

sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Trump hired all kinds of undocumented workers in his hotels. This is the presidency of do as I say, not as I do or sleep with. This is now important because he can capture a xenophobic demographic? I can’t believe it is anything other than that. Give the resources to process and have hearings for these refugees, this is the freaking US. We didn’t win the Cold War being in the “moral right” to now turn away your tired and humble people yearning to be free. We are destroying the things that made us great. It’s not red hats and the selective memory of how good it was for white folks.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
we were never the good guys. The CIA overthrew the government of Iran and installed the Shah. when he got overthrow and the Iran Iraq war started at the same time that the Sandinistas rose up against a US puppet in Nicaragua ,Regan to get around congress sold coke to Americans to fund the Contras by giving Israel money to by arms to sell to Iran via a back door to fight Sadamm. We then ended up killing 100s of thousand in Iraq during the war. untold more in afganistan and now the cheeto wants war in Iran. FUCK the Republicans


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I have zero problems with that. If they can come here and be self sufficient, by all means! However not using tax payers dollars, collecting welfare, medical etc. I guess that would require people to step up and sponsor a family as many come here with nothing. I wonder how many would actually do that?
Those are two separate issues. It is morally bankrupt to separate children from their family and hold them in cages.
Patrolling the border and expelling illegal migrants is a separate issue from what you do with the detainees once they are in your custody. The administration has stated that the policy of separating children from their families is meant as a deterrent.

I find that repugnant. In my opinion, anyone who does not acknowledge that this practice is repugnant is either being disingenuous, or in the grips of moral decay.

I'm writing this in absolutes because I think that this is an either/or argument. Usually I'm willing to concede there are various legitimate points of view on an issue, and shades of grey, but in the issue of separating children from their families, I don't. It's wrong, full stop.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Given that there's too many people on this planet, breeding shouldn't be encouraged with subsidies and tax benefits.
Those are two separate issues. It is morally bankrupt to separate children from their family and hold them in cages.
Patrolling the border and expelling illegal migrants is a separate issue from what you do with the detainees once they are in your custody. The administration has stated that the policy of separating children from their families is meant as a deterrent.

I find that repugnant. In my opinion, anyone who does not acknowledge that this practice is repugnant is either being disingenuous, or in the grips of moral decay.

I'm writing this in absolutes because I think that this is an either/or argument. Usually I'm willing to concede there are various legitimate points of view on an issue, and shades of grey, but in the issue of separating children from their families, I don't. It's wrong, full stop.
From what I understand, many of these children weren't even traveling with their biological parents. They are being used as pawns by the cartels to get the adults in the country as they've been told US immigration will allow them in if they're caught crossing illegally with children. At that point, do you keep them with the adults (possible strangers) they came here with, or separate them for their protection?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Another thought about the "burden" of illegal immigrants. A quick Google search put the Washington State apple crop at a value of 2.5 billion dollars. Without illegal immigrants there is no apple crop. No cherries, no pears, no vegetables, no chicken, no beef.
hmmmmmm it's almost like i've heard this elsewhere before, about economic impact and revenue losses due to lack of migrant workers.....


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
the National Review?
can you find any reporting other than far right, uber conservative sources?

if there was any uncertainty as to the relationship between a migrant and a child, we should be housing them together until it could be demonstrated that they should be separated. the damage done by making the wrong choice far outweighs any benefits.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Well I suppose I am speaking for what is common around here in the agriculture community. Our farm hires H2A seasonal farm workers, Mexican nationals who come up for 6 months a year. They don't pay taxes on their paychecks. But they are here legally.

Another thought about the "burden" of illegal immigrants. A quick Google search put the Washington State apple crop at a value of 2.5 billion dollars. Without illegal immigrants there is no apple crop. No cherries, no pears, no vegetables, no chicken, no beef.

Illegal immigrants make this nation what it is today. The cost and availability of food in every corner of this nation is directly tied to the presence of illegal immigrants. So when we look at all the agriculture, construction, landscaping, and everything else, they are contributing major dollars to their employers and the economy in general.

That said I am seeing a growing demographic of people who are finding that if they stop working and start making babies they can live off federal assistance.

