
Convert Marzocchi Z1 From 4" to 5" ?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
creationrebel said:
Can one of you suspension wizards explain to me in layman's terms how one converts a 2000 Z1 CR from 4" to 5". Thanks.
Its very easy. What springs do you have? I might be interested in a trade. I have the same fork and want to go back to 4". I have firm I think.

But anyway, you don't need any special tools beyond a pair of snapring pliers. If you have ever taken a fork apart before, there really isn't anything special you should know about the Z1. The diagrams on their website help, but I've had a better time of finding info by doing Google searches, especially for stuff like oil heights. Travel is switched from 4" to 5" by putting in a shorter top-out spring and longer primary spring.