
Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
I find the "liberal" handwringing re: Warren's unelectability to be quite amusing.

We've already had a handful of concern troll letters in the Bozeman paper to that effect.

She must have some folks (Joe Biden says hi!) worried.

I'm of the mindset that a "safe" choice like Biden would de-energize the progressive wing of the base, and depress turnout which is the only way that Trump won/can win (Puti-Put says hi!)

Despite the fact that nasty Hillary -- admittedly a very flawed candidate for a variety of reasons -- "forced" the mythical/unicorn undecided voters to vote for the orange buffoon last go round (or just not vote), I have sinking suspicion they wouldn't have voted for Bernie either. (Lucy says hi!)


I would hope after the last 3 years (and the pussy-hat rebellion) the left and suburban white women will come out in force 2020.

I'm not a Warren fan boy, but it does seem like the more people get to know her, the more they like her.

While she does have some "wild" ideas, so do all of the left-leaning candidates so I wonder WHY she is being singled out for being unelectable.

It couldn't be that big business/Wall Street is scared she might redistribute some of their cake, could it?

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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm not a Warren fan boy, but it does seem like the more people get to know her, the more they like her.

While she does have some "wild" ideas, so do all of the left-leaning candidates so I wonder WHY she is being singled out for being unelectable.
on these points:

#1 yes.

#2 - all of these "wild left" ideas being proposed are center left (at best) in pretty every other modern industrialized nation.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Does anyone actually listen to Trump's speeches? Imho It's always complete self aggrandizing BS so I don't bother.
Random words put together? So great, they tell me, really terrible, believe me, JINA!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I dont know what it is with you guys and the constitution.
But in any other part of the world the way you worship that thing would be considered fundamentalism.
Have you any idea of how sacred the flag is ? By the way some act, you'd think it was the Holy Shroud of Turin.

You really should experience this place in person if you haven't already. And when you're done people watching, we've got some okay trails to ride.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I've got $7 that says the people that are subscribed to that page and sharing its content DGAF that the Russkies (sorry, Ukranians) are behind it. :rolleyes:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I've got $7 that says the people that are subscribed to that page and sharing its content DGAF that the Russkies (sorry, Ukranians) are behind it. :rolleyes:
How effective is Russian agitprop you ask? This effective:

And this effective:

Edit: You should probably also quit talking to anybody who is a fan of that FB page.

From the comments: '"Facebook promised this would not happen again” and if you really believed that, you probably still have a Facebook account."
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