

My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
A little long, but this is an EXCELLENT synopsis:


edit: it's a little breathless about this being the end for Trump.
Hey, that is a good synopsis. Good find.

13/ Registration, false statements, and failure to file charges are "easy" to prove assuming basic underlying facts and some key documents.
This was on NPR this morning. Chances are really good that Muller has hard, on paper, bank account statements, records, emails, etc on the shifty financial stuff Manafort's been up to for years. Forget any of the still up for debate campaign stuff, forget any of the political cloak and dagger, Manafort's financial dealings are by themselves enough to get him locked up for the rest of his life. This stuff is about Mueller pining Manafort to the wall. If Paulie ever wants to see the outdoors again he is going to have to start talking.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I was asking this very same thing

44/ Let me now make a *key* point: Mueller could *easily* get Flynn on the same FARA charges we see here. So why hasn't Flynn been charged?
Link Here

45/ The answer is that either there's a sealed indictment on Mike Flynn the media doesn't know about—unlikely—or Flynn has already flipped.
I think a flipped Flynn is unlikely, but IIRC Flynn has had continued communication to the White House. Perhaps they are seeing if he spills the proverbial magic beans.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Hey, that is a good synopsis. Good find.

This was on NPR this morning. Chances are really good that Muller has hard, on paper, bank account statements, records, emails, etc on the shifty financial stuff Manafort's been up to for years. Forget any of the still up for debate campaign stuff, forget any of the political cloak and dagger, Manafort's financial dealings are by themselves enough to get him locked up for the rest of his life. This stuff is about Mueller pining Manafort to the wall. If Paulie ever wants to see the outdoors again he is going to have to start talking.
Not necessarily. Congress can threaten action if the president pardons them now. But if Trump walks away clean they will no doubt get a final day in office pardon. They are looking at 38 months max.

Hopefully there are state charges brewing in the background.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I was asking this very same thing

I think a flipped Flynn is unlikely, but IIRC Flynn has had continued communication to the White House. Perhaps they are seeing if he spills the proverbial magic beans.
Didn't Flynn offer to go states witness and teh state said "No thanks." because he couldn't keep his story straight?


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
So how's shit gonna flow downhill from here?

Papa > Manafort & Gates > Flynn > Kushner & Jr > Sessions > DJT?

If the media reports have been any indication, everything through Sessions doesn't pass the sniff test. As to whether or not it sticks to DJT, time will tell. Mueller is our last best hope for clarity.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Not necessarily. Congress can threaten action if the president pardons them now. But if Trump walks away clean they will no doubt get a final day in office pardon. They are looking at 38 months max.

Hopefully there are state charges brewing in the background.
Well sure. I suppose it's possible but I think (hope) that Mueller is smarter than that. I suspect Mueller already has a laundry list of things he can charge all kinds of different folks with, but needs or wants to see if there is any more. Remember that Manafort was already "cooperating" when the Feds busted down his door in the wee hours of the morning. It's possible that what Manafort has been publicly charged with isn't everything Mueller has on him. Is Dotard Don going to preemptively pardon Manafort for Collusion that he hasn't been publicly charged with and that TOTALLY DIDN'T HAPPEN? I know we are living in strange times, but that's some pretty bad optics.
Nuts in a vice.
Ready for some :tinfoil:?

You don't serve a warrant against a cooperating witness. Manafort lied or omitted something that Mueller already knew about, hence the raid. A warrant requires "reasonable cause". Now maybe, it's only related to the legion of other shifty shit Manafort has been up too. Or maybe it's not. But if it's Trump related, I'd bet a shiny quarter that the NK stuff gets turned up to 11. Or Sessions gets sacked. Or Ivanka pees on the white house lawn, or something else batshit crazy
or perhaps they have enough legal leverage on him that they don't need to deal on any level.
I shall pray to teh FSM.

Edit: Found it, praise the FSM!

Maybe Flynn is talking now?
Last edited:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
So how's shit gonna flow downhill from here?

Papa > Manafort & Gates > Flynn > Kushner & Jr > Sessions > DJT?