Nothings for free! Living off the government has it's own consequences that may not be apparent immediately.
Im not disagreeing with you.
A friend of mine brings in hordes of Mexicans via H2s annually and they are awesome. Your example is how it should work.


Turbo Monkey
Funny how brian all of a sudden cares so much about these poor people, (who risk life and limb looking for a better future for their kids) not paying their taxes.

If only he cared as much about corporations not paying their taxes or the president of the United States...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
How anyone with kids can have zero empathy for immigrant families being separated is just beyond me. There is no valid rationalization for this practice. It’s inhuman, cruel, openly racist and goes against everything we as a country are supposed to embrace.

And to anyone who supports separating families whose only crime is wanting a better life for themselves;

Go fuck yourself you miserable piece of trash !


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
hmmmmmm it's almost like i've heard this elsewhere before, about economic impact and revenue losses due to lack of migrant workers.....

From August but interesting in that the Fed is using their labor visa program to leverage growers rates of pay. The thing is the rates the Fed sets applies to everyone, H2A or local. Access to sufficient labor is one of, if not the biggest limiting factor farms in our region face. That is our until export markets tanked in the last 24 months. Now we have bigger problems than labor...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004

From August but interesting in that the Fed is using their labor visa program to leverage growers rates of pay. The thing is the rates the Fed sets applies to everyone, H2A or local. Access to sufficient labor is one of, if not the biggest limiting factor farms in our region face. That is our until export markets tanked in the last 24 months. Now we have bigger problems than labor...
What's your position on this? Good/Bad/Indifferent?


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
What's your position on this? Good/Bad/Indifferent?
In the article, Zirkle was paying on average over $17 an hour to their H2A when the piece rate was set at 50 cents per pound. They have over 2000 H2A employees. The mid season rate hike would have changed the effective hourly rate from 17 to 25.50! An extra 7.5 dollars an hour for a farm like Zirkle is just an extra million dollars a week for payroll. Like they said, they would have no choice but to move to machine harvesters.

But to answer your question, my feelings are that I am not sure why these decisions are being made, it certainly seems misguided.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
In the article, Zirkle was paying on average over $17 an hour to their H2A when the piece rate was set at 50 cents per pound. They have over 2000 H2A employees. The mid season rate hike would have changed the effective hourly rate from 17 to 25.50! An extra 7.5 dollars an hour for a farm like Zirkle is just an extra million dollars a week for payroll. Like they said, they would have no choice but to move to machine harvesters.
If it effects all growers I guess they could maintain the hand picking but at a higher market price.

An old friend used to rake blueberries in Maine every season. He was the only non Latino, they called him the Great White Hope.
I’ll have to ask what he was paid back in the day (80-90s).

$17 doesn’t sound unreasonable. Attractive even for manual unskilled labor. The government has no business implementing this shit, they just want more taxes from the higher wage.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I regard that as crap. I understand the discussion regarding the dynamics of smaller enterprises trying to stay alive, but a blueberry farm ain't Exxon or Wells Fargo, both of which should be thoughtfully disassembled.
I was only talking about the farm.

Massive corporations hold no special place in my heart, btw

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Funny how brian all of a sudden cares so much about these poor people, (who risk life and limb looking for a better future for their kids) not paying their taxes.

If only he cared as much about corporations not paying their taxes or the president of the United States...
You're clueless in the real world aren't you. Corporations are given a tax break so they'll conduct business in that area/state. At that point the employees pay the taxes increasing the tax revenue. I guess a corporation can leave the country, conduct business elsewhere leaving more people without a job. New York lost a shitload of money losing that Amazon deal. Sure Amazon pays zero to very little, but look at the revenue it would have brought in with 25K people making over $125K a year, buying homes, goods etc, more restaurants opening as well as retailers. You can only tax so much before companies/people leave. It's easy to conduct business overseas nowadays, then what happens? Thats right, the AOC approach...... print more money & free shit for everyone!

