
eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Maine Votes to Expand Medicaid, Flouting GOP

Mainers voted to expand access to Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported, overruling Republican Gov. Paul LePage.

The ballot measure will give an estimated80,000 low-income Mainers access to health care. It also offers an important test of the health care law's popularity amid efforts of President Donald Trump and other GOP leaders to dismantle it.

Maine is one of 19 states whose Republican leadership declined to expand access to Medicaid under Obamacare. Maine is the first to use a ballot initiative to expand it anyway, after LePage vetoed five attempts by the state's legislature to expand the program.

Maine's ballot initiative could be the first of many: Advocates have filed paperwork to try and get initiatives on the ballot in Idaho and Utah in 2018.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Maine Votes to Expand Medicaid, Flouting GOP

Mainers voted to expand access to Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported, overruling Republican Gov. Paul LePage.

The ballot measure will give an estimated80,000 low-income Mainers access to health care. It also offers an important test of the health care law's popularity amid efforts of President Donald Trump and other GOP leaders to dismantle it.

Maine is one of 19 states whose Republican leadership declined to expand access to Medicaid under Obamacare. Maine is the first to use a ballot initiative to expand it anyway, after LePage vetoed five attempts by the state's legislature to expand the program.

Maine's ballot initiative could be the first of many: Advocates have filed paperwork to try and get initiatives on the ballot in Idaho and Utah in 2018.
i have family in Maine. they tend to be pretty conservative, but they HATE lepage. he's super unpopular in the state, thankfully he's up for reelection in '18.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Thanks Donald

Because it is really hard to set government policies in under 140 chars.

Twitter is rolling out a 280-character limit for nearly all its users, abandoning its iconic 140-character limit for tweets. And Snapchat, long popular with young people, will undergo a revamp in hopes of becoming easier to use for everyone else.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
and another creature in Trumps personal swamp rears its line my pockets with cash head

WASHINGTON — On Sunday, thanks to a consortium of investigative journalists, the public learned that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross never fully divested himself of ownership in a big global shipping company — one with ties to Russia’s rulers — when he joined President Donald Trump’s Cabinet.

But new reporting by NBC News shows that Ross’ potential conflicts of interest go even further. The shipping company’s own documents suggest that Ross’ company may benefit from an important initiative that he has led as commerce secretary: securing a trade agreement with China to increase U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The shipping company in which Ross' financial partnerships still have a 31 percent stake, Navigator Holdings, exports a different energy product, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). But Navigator’s own statements, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, say that when there’s a global expansion in LNG production facilities, that benefits the trade in LPG. That in turn could help Navigator’s bottom line, and thus Ross himself.

read the rest. it gets even better



the teste
Nov 22, 2002

The Bombardier C-Series debacle is f'ing hilarious. It could certainly be spun that the result will drive US jobs, but make no mistake the administration is primarily concerned with protecting Boeing. Boeing made some rather large contributions to Trump after he won, since then the two have pretty much been in bed together including nomination of a Boeing executive to be in the #2 position in the Pentagon.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

The Bombardier C-Series debacle is f'ing hilarious. It could certainly be spun that the result will drive US jobs, but make no mistake the administration is primarily concerned with protecting Boeing. Boeing made some rather large contributions to Trump after he won, since then the two have pretty much been in bed together including nomination of a Boeing executive to be in the #2 position in the Pentagon.
making coal great again


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

The Bombardier C-Series debacle is f'ing hilarious. It could certainly be spun that the result will drive US jobs, but make no mistake the administration is primarily concerned with protecting Boeing. Boeing made some rather large contributions to Trump after he won, since then the two have pretty much been in bed together including nomination of a Boeing executive to be in the #2 position in the Pentagon.
International trade policy is a very complicated and tough set of compromises, who could have known?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
A question for everyone salivating over the Mueller investigation:

Specifically, what are you outraged about beyond the fact that trump is an asshole?
What end game are you hoping for?
Do you think that will leave the country in a better place or throw it further into a tailspin?

