
Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
9% sounds about right. He squeaked by by the skin of his teeth based off of a few states. 75k voters or so? Oh, and those demographics were targeted by the Russians, and Manafort passed on internal polling data to Deripaska... but that's all a coincidence.

What do you think is in Trump's chat with Putin in Helsinki, the chat for which he purloined the translator's notes? He's dirty as hell.
A win is a win right? What’s the difference in baseball from a 1-0 or a 15-2 win? All counts as a win, score doesn’t matter. We can remove CA from the election and Trump won the popular vote by over 2 million. Would of’s, should of’s & could of’s. Of course those areas were targeted by the Russian’s:rofl: 2020 will not be “influenced” by the so called Russians, so what if Trump wins again? New excuses I’m sure will be had by all.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
A win is a win right? What’s the difference in baseball from a 1-0 or a 15-2 win? All counts as a win, score doesn’t matter. We can remove CA from the election and Trump won the popular vote by over 2 million. Would of’s, should of’s & could of’s. Of course those areas were targeted by the Russian’s:rofl: 2020 will not be “influenced” by the so called Russians, so what if Trump wins again? New excuses I’m sure will be had by all.
We will have no clue whether the election is fair because McConnell is stonewalling bills that'd prop up election security. Fair elections are not his goal, and apparently not yours.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
We will have no clue whether the election is fair because McConnell is stonewalling bills that'd prop up election security. Fair elections are not his goal, and apparently not yours.
Well let’s continue and wait to find out what Barr uncovers, as he looks into Russia. Mueller already concluded no collusion with Trump. I’m sure you’ll be interested if seeing if he uncovers something, right? It’s fair to look into both sides, correct me if I’m wrong here. Come on Toshi, we can go back & forth all day long on this. It would be more believable if the left started with the Ukraine quid pro quo gig. The problem is the left has been on the hunt since day one. I get it already, you’re unhappy he’s president. That’s perfectly fine, I couldn’t stand Obama, however I didn’t want him to fail. He did in my eyes, but that’s when you move on and know it’s only 4-8 years. Life goes on. Look at the bright side, according to AOC, the world is going to end in 12 years, so who gives a shit anyways.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
That you keep on repeating this bullshit regarding Mueller shows exactly what sources you've been reading or listening to.

Mueller found that Russia aided Trump. Mueller found that there were numerous entreaties from the Trump campaign to Russians. Mueller found that Trump aides used encrypted communication tools and deleted correspondence, and in general did not provide requested evidence. Given what he was able to uncover he did not conclude there was explicit coordination between Trump's campaign and the Russians, but he was stymied at every turn by a lack of cooperation.

There still are large open questions: Manafort and the polling data. (Note that Manafort was deemed uncooperative despite his plea and thus is in jail.) Alfa Bank's server and the Trump Tower. Exactly what DJT knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian intermediary, and when.

On top of that Mueller documented 10 instances of obstruction of justice, which you will recall was one of the charges against Nixon. In a sane world Trump would have gone down for that, but you and your ilk have drank the Kool-Aid and then some.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
That you keep on repeating this bullshit regarding Mueller shows exactly what sources you've been reading or listening to.

Mueller found that Russia aided Trump. Mueller found that there were numerous entreaties from the Trump campaign to Russians. Mueller found that Trump aides used encrypted communication tools and deleted correspondence, and in general did not provide requested evidence. Given what he was able to uncover he did not conclude there was explicit coordination between Trump's campaign and the Russians, but he was stymied at every turn by a lack of cooperation.

There still are large open questions: Manafort and the polling data. (Note that Manafort was deemed uncooperative despite his plea and thus is in jail.) Alfa Bank's server and the Trump Tower. Exactly what DJT knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian intermediary, and when.

On top of that Mueller documented 10 instances of obstruction of justice, which you will recall was one of the charges against Nixon. In a sane world Trump would have gone down for that, but you and your ilk have drank the Kool-Aid and then some.
No, Barr said there was evidence of Russian collusion, but Trump was not personally involved. Big difference there. I think Obama & Clinton have more information on this matter, but you know. The left refuses to talk about it.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
@Brian HCM#1

Where are the tax returns that will prove Trump is a woke ninja of the highest order? Why won't he release them in the name of transparency? Seems like a no brainer... shut up all the haters and win win all the way to 2020.

