
Contador Fails TDF drug test!!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Pro sports are no different than business...when large amounts of money are on the line, people will cheat. It amazes me that no one in the U.S. has gone to jail for fraud from cheating in sports (like Marion Jones...she only went to jail due to perjury). I personally wish they wouldn't test. I would rather Rasmussen had won the '07 Tour and Landis won the '06 Tour. If Contador is busted, then 2 of the last 5 will have been stripped of the title (three if you count Rasmussen's late departure after he had, in effect, won).

On the other side of the doping conversation is the ridiculous zero tolerance policy, like what happened to Scott Montiger. The guy has been pro forever and he proved that he had a contaminated supplement (much like the beef situation) and they still suspended him. Or look at Kohl...he spilled the beans on the entire doping situation; you would think talking would have brought him a reduced sentence and instead they threatened him with a lifetime ban (not that it matters anyway, he retired).

The policies that WADA has implemented are ridiculous. All ownership is put on the riders. At the UCI cross races here, it is up to me to track down the board after the race (god forbid they tell us who is being tested prior to the race), check the board, and then I have to find the UCI guy so I can piss in a cup. At the USGP finals there was a guy walking around trying to find the drug tester so he could piss in the cup, and no one knew where he was. If that guy didn't take the test because he couldn't find the tester, he would be suspended (missing a test is akin to testing positive). It's all a bunch of BS and pisses me off


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I'm just surprised how well these guys lie.

Floyd, Tyler, and Alberto have all put up stonewall defenses. And the first two didn't seem like they were capable.

Lance, on the hand, seems exactly the kind of guy to lie right to your face....