
Convert Quicktime to .WMV ?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
My new camera only does quicktime vids and my vid editor, moviemaker2, won't accept .mov's. Is there an inexpensive converter or would i be better off forking out the money for something like adobe premier or something similar. i feel as if i've used the editing features in moviemaker to the max and am very comfortable with it (except when it freezes if i'm working with a long vid :disgust: )

so anyway, suggest me either,

1. a good converter that won't lose quality


2. a good vid editing program. btw, i'm running a PC, not a mac.

also, does quicktime pro allow you to edit .mov and .wmv's? i saw on an advertisement that you can edit with it and convert files but it didn't give a list of what it'll convert.

here's an example of where my skill level is at using Win moviemaker. do i need to move up?



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus

This one is free, it's the first one on the list. It should do what you want for converting. And you should have windows movie maker installed on your pc, that works great for making easy movies.

Hope that helps.

thanks for the link, i'll check that one out. i do have moviemaker and all the recent updates. " i feel as if i've used the editing features in moviemaker to the max and am very comfortable with it (except when it freezes if i'm working with a long vid )"
i was just wondering if it would be better to just get a more advanced vid editing program.
anybody work with other editing programs? adobe, video vegas, final cut...(i know it's for mac but i've heard of a pc friendly version)


Apr 2, 2006
manimal said:
" i feel as if i've used the editing features in moviemaker to the max and am very comfortable with it (except when it freezes if i'm working with a long vid )"

:poster_oops: Sorry, I missed that part. I'll look around a little, but I have no personal experience with anything other than movie maker.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I use Adobe Premier Elements, and have produced good video with that. I like it because it is fairly easy to use, but your camera has to have a firewire port.

will it import existing videos from my hardrive? all of my vids are from a memory card or hard drive camcorder. i'm pretty sure it does and i have firewire anyway but i just need to be sure that i can use all of my existing vids that are already on my PC.