Unless those returns prove he is a pawn of The Russians and nothing more than a con artist...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
@Brian HCM#1

Where are the tax returns that will prove Trump is a woke ninja of the highest order? Why won't he release them in the name of transparency? Seems like a no brainer... shut up all the haters and win win all the way to 2020.

Unless those returns prove he is a pawn of The Russians and nothing more than a con artist...
There is no law for them to be released, it’s voluntary and he chooses not to.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Earlier you stated Trump is trying to be transparent. He is the ONLY President in modern times to not release tax returns. Even Nixon released tax returns.

They have been requested endlessly. Why won't he comply, in the name of transparency, if he has nothing to hide? Oh he doesn't want to. If he did and they were clean, it would likely secure him lots of credibility.

Wait, wait, I feel it coming on...



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
There is no law for them to be released, it’s voluntary and he chooses not to.
Except for this law:
Under a 1924 federal tax law, 26 U.S. Code § 6103, Congress may request copies of anyone's tax returns.[62][63][64][65] The treasury secretary is legally obliged to provide the tax returns, and there is no apparent legal mechanism to deny Congress's request.[66]
But this is really just indicative of what a lying sack of **** he is:
Before Trump announced his candidacy for president, he had offered in 2011, 2014 ("absolutely") and 2015 to release his tax returns.[1][2] During his presidential campaign, Trump first said he would release his returns after they were "worked on",[3] then Trump claimed that, because the returns were being audited, he could not make them public, but would do so. No law actually prevents tax returns from being released due to an audit, as emphasized by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.[4][5] Further on during his campaign, he said that voters were not interested in his returns, "there's nothing to learn from them", and that his tax rate is "none of your business".[2]
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Turbo Monkey
9% sounds about right. He squeaked by by the skin of his teeth based off of a few states. 75k voters or so? Oh, and those demographics were targeted by the Russians, and Manafort passed on internal polling data to Deripaska... but that's all a coincidence.

What do you think is in Trump's chat with Putin in Helsinki, the chat for which he purloined the translator's notes? He's dirty as hell.
Neither the democrats nor the republicans wanted trump to abondon the Kurds.

It was Putin, Erdogan and nobody else.


Turbo Monkey
People who can’t clearly see that he is a piece of shit just might be one themselves.
It’s that simple.
This pretty much.
Were arguing with someone who lacks the understanding of how the world works.
Sure he figured out a way to make money, and thats his entire world.
But his reasoning is like someones whos never left his hometown.

Good luck trying to discuss these matters with someone who hasnt changed his views since kindergarden.

You guys have a lot of patience btw.
Youre wives have trained you well :D
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
you keep on repeating this bullshit regarding every subject in this thread

Not a single source. Not a single refutation of any article or fact presented, by anyone. Not a single acknowledgment of facts contrary to world view. Just the same tinfoil hat bullshit propaganda and super questionable legal "opinions" pushed by clowns like Rudy and Cipollone as if they were gods own truth. He's got nothing, except to close his eyes, screech, and stomp his feet about "OPEN and FAIR" and "I HAVE FRIENDS!" This WILL get worse before it gets better. As the walls start to crumble, as the legal system, ever slow as it may be, starts backing Trump et al. into legal corners and the crimes keep catching up, they will have no choice but to make bigger claims, bigger gambles, more grotesque, blatantly false allegations and claims. The" conspiracies" will get wilder, the "left" will be more "unhinged", the derp state will get derpier.

Because, it's either that, or admit that you got suckered by the worlds most obvious con-man.

People who can’t clearly see that he is a piece of shit just might be one themselves.
It’s that simple.
Trump is the human equivalent of getting zero on a true/false quiz. Statistically, you'd expect at least some of his unfounded statements to be accidentally correct. His staggering ignorance is matched only by the people spouting the kind of demonstrable baloney his supporters have to use to defend him, both at the highest levels of government and the lowest, basement levels, of some backwater mountain biking forum.