As far as Trump goes, he probably pays more in taxes in one year than you'll pay in your entire lifetime. I'm sure he manipulates and squeezes every deduction and takes every tax loophole possible. Is it illegal? Nope. You kinda fit the mold with the meme I posted above a few days ago, don't cha?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
You're clueless in the real world aren't you. Corporations are given a tax break so they'll conduct business in that area/state. At that point the employees pay the taxes increasing the tax revenue. I guess a corporation can leave the country, conduct business elsewhere leaving more people without a job. New York lost a shitload of money losing that Amazon deal. Sure Amazon pays zero to very little, but look at the revenue it would have brought in with 25K people making over $125K a year, buying homes, goods etc, more restaurants opening as well as retailers. You can only tax so much before companies/people leave. It's easy to conduct business overseas nowadays, then what happens? Thats right, the AOC approach...... print more money & free shit for everyone!

As far as Trump goes, he probably pays more in taxes in one year than you'll pay in your entire lifetime. I'm sure he manipulates and squeezes every deduction and takes every tax loophole possible. Is it illegal? Nope. You kinda fit the mold with the meme I posted above a few days ago, don't cha?
Amazon is now coming to manhattan, with no tax breaks, and similar wages. They caved.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
$17 doesn’t sound unreasonable. Attractive even for manual unskilled labor. The government has no business implementing this shit, they just want more taxes from the higher wage.
Every apple block pays a different rate per bin depending on how easy or hard it is to get in the bin. Some bins are $30-40. There are guys doing 6-8 bins a day. I don't care who you are, that is pretty damn good money for field work.

Another issue with these wage hikes for H2A, the locals see what the H2A workers make and expect to be paid equally, as they should, since they are actually the highly skilled career orchard workers. I will give yhe H2A guys credit, they learn fast and once its their 2nd year its business as usual.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
You're clueless in the real world aren't you. Corporations are given a tax break so they'll conduct business in that area/state.
So it's not enough for a business to make money? Their business model sucks so bad that they can't "make it" without being subsidized by the local/state/whatever government? To me, that sounds contrary to capitalism, where the strong survive and those that have sucky business models fail.

Tax credits and incentives are one of the big problems in our system. Funny money 101.


Turbo Monkey
You're clueless in the real world aren't you. Corporations are given a tax break so they'll conduct business in that area/state. At that point the employees pay the taxes increasing the tax revenue. I guess a corporation can leave the country, conduct business elsewhere leaving more people without a job. New York lost a shitload of money losing that Amazon deal. Sure Amazon pays zero to very little, but look at the revenue it would have brought in with 25K people making over $125K a year, buying homes, goods etc, more restaurants opening as well as retailers. You can only tax so much before companies/people leave. It's easy to conduct business overseas nowadays, then what happens? Thats right, the AOC approach...... print more money & free shit for everyone!

As far as Trump goes, he probably pays more in taxes in one year than you'll pay in your entire lifetime. I'm sure he manipulates and squeezes every deduction and takes every tax loophole possible. Is it illegal? Nope. You kinda fit the mold with the meme I posted above a few days ago, don't cha?

If you mean clueless because I dont understand why corporations are allowed to take billlions of dollars out of the economy just for the fuck of it, while millions of people cant afford health care then yes. Im totally fucking clueless.

And also yes, AOC just wants to print free money for everyone. Thats exactly what she wants to do.

Dude youve got your head so far up your own fucking asshole I wouldnt be surprised if Cirque du Soleil comes knocking on your door with a job offer...

Jesus fucking christ gtfo.
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My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
so lets review...
assassination of Iranian bad dude by USA
retaliation by Iran results in the now probable accidental shooting down of aircraft killing 176 people

seems like us proving the justification for this whole thing starting would be more crucial to Ukraine and Canada like, really soon.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
so lets review...
assassination of Iranian bad dude by USA
retaliation by Iran results in the now probable accidental shooting down of aircraft killing 176 people

seems like us proving the justification for this whole thing starting would be more crucial to Ukraine and Canada like, really soon.
Do you feel US has blood on its hands in regards to airliner being shot down?
Does US guilt extend to the trampled funeral mourners too?

Not an accusatory/loaded question, just asking.
This is a topic I've heard a lot of today.