

resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
shepherd smith quit fox news......trump probably has a hard on big enough that the hubble could see it...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Worst part of this is Brian and millions of other people will overlook all the criminal activity in exchange to "own liberals", while our country gets fucked.

That's pretty blind IMO.


Turbo Monkey
Worst part of this is Brian and millions of other people will overlook all the criminal activity in exchange to "own liberals", while our country gets fucked.

That's pretty blind IMO.
Litterally the whole world is looking at the US in disgust since trump got elected and some people are still crying about Hillary’s emails...

Its not “pretty blind” anymore. Its fucking pathetic.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Of the finest illegal brown skin. Really sets off the Rolex.
I'll have to ask my half Mexican wife & my Mexican father in law what they think. Hold that thought, I'll have to get back to you on that! Then again, they're both Trump supporters, but they may be for it. His family did come here legally in the 1930's

In all seriousness dude, why so bitter? Its sad the left has so much hate towards people on the right. Watching the whole Ellen thing unfold this past week pretty much sums it up. The left just can't except anyone who does not think like them. My mom is a total liberal, as well as my brother even more so. Some of my best friends are very liberal, we joke with each other, but that's about it. We're able to drink and never hate, the way it should always be!

I don't own a gun, never will but I'm for the 2nd amendment.
I'm pro gay marriage.
I'm pro women's choice, I don't think a man should decide what a woman should do with her body
I'm Jewish, so I'm definitely don't believe in religion in schools or talking about Christ. Doesn't work well at all being Jewish, wouldn't mesh well with my Rabbi, I think? I can ask, just to be sure;)

So I'm not that hillbilly you might think I am. Kinda weird you bring up the Rolex thing, what's up with that?


Turbo Monkey
I'll have to ask my half Mexican wife & my Mexican father in law what they think. Hold that thought, I'll have to get back to you on that! Then again, they're both Trump supporters, but they may be for it. His family did come here legally in the 1930's

In all seriousness dude, why so bitter? Its sad the left has so much hate towards people on the right. Watching the whole Ellen thing unfold this past week pretty much sums it up. The left just can't except anyone who does not think like them. My mom is a total liberal, as well as my brother even more so. Some of my best friends are very liberal, we joke with each other, but that's about it. We're able to drink and never hate, the way it should always be!

I don't own a gun, never will but I'm for the 2nd amendment.
I'm pro gay marriage.
I'm pro women's choice, I don't think a man should decide what a woman should do with her body
I'm Jewish, so I'm definitely don't believe in religion in schools or talking about Christ. Doesn't work well at all being Jewish, wouldn't mesh well with my Rabbi, I think? I can ask, just to be sure;)

So I'm not that hillbilly you might think I am. Kinda weird you bring up the Rolex thing, what's up with that?
Bro. All of this has FUCK ALL to do with why youre defending trump.

Seriously. Open your eyes and take a real good look at who youre making excuses for.
This has nothing to with whats right for your country.
Its all about being invested in trump and partisanism.

Nobody in their right mind would defend trump after all thats been going on.
The whole world knows it and your numbers are growing weaker by the day.

But sure, explain to us again how “the democrats” are the real criminals.

You might not be a hillbilly but youre sure as hell not MENSA either...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I've tried to get you into a conversation Brian but you don't seem so interested. I'll ask again, do you not think there is straight up criminal shit being pulled, and if so doesn't that bother you even a little bit?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I'll have to ask my half Mexican wife & my Mexican father in law what they think. Hold that thought, I'll have to get back to you on that! Then again, they're both Trump supporters, but they may be for it. His family did come here legally in the 1930's

In all seriousness dude, why so bitter? Its sad the left has so much hate towards people on the right. Watching the whole Ellen thing unfold this past week pretty much sums it up. The left just can't except anyone who does not think like them. My mom is a total liberal, as well as my brother even more so. Some of my best friends are very liberal, we joke with each other, but that's about it. We're able to drink and never hate, the way it should always be!

I don't own a gun, never will but I'm for the 2nd amendment.
I'm pro gay marriage.
I'm pro women's choice, I don't think a man should decide what a woman should do with her body
I'm Jewish, so I'm definitely don't believe in religion in schools or talking about Christ. Doesn't work well at all being Jewish, wouldn't mesh well with my Rabbi, I think? I can ask, just to be sure;)

So I'm not that hillbilly you might think I am. Kinda weird you bring up the Rolex thing, what's up with that?
So, which one of the three options I outlined are you?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Worst part of this is Brian and millions of other people will overlook all the criminal activity in exchange to "own liberals", while our country gets fucked.

That's pretty blind IMO.

My favorite part about Brian is his seemingly inability to see his own hypocrisy.

"democrats aren't playing fair"----"liberals are whiney"

Supports tax and health care cuts so he can afford college tuition by supporting an administration that wants to gut education spending.

Supports an administration that has declared war on immigrants while working in an industry that profits directly from immigrant labor or at least by the resulting depressed wages.

Also the logo on that van looks curiously similar to symbols commonly used by white supremacists.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I've tried to get you into a conversation Brian but you don't seem so interested. I'll ask again, do you not think there is straight up criminal shit being pulled, and if so doesn't that bother you even a little bit?
Honestly, not much. Look, the left has been talking impeachment since the day he was elected. There was rioting the night he won in November, why? The democrats have been doing everything to him possible to get him out of office. I forgot what congressman he is, but there is footage of him saying we have ways to impeach him and get him out of office. Dude, that's before even taking oath in January 2017. So seriously, has he even been treated fair to begin with? There are now rumors that the whistleblower has/had political ties with Biden. In regards to the whistleblower, Adam Schiff lied in front of America/congress reading a bogus transcript, plus saying he never spoke, or his people spoke with him/her. The next day, Trump released the transcript of that supposed phone call, and nothing Schiff said was even on there. So the out right lying on the left doesn't bother you at all? Are you bothered at all, that Trump was never given a fair chance from the start?