Worst part of this is Brian and millions of other people will overlook all the criminal activity in exchange to "own liberals", while our country gets fucked.

That's pretty blind IMO.
I've said it in this thread before, these people would pound a nail right through their own dicks if they thought it would "make a lib cry". It's all they have left. They've lost the culture war, the demographics are changing, technology is advancing, ideas about sexuality have upended, it's become a norm that perhaps naked Randian style Laissez-faire capitalism isn't working out so hot for most people, people are on to the idea that religion is bullshit, and worst of all, the kids are on the fucking lawn! Everything is different and scary and it turns out a whole bunch of crusty, old, white dudes literally can't even.

You guys have a lot of patience btw.
IMHO, it's not about patience. It's about not being silent in the face of such abhorrent and patently false claims. As @rideit said. Sure, maybe it's just it's PaWN, but such insidious shit cannot be left unchecked. It's the "intimidate and disconcert" part of the Sarte quote I posted earlier that makes rebuttal important. I know that any of us replying to a Trump supporter and expecting something to penetrate the armor of Cult 45 is a lost cause. But I also know that there are lots of people who aren't subject, and the absolute firehose of bullshit (literally a propaganda technique) coming from, and about, Pennsylvania Ave can HAS to be pointed out for what it is. The demoralization, the demonizing, the utter disinformation, the gaslighting all need to be called out for what they are. If for nothing else but for the sake of sanity.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
This pretty much.
Were arguing with someone who lacks the understanding of how the world works.
Sure he figured out a way to make money, and thats his entire world.
But his reasoning is like someones whos never left his hometown.

Good luck trying to discuss these matters with someone who hasnt changed his views since kindergarden.

You guys have a lot of patience btw.
Youre wives have trained you well :D
Are you referring to doing business out of this country or visiting? Never done business outside the US, my wife has. I haven't been to as many countries than you. I've been to about 30 to date in Europe, S. America & parts of Asia. What is interesting is the only main US news in Europe for example (this summer in Italy & Greece) is CNN. So the locals only get one side/opinion on whats happening in the US. Journalism has gone by the waste side. It's all based on opinion, no longer facts of both sides. Yes, I watch CNN, MSNBC & Fox. All three are one sided for the most part, but I find it allows me to come up with my own conclusion. Interesting fact, the economy is great, unemployment is at a 50 year low. You'll never once hear CNN mention those & if they do, it's spun negative. Why? Because its against their narrative. As my grandmother used to say (she passed away in 2006 at almost 97 years old)....... There is his side, her side and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. I've never forgotten that and still apply it today especially in today's politics.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
the economy is great
is it? because manufacturing is technically considered to be in a recession right now (mnfg output shrinking for 2 consecutive quarters), and historically that doesn't bode well for the economy as a whole. and this is already leading to layoffs.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California

Not a single source. Not a single refutation of any article or fact presented, by anyone. Not a single acknowledgment of facts contrary to world view. Just the same tinfoil hat bullshit propaganda and super questionable legal "opinions" pushed by clowns like Rudy and Cipollone as if they were gods own truth. He's got nothing, except to close his eyes, screech, and stomp his feet about "OPEN and FAIR" and "I HAVE FRIENDS!" This WILL get worse before it gets better. As the walls start to crumble, as the legal system, ever slow as it may be, starts backing Trump et al. into legal corners and the crimes keep catching up, they will have no choice but to make bigger claims, bigger gambles, more grotesque, blatantly false allegations and claims. The" conspiracies" will get wilder, the "left" will be more "unhinged", the derp state will get derpier.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
WTF is a "pyblic eye"?

"Portended to read"?

LOL. That article sure is amazing, just not for the reasons I'm sure you think.

A republican from GA declares a thing about a democrat from CA! THE SCANDAL!!!!!!!!! :rofl:


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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
is it? because manufacturing is technically considered to be in a recession right now (mnfg output shrinking for 2 consecutive quarters), and historically that doesn't bode well for the economy as a whole. and this is already leading to layoffs.



