
Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
As any innocent man would do.
The Republicans are waiting for the Democrats to vote for the impeachment inquiry. Without the vote, the Democrats can subpoena anyone they want and control who they want to talk to without interference from the right. If the left votes and it passes to move forward with the impeachment inquiry, the right can then subpoena whomever they want, leveling the playing field. That's why the WH blocked the last subpoena, the ambassador has already said Trump has done nothing wrong and was willing to testify on his behalf. Problem is, it would be a one sided grilling. Why do you think Pelosi hasn't moved forward with a vote? She realizes it would get very ugly for the left, that's why she's been dragging her feet with impeachment in the first place. She knows what the outcome will probably be in 2020 if they pursue it further. She's a smart lady, she talked about the impeachment inquiry only to quite her side as several members have been crying impeachment since the day Trump won the election.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
That's why the WH blocked the last subpoena, the ambassador has already said Trump has done nothing wrong and was willing to testify on his behalf.
Yeah, except for betraying US citizens to a foreign power.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Lets be clear, Trump is stalling to avoid prosecution. The longer he can drag it out the more time he has to flop around and spread lies.

What I dont understand is this: Trump is not a guy to have a beer with. If any of his fervent followers actually had to spend a day with him, they would probably not like him so much anymore. Not a fungi to be around.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
That's why the WH blocked the last subpoena,
Boy, that sounds an awful lot like you just admitted that the White House is committing obstruction of justice.
the ambassador has already said Trump has done nothing wrong
Sondland, the guy who gave 1 million dollars to the Trump inauguration committee and suddenly became an ambassador after the fact? Yeah, no conflict there. :rolleyes:
Problem is, it would be a one sided grilling.

Why do you think Pelosi hasn't moved forward with a vote?
Because she doesn't have to? It's not required by the Constitution. Impeachment is real even if it doesn't have a floor vote. It is an inherent power granted to the co-equal branch of the government. Crying about it doesn't make it less true. This is a bad faith argument put forward by the right so clowns like Nunes and Gym Jordan can start a three ringed circus featuring Buttery Males, Uranium Beghazi shows, Pizza Gate Basements, and the Deep State Players sideshow.
She realizes it would get very ugly for the left, that's why she's been dragging her feet with impeachment in the first place. She knows what the outcome will probably be in 2020 if they pursue it further.
How far up shit creek are you when Trumps own DOJ is literally trying to re-litigate Nixons stonewalling of congress? You know that's Nixon was actually impeached for, right? For trying to block a congressional inquiry.
1. obstruction of justice
2. abuse of power
But there has been no proof of that.
Except for the presidents own words. You know, it's in the "summary". Imagine what they didn't release if they thought that was the OK stuff.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I disagree. The written synopsis of the call, released by the WH, clearly shows the proof. You have to WANT to not see this.

Also, this.
And the text messages, especially with the last awkward "there was no quid pro quo, for the record" line... which is even more damning now that it has come out that that hotel-running campaign donor-turned-EU-ambassador spoke with Trump immediately before sending that text.



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
"The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." -Lindsey Graham, 1998

Why do you think Pelosi hasn't moved forward with a vote?
Also, here's another fun one. You know why she doesn't have to? Because republicans made it possible.
Last edited:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Oh yeah. Turkey is now shelling Kurds in Syria.
hearing this reminded me of a movie called Beyond the Gates. It was about a small school in Rwanda that was protected by military, until it wasn't. The idea that the US would leave the Syrians to fend for themselves, after all that's happened and what the Kurds have done for us, is sick. Those people must feel doomed.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
The idea that the US would leave the Syrians to fend for themselves, after all that's happened and what the Kurds have done for us, is sick. Those people must feel doomed.
We have a long history of fucking over these 'allies', just ask the Montagnards, ARVN, Iraqis, Afghans.........


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
hearing this reminded me of a movie called Beyond the Gates. It was about a small school in Rwanda that was protected by military, until it wasn't. The idea that the US would leave the Syrians to fend for themselves, after all that's happened and what the Kurds have done for us, is sick. Those people must feel doomed.
The next generation of western hating, Islamic terrorists, don't create themselves!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Buttery Males redux:

On Tuesday, Meadows dismissed concerns about the communications of the two diplomats, Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland, saying that their use of personal phones or encrypted apps was acceptable because they ultimately handed over their correspondence to the State Department.
Despite those rules, the use of WhatsApp and other messaging services is fairly widespread at the State Department, and those who use them often fail to take screenshots of the communications and forward them on in official emails for the archives as instructed.

“Few, few people do that,” said one former official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss compliance issues he witnessed.

“The irony is that Pompeo’s diplomats are using personal devices when he personally went ballistic on Hillary Clinton for that,” the official added.

Clinton employed a more elaborate workaround of State Department guidelines through her use of a private server, but some legal experts said the disparity in outrage in the two cases was telling.

“ ‘Pot meet kettle’ doesn’t do the situation justice,” said Brad Moss, a Washington-based attorney who specializes in national security and classification cases.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Boy, that sounds an awful lot like you just admitted that the White House is committing obstruction of justice.

Sondland, the guy who gave 1 million dollars to the Trump inauguration committee and suddenly became an ambassador after the fact? Yeah, no conflict there. :rolleyes:

Because she doesn't have to? It's not required by the Constitution. Impeachment is real even if it doesn't have a floor vote. It is an inherent power granted to the co-equal branch of the government. Crying about it doesn't make it less true. This is a bad faith argument put forward by the right so clowns like Nunes and Gym Jordan can start a three ringed circus featuring Buttery Males, Uranium Beghazi shows, Pizza Gate Basements, and the Deep State Players sideshow.

How far up shit creek are you when Trumps own DOJ is literally trying to re-litigate Nixons stonewalling of congress? You know that's Nixon was actually impeached for, right? For trying to block a congressional inquiry.
1. obstruction of justice
2. abuse of power

Except for the presidents own words. You know, it's in the "summary". Imagine what they didn't release if they thought that was the OK stuff.
So why not have a vote? If the left is so confident they're correct with all their allegations, have a house vote. They should have the numbers to do so. The republicans want the vote to bring the hearing out to the public, if there is no vote, the left can keep everything private, will continue with their false narratives. Adam Schiff has been making shit up since the beginning, if it is behind closed doors, he'll continue to do the same. Why not bring it out into the open? They won't do it because they know & fear it will more than likely backfire on them, just like the Mueller report did. I would think you'd want to see both sides have their fair say, don't you? You hate Trump and that's totally fine, but shouldn't the playing field be fair. All I'm saying is let both sides plead their case openly & fairly.