This thread reads like the passengers cheering on the captain of the titanic.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...

The Bombardier C-Series debacle is f'ing hilarious. It could certainly be spun that the result will drive US jobs, but make no mistake the administration is primarily concerned with protecting Boeing. Boeing made some rather large contributions to Trump after he won, since then the two have pretty much been in bed together including nomination of a Boeing executive to be in the #2 position in the Pentagon.
"Canada, initially a reluctant member of the club, volunteered to host one of the first post-Trump meetings..."

Probably because they realized he wouldn't be there...

I feel immense sympathy for the next POTUS. He or she will probably have to go round, hat in hand, and make apologies for so every time Cheeto Jesus opened his cock holster...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I for one am ecstatic at the possibility that another bombardier product will never enter the country. Bullshit airplanes built in Canada that turn to crap in the cold. WTF? :confused:
Now that Airbus owns the majority of the C-series program the plan is to build them in Alabama. I assume all the major component manufacturing will remain the same and they will just bolt together the major assemblies in 'Bama. A steal for Airbus as it will only cost them a few 100 million to invest in a new final assembly plant assuming they have available floor space.

So you are going to see more Bombardiers in the US. At least it makes sense that an Alabama Airplane would suck in the cold.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
A question for everyone salivating over the Mueller investigation:

Specifically, what are you outraged about beyond the fact that trump is an asshole?
What end game are you hoping for?
Do you think that will leave the country in a better place or throw it further into a tailspin?

This thread reads like the passengers cheering on the captain of the titanic.
I see it more like trying to dump a drunken bus driver out the door. We may be better off with no one at the wheel and no foot on the throttle than a madman in control of both.

First of all if he did collude with Russians to affect the election it is against the law. I consider that to be a pretty big law.

Secondly is that he really has no intent to actually govern the country but use it as an opportunity to profit both personally and for his wealthy cronies at the cost of this country and our allies.

I am not sure what is better for this country, having him removed now or in another 3 years. I see the succession being having similarly dangerous policies but may lack the ineptitude that is going to cause long term damage to this country. That will be easier to fix the less time he is in office.

If the accusations are true, even if it takes the whole of his term to convict the long term positive result will hopefully be a hard lesson learned by the American electorate not to vote for someone who is clearly incapable of executing the office.
Last edited:


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
A question for everyone salivating over the Mueller investigation:

Specifically, what are you outraged about beyond the fact that trump is an asshole?
What end game are you hoping for?
Do you think that will leave the country in a better place or throw it further into a tailspin?

This thread reads like the passengers cheering on the captain of the titanic.
A good question that has already been ondered much a few pages back. Whatever happens, we are well and truly f@cked for the foreseeable future. If tRump goes down, we get Pence for at least a couple years. If he goes down we get the next moron in line (Eddie Munster) then Hatch, then Tillerson, Mnuchin, Mad Dog etc...Mattis is, truly, the only one any true leadership experience in the group. Bonus with him is that he would scare the living shit out of the little gristle surfer running N Korea.

I am outraged about the way he is treating this place like his own little fiefdom, that he doesnt care who he offends and that he acts as if we live in a vacuum. Good planets are hard to find, and he and his little cabal of morons seem hell bent on wrecking what is left of this one by repealing any and all off Obamas policies, ruining the environment in favor of their big business cronies, and further wrecking everything this country allegedly stands for- equality, freedom for all and equal opportunity etc.

I get the fact that he is not a politician, and that was what got him elected in the first place, but he at least needs to conduct himself as a statesman.

My desired end state is to see the shyster in prison. Along with his treasonous cabinet...

If the whole (mis)administration goes down we are at best in neutral (Which is probably not a bad thing...) for a couple years until some grown ups can get seated and take control, bring the country back together and end the tailspin that we are already in...which his election has only exacerbated...bringing out the not so subtle, thinly veiled racism that unfortunately lurks just beneath the skin of far too many of us.