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.




Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ahhhh you must be a Bernie supporter. FREE SHIT FOR EVERYONE! Very sad indeed! So you're offended because I choose to work hard, take on side projects to have more things? FYI, I'm a college drop out, and don't work for a corporation. I was raised by being told, you want it, work for it. Nothing is for free! I guess that goes for you too, but seems like you rather take the lazy liberal way out and expect everything should be shared/equal. That's the beauty of capitalism, you can achieve what ever goals you want. Last I looked, everyone can go to college if they choose to do so, no matter what color their skin is, and chase their dream. Opportunity's are out there, you just need to want it bad enough. Sorry my bad..... FREE SHIT FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Is that better?
I think you completely overlook the fact that this may be true for white, anglo-saxon males, but is not the reality for pretty much anyone else. Yes, it does happen, but it's actually against all odds. It's a system that favours a few. If you're not lucky enough to be born one of those few... somehow you think that's a personal failing?! give me a fucking break.

Yep, you’re all are dead on right on Trump! The blood shall flow through the streets from the nonbelievers! Seriously, God forbid someone has a different perspective than you. How dare people work hard and want to own nice things and not want to be forced to give most of it away. What ever happened to the American Dream? That’s right, the other side says you can’t have it and think everyone needs to share in order to be equal. I am happy to share but I want to choose the amount and the recipient, not the government to decide.
Hey, we're here debating, that's what the internet is for. No one is trying to put you in jail for it, kick you out of the country for it, or punish you for it. In fact, it's not really about you. But you're goddam straight that we'll call out the bullshit when we see it.

Yep, you’re all are dead on right on Trump! The blood shall flow through the streets from the nonbelievers! Seriously, God forbid someone has a different perspective than you. How dare people work hard and want to own nice things and not want to be forced to give most of it away. What ever happened to the American Dream? That’s right, the other side says you can’t have it and think everyone needs to share in order to be equal. I am happy to share but I want to choose the amount and the recipient, not the government to decide.
I think you overestimate how hard you work, versus how the system is stacked in your favour. A brown/black/red person could work twice as hard as you, but not get nearly the opportunities that you have. We think this is unfair, and worth working to address. Your President is the embodiment of this privilege.

Also, you don't have to give most of it away. A little bit goes a long way. And if you raise everyone else up a little bit, it turns out there's more to go around for everyone.

Yep, you’re all are dead on right on Trump! The blood shall flow through the streets from the nonbelievers! Seriously, God forbid someone has a different perspective than you. How dare people work hard and want to own nice things and not want to be forced to give most of it away. What ever happened to the American Dream? That’s right, the other side says you can’t have it and think everyone needs to share in order to be equal. I am happy to share but I want to choose the amount and the recipient, not the government to decide.
Which one? that "All men are created equal", "have unalienable rights" Are entitled to pursue "Life, Liberty and Happiness?" I think a) the "Life" part is being taken from a lot of people as it is seen as subservient to Liberty.... also, b) these rights are not afforded equally to everyone, because (as alluded to above) the system has evolved (or been maintained) to favor a small subset of the population.

I think think what most people on this board are saying, is that all Americans should have equal access to the American Dream, regardless of where, how, and what they were born. Your President seems intent on preventing a large portion of Americans from accessing the American Dream. That's what the outrage is about.

It must suck hearing someone else’s views that don’t mesh with yours. The big difference is, I don’t hate people on the left for their views or opinions. I have a lot friends of different races & religions we all share our different views, but we all get along and put the BS aside when we’re together. At the end it’s all about hanging out, eating, drinking & laughing together no matter what!
I think you do. Otherwise, how could you support a President that has such callous disregard for the rule of law, and especially is so cruel in trying to prevent people from accessing the "American Dream".


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Brian should probably feel a little less safe



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Brian should probably feel a little less safe

Are the Kurds, Mexicans who want health care? :confused:


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The Middle East is the gift that keeps on giving...giving us generations of terrorists that hate the US. Just for stupid little things, like invading the wrong country, trying to make regime changes, etc...