If the media reports have been any indication, everything through Sessions doesn't pass the sniff test. As to whether or not it sticks to DJT, time will tell. Mueller is our last best hope for clarity.
From @rideit excellent post:
50/ I've also said that Phase 3—in which Trump co-conspirators are indicted—would last 2 to 5 months. So that's what we're in for right now.
Link Here

51/ Between now and March 31, 2018 we can expect more indictments. Almost certainly Carter Page, Jared Kushner, and Mike Flynn—at a minimum.
Imma start cellaring some fancy ass beers. Could be an interesting 6 months.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
From teh Fox Newz:
Manafort's lawyer says Trump was right: No evidence of collusion with Russia

"President Donald Trump was correct. There is no evidence the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russia government," Kevin Downing, an attorney for Manafort, responded, referencing earlier tweets and statements from the president. "A claim that maintaining offshore accounts to bring all your funds into the United States, as a scheme to conceal from the United States government, is ridiculous."
:rofl: FAKE NEWS, nothing to see here, folks.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
You have to believe that they have him nailed on YUGE tax evasion charges already, which they'll use like a crowbar on manafort's ass to get him to turn any possible evidence he might have.

I mean, allegedly, of course.
He floated quite a bit of coin through overseas accounts and did it for a lot of years. My guess is these folks know Trump wouldn't do a damn thing for them if push came to shove, so I am betting they will all fold once the final count comes in as to what they are looking to face.

The "not guilty" plea is damn funny, though. Trumps private attorney is saying Trump was too stupid to know about it. I don't know if ignorance as a defense works at this level or not.

“I’m not concerned about it because if you look at what, again, George Papadopoulos’s plea is, what the actual plea deal they entered into is, again, a false statement about timing as to when he talked to somebody about Russian activities,” Sekulow said.

“It wasn’t, by the way, these weren’t activities that were illegal. It wasn’t the conversation that they had,”


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am just going to leave this here...they keep using this word, but I do not think it means what they think it means...

  1. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
    "the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
    "there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
    • LAW
      illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Hopefully there are state charges brewing in the background.
Buddy who works in Congress said this is being assumed since the NY State Atty was brought in super early. That all cases are likely being built for federal and state in unison. If 45 drops a pardon and they accept, they admit guilt to all evidence in the state trial. Go straight to jail, don't pass go, no $200. The state trial would likely be just long enough for the prosecutor to lay out "there was a pardon admitting everything we are about to show you is true and the defendant has already accepted guilt for".


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
don't get too excited, an indictment isn't a conviction (which would probably result in a pardon)
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. I'll take it.

Edit: Besides, Papadopoulos pleaded a month ago, apparently. I got a shiny quarter says he sang like a Greek Canary in exchange for cooperation and a lighter sentence.

Edit 2:


Buddy who works in Congress said this is being assumed since the NY State Atty was brought in super early. That all cases are likely being built for federal and state in unison. If 45 drops a pardon and they accept, they admit guilt to all evidence in the state trial. Go straight to jail, don't pass go, no $200. The state trial would likely be just long enough for the prosecutor to lay out "there was a pardon admitting everything we are about to show you is true and the defendant has already accepted guilt for".
Exactly. Dear FSM, please let Dotard Don pardon them. If he does the state of NY goes before a judge and/or jury and says "See? He pardoned them. They have to be guilty." Open, shut, done. They spend 5 minutes in court and these clowns rot in Rikers for the rest of their short, pathetic lives. SAD!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Probably what Page want's more than a plea deal, is protection. It's very likely that he was the go-between on that shifty Russian oil company deal. I know it's very :tinfoil:, but all this shit is in The "pee tape" Dossier. I had actually forgotten about this until I saw it in a Reddit thread, but here is a TL;DR
The Papadopoulos e-mails paint a very complete picture together with the dossier and with the known information:

  • In April, Papadopoulos went to London and discussed the hacked e-mails with the professor, a month beforeanyone else knew about them
  • He tries to get the campaign to send someone there to deal with Putin. Manafort says that it will have to be someone low-level, not Drumpf.
  • In July, they send Carter Page to Moscow. He makes a deal with Putin: sanctions relief and a 19% stake in Rosneft for election help. Putin says he wants a personal confirmation from Drumpf that the deal is a go.
  • On July 27, Drumpf looks into the camera and says, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find Hillary Clinton's 30,000 e-mails." That was the 'yes.'
Page is either a total nutjob, or just trying to stay alive.