared of losing my sight though.

I may you my bonus from this year to get it done.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
Well make sure you do your research on a good Dr. and not on the best price.
Yeah thats the feeling I've been getting. This girl I know's step father got phucked by some guy he went to in a mall....

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
stosh said:
Yeah thats the feeling I've been getting. This girl I know's step father got phucked by some guy he went to in a mall....
Yep, I've also heard of those horror storys. My brother-in-law had it done by a good Dr. who does a lot of the surgens in our area, and my brother had his done by the guy who has done most of the Oakland Raiders.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
blah......I have AV 2 weekers, I wear them 4 plus weeks, just throw them in generic solution just before I go to sleep, throw them in when I wake up.

I was I was brave enough to get Laser surgery


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
douglas said:
blah......I have AV 2 weekers, I wear them 4 plus weeks, just throw them in generic solution just before I go to sleep, throw them in when I wake up.

I just buy the store-brand el-cheapo saline. I think it's usually about $1.99 for a big bottle. When my 2-week disposables start to bug me (usually anywhere from 4-8 weeks) I toss 'em and throw in a fresh pair.

I figure all that bacteria and stuff just makes my immune system stronger. ;)