Look, I'm please how the economy is going, I've been able to hire more employees as a result of it. The stock market is off the hook, my retirement is growing. The new tax plan, I'm not thrilled with, and it hurt me a bit last year. I am for the tariffs of China, I'd love to have more products made here in our country putting even more people back to work. At the end of the day, I want a president who puts Americans first. I'm not for everything he says and does, not happy he's pulling our troops and leaving the Kurds vulnerable. His foreign policy is weak IMO.

All in all, I look at results of how the economy is growing, is it working for me & my family? Are we benefiting from it? Do I feel safe? Yes, so I am happy.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I've tried to get you into a conversation Brian but you don't seem so interested. I'll ask again, do you not think there is straight up criminal shit being pulled, and if so doesn't that bother you even a little bit?
“Never believe that anti-Semites Trumpsters are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites Trumpsters have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” - JP Sartre

I stumbled upon that quote sometime back. While it was written at a different time under slightly different circumstances, I find it more and more fitting. Edit's are mine, obviously.

Kinda weird you bring up the Rolex thing, what's up with that?
Because of how proud you were, and seemingly remain, to put the country on course towards fascist oblivion over a hundred or so bucks a month. It kind of seems like just maybe there is a little bit more to it than how much you might dislike the notion that someone might accidentally get something they didn't "earn", that some brown kid might get healthcare, or an education.

Sorry peeps, I'm glad Trump won!!!!! Need to repeal Obamacare ASAP!!!!! Our health care is going through the roof, I have a kid starting college in a year in a half and at $30-$40K a year we need the extra money! Sorry, we don't work our asses off to have a better life to share it with the ones who put no effort into it!
Look into a used Mercedes GL450. Great SUV, AWD 3rd row seat, solid ride, can probably pick up a lease return for under $50K, and its not a minivan! We had one when the kids were younger as we seemed to be the ones always hauling the neighborhood around. Now that we have one out of the house at Colorado State we downsized to a GLC300, way too small for me. When I buy a car, I always consider resale/trade-in value.
Sweet! I love watches! About 4 years ago I bought a Daytona, of course the following year Rolex came out with the ceramic Daytona which I’ve been searching for. I’ve been on a waiting list for one for 2.5 about years now. I don’t want to pay grey market prices. I also have my grandfathers/dads 1803 Day/Date, but seldom wear that one.
A platinum Dayton is too much for me to drop on a watch at this moment. I went to half a dozen Rolex dealers in Italy & Greece over the summer and they had nothing as far as a SS ceramic Daytona. I am also on the quest for my birth year (1966) Submariner. The search goes on.
You clearly aren't hurting, financially. Maybe it wasn't about "economic anxiety"?

Politics in this country has always been a pendulum. Back and forth, right and left. Presumably, over time, the ship of state sails mostly straight. What I find most amazing about this particular swing is Lawlessness a virtue. This is the most disturbing thing to me in the last three years, that and the number of cockroaches like you in human skin suits, with their pride in ignorance, pride in intolerance, pride in punching down on the weak, poor, the have-nots, in the name of "MEMEME". Something you clearly have in common with the president. Nothing before self, including the good of the country. A growing American sentiment that cheating is smart. Trump as a role model, and people adopting his pride in belligerent lies. People are proud to lie, they pat themselves on the back for it.

There are now rumors that the whistleblower has/had political ties with Biden. In regards to the whistleblower, Adam Schiff lied in front of America/congress reading a bogus transcript, plus saying he never spoke, or his people spoke with him/her. The next day, Trump released the transcript some bull shit kind of related of that supposed phone call, and nothing Schiff said was even on there.
These are fucking straight up lies. Get out of here with your conspiratorial tin hat bullshit.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Well I guess as long as you and your family can afford moar stuff everybody else can just fuck right off and die huh?

Im really glad you finally feel safe now, though.
Ahhhh you must be a Bernie supporter. FREE SHIT FOR EVERYONE! Very sad indeed! So you're offended because I choose to work hard, take on side projects to have more things? FYI, I'm a college drop out, and don't work for a corporation. I was raised by being told, you want it, work for it. Nothing is for free! I guess that goes for you too, but seems like you rather take the lazy liberal way out and expect everything should be shared/equal. That's the beauty of capitalism, you can achieve what ever goals you want. Last I looked, everyone can go to college if they choose to do so, no matter what color their skin is, and chase their dream. Opportunity's are out there, you just need to want it bad enough. Sorry my bad..... FREE SHIT FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Is that better?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I’d point out every step of the way where Brian has benefited from help from family, community, society, and the government along his bootstrapping way, but that’d fall on deaf ears.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ahhhh you must be a Bernie supporter. FREE SHIT FOR EVERYONE! Very sad indeed! So you're offended because I choose to work hard, take on side projects to have more things? FYI, I'm a college drop out, and don't work for a corporation. I was raised by being told, you want it, work for it. Nothing is for free! I guess that goes for you too, but seems like you rather take the lazy liberal way out and expect everything should be shared/equal. That's the beauty of capitalism, you can achieve what ever goals you want. Last I looked, everyone can go to college if they choose to do so, no matter what color their skin is, and chase their dream. Opportunity's are out there, you just need to want it bad enough. Sorry my bad..... FREE SHIT FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Is that better?
Are you fucking kidding? :think: