

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
'She describes Trump’s penis as “smaller than average” but “not freakishly small”.'

Sweet dreams tonight, all of you!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Franken could have switched parties. He'd have been welcomed with open arms and given the full support of the GOP apparatus.
well, the GOP has revealed itself as a safe space for rapists, pedos, and creepers
GOP: A party of creepers 2018.

I dig it.
I read that article when you first posted it, and I've been thinking a lot about it. I confessed to being of two uncomfortable minds when the Franken allegations came out. This article helped me feel much more comfortable towards one side of the issue. The argument the author seems to be making is "The ends, justify the means". At least that's how I read it.

She could not be more wrong. Franken has to go. Any person in a position of power with credible allegations of such behavior against them, has to go. This is how the modern GOP got to be the modern GOP. A win is a win, no matter how dirty, no matter how corrupt, any short term gain trumps (no pun intended) long term goals. It's not just enough to win, but the other side must also lose as badly as possible. This can be seen in Roy Moore. This can be seen in Paul Ryan already taking about cuts to the social safety net and the stupid Tax Bill hasn't even passed yet, which why they need Roy Moore in the first place. "Fuck you, poors!"

I lambasted syadasti for frothing over that WWII photo. That we were supposed to be "outraged" over something that happened almost 70 years ago, given the context of the time, was silly. But this is today. Now. We should be outraged that a guy who is clearly a fucking deviant is running for anything except from the cops. While there is maybe an argument to be made about degrees of behavior with Franken, clearly there is not with Conyers, or Farenthold or any of the half dozen or more other creeps, and I just don't think that's a road anyone who wants to claim the moral high ground should go down. An argument that Democrats, or the left, should be taking lessons from the GOP because they are "winning" makes me nauseous. If the Democrats cannot win against a pedophile, if the Democrats are too weak or unwilling to make that argument, to call a pedophile a pedophile and drive that point home until a google for "Roy Moore" directs to "pedophile" and they still can't win that race, then they fucking deserve to lose. If this country is so morally rudderless then I despair. A goodly portion of this country already thinks Democrats are wavering, feckless, pussies. It doesn't make any goddamn sense to remove any doubt. Fight a clean fight. Stand on principals. Make a better argument and send a better message. You cannot make a deal with the Devil, and not lose your soul.
Choo chooo motherfucker.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I think his resigning then assigns his replacement through a chain of command, where if he's fired the Pres can name his replacement.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Have to have an account to read that.
I didn't. Try incognito?

At the beginning of one of the most consequential weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency, an enormous smoke bomb was detonated in the news cycle when Axios, deeply wired in Trump’s West Wing, reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had resigned. Quickly, a head-spinning array of conflicting accounts were put forth: had he been fired? Was he heading to the White House to be fired—or was he going to a regularly scheduled meeting? Finally, Sarah Huckabee Sanders brought a measure of clarity by tweeting that whatever was going to happen to Rosenstein would happen on Thursday, when the president returned from New York.

For all the morning’s madness, there may have been an underlying logic. Over the weekend, as Brett Kavanaugh’s prospects appeared increasingly imperiled, Trump faced two tactical options, both of them fraught. One was to cut Kavanaugh loose. But he was also looking for ways to dramatically shift the news cycle away from his embattled Supreme Court nominee. According to a source briefed on Trump’s thinking, Trump decided that firing Rosenstein would knock Kavanaugh out of the news, potentially saving his nomination and Republicans’ chances for keeping the Senate. “The strategy was to try and do something really big,” the source said. The leak about Rosenstein’s resignation could have been the result, and it certainly had the desired effect of driving Kavanaugh out of the news for a few hours.
Emphasis mine.

Guess what else is happening this thursday?
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Still pay walled.
Weird. Was when I went back in a third time too. Edited the OP, but here it is again:

"At the beginning of one of the most consequential weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency, an enormous smoke bomb was detonated in the news cycle when Axios, deeply wired in Trump’s West Wing, reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had resigned. Quickly, a head-spinning array of conflicting accounts were put forth: had he been fired? Was he heading to the White House to be fired—or was he going to a regularly scheduled meeting? Finally, Sarah Huckabee Sanders brought a measure of clarity by tweeting that whatever was going to happen to Rosenstein would happen on Thursday, when the president returned from New York.

For all the morning’s madness, there may have been an underlying logic. Over the weekend, as Brett Kavanaugh’s prospects appeared increasingly imperiled, Trump faced two tactical options, both of them fraught. One was to cut Kavanaugh loose. But he was also looking for ways to dramatically shift the news cycle away from his embattled Supreme Court nominee. According to a source briefed on Trump’s thinking, Trump decided that firing Rosenstein would knock Kavanaugh out of the news, potentially saving his nomination and Republicans’ chances for keeping the Senate. “The strategy was to try and do something really big,” the source said. The leak about Rosenstein’s resignation could have been the result, and it certainly had the desired effect of driving Kavanaugh out of the news for a few hours."

Emphasis mine.

Guess what else is happening this thursday?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
10 parties where girls were raped and she never said a word.....no one attending said a word.....
Yeah, gang rapes happen, and they go unreported.

The college where I attended Art School was inundated with Frat boys who did this shit to women all the time. And not only did they brag about "running a train on drunk bitches", they got away with it. They got away with a lot of horrible crimes in the late 80's and early 90s. The school would do whatever was necessary to keep it quiet. Why ? Because the same type of ex-frat boys made up the administration. Same scenario is playing out over the Kavanaugh appointment. Only difference this go around is the Me Too Movement has galvanized a massive segment of women who quite simply have had enough.

Any man who speaks in opposition of the ladies in this regard is either showing his true colors or is a total, insensitive, detached moron. Wether it's been corroborated or not, we, as men all know a woman who was the victim of sexual assault. Any man with the slightest bit of decency would not attack or immediately refute such allegations.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are

Pretty much exactly what is being described now by these accusers.
edit: note date ... 02/1990

another edit: Judicial Crisis Network (Federalist Society) has cranked up their advertising to several commercials per hour on the idiot tube, actually stating that these allegations are "all made up". Sounds like the pressure is on.

edit #3: Trump is holding an unplanned solo press conference in a few minutes. This should be interesting.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Any man who speaks in opposition of the ladies in this regard is either showing his true colors or is a total, insensitive, detached moron. Wether it's been corroborated or not, we, as men all know a woman who was the victim of sexual assault. Any man with the slightest bit of decency would not attack or immediately refute such allegations.
"Dad, why is Uncle Steve still single?"

10 parties where girls were raped and she never said a word.....no one attending said a word.....
Not sure if even more pathetic attempt than usual to be edgy, or just retarded.

Seriously, take a minute to reflect on what you just said.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Yeah, gang rapes happen, and they go unreported.

The college where I attended Art School was inundated with Frat boys who did this shit to women all the time. And not only did they brag about "running a train on drunk bitches", they got away with it. They got away with a lot of horrible crimes in the late 80's and early 90s. The school would do whatever was necessary to keep it quiet. Why ? Because the same type of ex-frat boys made up the administration. Same scenario is playing out over the Kavanaugh appointment. Only difference this go around is the Me Too Movement has galvanized a massive segment of women who quite simply have had enough.

Any man who speaks in opposition of the ladies in this regard is either showing his true colors or is a total, insensitive, detached moron. Wether it's been corroborated or not, we, as men all know a woman who was the victim of sexual assault. Any man with the slightest bit of decency would not attack or immediately refute such allegations.
never hung with frat boys.....but they do rape their own.


do you think i want kavanaugh on the bench....no.

have congreesmen/senators servered with sexual predators gleefully as long as they could stay in power pre #metoo.....why yes.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'd say half of the women who I know well have been assaulted or raped, including my mother and sister. I suspect a good percentage of the other half have had similar experiences and keep it secret. Only one of them reported the rest kept quiet it over fears of reliving the trauma or being questioned and labelled.

The one girl went through hell dealing with it. She was of course questioned because she was inebriated and waited too long for genetic evidence to be collected. She was and probably still is labelled as the girl who claimed Shaggy raped her. She deeply regrets ever saying anything.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
"Dad, why is Uncle Steve still single?"

Not sure if even more pathetic attempt than usual to be edgy, or just retarded.

Seriously, take a minute to reflect on what you just said.
hey....better than maybe your daughter asking you why mommy hates you in ten years.....but hey....iwould never go there...seriously....do you know anyone with mentally disbled children and still call people retarded?